Why is Fox News so cucked?
Based black man fired for telling the truth
Because it's run by jews. It's not cucked, it's working as intended, goy.
there's only a few based people left there
of course they have chris wallace moping about the victim with his retarded voice
He brought up the text messages involving the Israeli assasins that the FBI was discussing months ago. He will be vindicated.
FoxNews is racist.
bless your soul K jack
shitpost in heaven tiger
Based black man
He is a brave hero
Monica's known some lyin' skanks in his life, true dat.
Tucker is pretty much our closest ally in all of the media, insofar as how many people he brings over to our side. Not all the way over, but enough so that they'd be on the right side of things if this cold war ever were to turn hot.
Coulter is another good one but she's not reaching a large enough audience because she sacrifices her marketability to repeatedly have bigger balls than any male at Fox news ever has. She's also pretty much objectively full alt-right at this point, considering she's unapologetically retweeted both jazzhands mcfeels and mike enoch.
fox doing a high tech lynching smdh
I mean, would they really lose any of their audience by not firing him? I'm guessing the only people demanding he be fired were leftists who don't watch Fox.
>this times infinity
Don't forget how Chris wrings his hands of all things GOP while larping as a conservative. His Hillary interview right before the election was the biggest piece of shit Fox has ever aired.
Black men have suffered the tyranny of listen and believe rapes (lying skanks) for hundreds of years.
Every single american literally has to read a book about it.
Cuz people are so in their feelings
Plus a lot of black males are still angry about Bill Cosby, I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see more outbursts like this if #metoo keeps going.
Fox News isn't /ourplatform/, instead their MO is just getting their money from covering the demographic that isn't CNN, NBC, the like. You have exceptions like Tucker Carlson and such, but just because the "right leaning news channel" is very profitable for them right now.
fucking BASED
An appearance of propriety must be maintained. He should have known not to cross that line.
Black men don't ordinary bow to fem-cunts and whores, like White men do. Ain't even being a shill.
The view, im sorry outnumbered
The five
The carol ault show a while back...
Ben Shapiro is getting a show. You asked what again?
Wallace is occasionally fun to watch when he gets smartass and pushy with politicians (from both parties) but that said, he's a kike AND a Democrat. He's one of the employees Fox keeps around so they can legit claim to be "fair and balanced" and as the only MSM network even trying to do that they obviously are clinging to a principle. They don't want to be the CNN of the right for whatever reason. Sometimes I hate it but then again, Jow Forums does that job just fine so why would Fox bother?
There are many of /ourguys/ there but they are trying to keep their jobs. Tucker is the most like us, clearly, and I do think he's genuine. FWIW I think Wallace is also genuine, but not in a way which appeals to me, obviously.
He isn't wrong.
racist af