Should USA move away from two-party system to a multi-party system?
Should USA move away from two-party system to a multi-party system?
We should move to a one party system.
But which party?
>two-party system
Wrong. There are multiple parties in America. The others just suck even worse. Picture definitely related.
kek that picture
yeah thats pretty true
Well, if you want nitpick... Sure, you have a lot of parties but in practice you don't, because they're so unpopular. If you want me to rephrase my question, should other parties in the USA be more popular?
I'm going to invent a new one.
I'll call it the National Socialist Workers Party.
It will have plenty of socialism programs attached to it so the young college elite will obviously love it. It will be a nationalistic party so the older Boomers will love it.
There's no reason not to love it IMHO.
yeah it could be a party that leaves the "issues" behind and just focused on fixing problems based on statistics and science?
What would be the benefit?
We already have multiple political partys eg: independent, liberation, green, socialist, etc. What needs to happen though is there needs to be A runoff election between the two candidates with the most votes. this would fix the issue of spoiler candidates.