>women are too emotional to be leade -
Women are too emotional to be leade -
Hillary doesn't show any emotion as she is a sociopath and liar. He was on the hot seat, knowing he was an innocent man. Its pretty cut and dry.
Yes because Hillary Clinton is a cold-hearted psychopath, people who've dealt with her have been saying this for decades.
she couldn't show up to trumps victory because she was too drunk and emotional
>this sociopath is so calm
Eat Sage memeflaggot.
user OP, whos paying you be spam leftist shill messages?
>get accused of leaking confidential information
>guy conducting your investigation is your shill
>know nothing will come of it so why worry
>no emotions
>get accused of actually committing a serious felony
>people's lives have been ruined by these types of accusations because no one wants to be the one to scrutinize the accuser
>entire career and possibly livelihood is at stake
>gets emotional
Youe kind of people need to be brought to your knees and shot in the back of the head.
Cant even shed a tear for dead people under her watch. What a bitch
>be trump
>literally a retard and hitler according to the left
>be hillary
>A literally god
>loses to someone who is suppose to be the biggest retard in the world
women are so shit that a literal retard was elected over one