There was only one reason why this manufactured scandal happened and it was because the democrats are desperate to...

There was only one reason why this manufactured scandal happened and it was because the democrats are desperate to generate energy for the midterm elections come november.

Attached: Cga3f8MUUAAHMXB.jpg (600x372, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw foot state

>tfw heart state

Why is Florida blue?


Attached: 1530133054678.jpg (960x540, 52K)


This truly is the greatest timeline.

Why is Alaska so small?

>tfw the red dick

Sized by political importance.

Let's look at the elections in general and close races. I'm reviewing betting markets because they deliver above average predictions from aggregation. The Senate looks good because it's mostly Democrats on the line. 86% of Senators historically get reelected.

Senate 70% chance that it remains GOP.

Attached: Senate Predictit.png (963x466, 144K)

Fist bros represent

Fuck you. Chuck Grassley ran this shit for Kavanaugh, not to mention Steve King is literally /are guy/

Attached: steve-king-twitter-0-1.jpg (650x452, 76K)

Blue doesn't look very good when you carve out Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, Michigan, and Pennsylvania (as Trump did).

Republicans will certainly hold the Senate. They may even gain 1-4 seats. If Kavanaugh isn't confirmed, he'll likely get replaced with an even more conservative nominee.

Fuck you Im from florida, we are Red you fuck.

Tfw bicep state.

can texas absorb new mexico already?

Oh they did generate it alright. So in this sense they suceeded.

Ahem! Get Wisconsin out of that blue fist.

did a demonrat make that pic? It's all fucking wrong.

Senate is the easy one.
I think that the Republicans will also hold the house. Many of the toss ups now(like OH12) are toss ups only because the pollsters want them to be toss ups.
Still the polling in general is shit, and doesn't look like anything good will come out of it for the next 2 weeks.
One trend is consistent: Democrats are losing the "general ballot" poll leads. Slowly, but surely they are going well below double digits.

i got it off google images for "midterm elections" so yeah probably

2/3s of nm is rightful texas clay


Attached: image.jpg (648x648, 138K)

This. And no joke.

Fuck you, ohio is red.

>tfw entire upper torso state

Attached: 2E0AFE4F-FED4-4033-9660-0AE830A406BC.jpg (1181x833, 152K)

The Virgin Democrat States vs The Chad Republican States

>MI isn't one of the hands
really how FUCKING stupid do you have to be to NOT make michigan one of the hands

i see it

so i'm the left side of a pelvis

tfw latissimus dorsi state

And Ohio and Michigan and Pennsylvania?

bicep state masterrace checking in

Not by the next election.

>tfw head state

in that case no way in hell nevada and new mehico are that large

Haha what are you smoking? Cruz is going to smash Beto in November.

Then there's this...

I don't think you've been paying attention to the number of Mexicans in your state, and the rate of increase. Plus the no voter IDs. You're the next California.