Alienated and Cornered

Forgive me for English is not my first language. Over the past year. I've had a growing feeling of alienation, coupled with the feeling of having nowhere to escape to. I am trapped in a world in which nothing that matters to me is acceptable as a subject for conversation or debate, and in the odd chance that it may be discussed, it is all dismissed by a slew of pseudo-intellectuals who have convinced themselves that they should be expressing opinions on subjects they know nothing about.

Not only am I not allowed to speak my mind without being ostracized by the modern society of automatons I live in. I am supposed to nod in agreement with these idiots as they parrot the lies they are fed on a daily basis through all forms of media.

I remember seeing some webcomic about freedom of speech. Throwaway nonsense. But it said something about people "not taking away your freedom of speech" they were just "showing you the door". The door to where? Where is there to go? They KNOW there is nowhere to go. They are not showing you the door, they are showing you the grave, and they expect you to dig it yourself, they expect you to hate yourself so much so that you self flagellate yourself out of existence.

All I wanted was for them to stop corrupting all facets of society. These people are infectious and will not stop at any turn to distort and destroy everything within their grasp. The world is not enough. I purchased a translation of the Odyssey by Homer. To my absolute disgust, it had been politicized by a woman who's primary contribution had been "being the first woman to translate the book". Completely butchered. Sacrilege against our forefathers. A complete disgrace.

Not only is it enough that they want to destroy all that is not of the present. They want you to partake in it.

This post will be lost in the sea of constant neocon boomer posts and drama.

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Other urls found in this thread:

the unabomber is right, the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

take a stand. take no excuses. name the jew.

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I was just thinking about Ted, as well.

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and yet this century-old shitshow is yet another intermediate phase for something even more horrible. i'm actually expecting an actual world government in less than 20 years, most likely after fragmenting USA and curiously chyna as well.
full spectrum dominance is one hell of a drug for the Powers That Be (jews or otherwise). i've noticed this incredible lust for power from them since ancient times when mesopotamia was still a powerful nation-state

the only question now is if the rest of humanity is ready for something new, since apparently being an Order-Follower is still a thing :-\

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I don't even think about the Jew that much anymore. Almost everyone I interact with on a daily basis is braindead societal filler. The Jew will never be as much of a problem as the idiot. Everyday I talk about the fucking weather. I don't care. I don't ever want to think about the weather again.

Some real interactions

>"what are you reading?"
>oh it's an essay, it's boring, you wouldn't understand
>"yeah I always hated school haha"

>"what are you listening to?"
>the 9th
>"what's that?"
>it's Beethoven
>"haha that's so weird"

Planning on building a cabin far away from this horrid place but I feel as if someday, sooner rather than later, it'll all just catch up to me again. The scent of decay infests my nostrils everywhere I go. Whenever I leave to the wilderness, it smells worse when I return.

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Hope it help

What is that supposed to be?

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i've been feeling echos of biblical events lately myself and i was a pretty secular guy up untill about 2 years ago.

all this one world government / globalism smacks of the tower of babel. it doesnt work, we can not supplant God with whatever technology that is supposed to make us feel like we don't need God. maybe the internet is the modern day tower i don't know, time doesn't repeat but it rhymes

Look into Indo-Aryan myth and legend more. It's echoes ring much truer. Try to start with some Evola.