At "half-time" Rachel Mitchell looked like a huge mistake for the Repukes. But in retrospect, them not abusing Ford with aggressive questioning was brilliant. Thoughts?
Rachel Mitchell
nah fuck that bitch
Checked, and you are right, not abusing Ford with aggressive questioning was good for optics.
chk'd rite back
I think the point of this questioning was to not lose, rather than to win decisively.
she seems like a very nice lady and I hope she has a comfortable plane-ride home afraid of flying
No, I'm not disparaging her skills or intellect or reasoning at all... my understanding was she was there to just read the questions from the repukes. (except for illegal immigration and H1B visas being cancelled, I'm more leftypol.)
You know, what National Socialism actually means.
She was there to read non-offensive questions and be a woman.
It was the right decision, Mitchell acted as an insulator between Ford and the Republicans. I appreciated the last bit about forensic interviewing vs the whole 5 min questioning/5 min Democratic thankyousohonored bits. It threw shade on the D-side for basically making it a political point collection vs. a more honest attempt to get the best (and what would have been most damaging) testimony out.
She did a remarkably good job while maintaining a professional atmosphere to the entire proceeding.
Yeah she totally defused Dems arsenal for attack after the hearings. Brilliant choice and the fact she got Ford to confirm he Ed Whelan theory at the very end was almost too good to be true
this is a 10/10 to republicans
not bad... FOR A GIRL!
softball because they knew the "victim" has nothing. because nothing happened. I also doubt she was raped. I wish people on tv would have the balls.
She was actually excellent and subtly elicited holes in the story that Ford didn't even see.
>payment for lie detector
>plane rides to other locations
>all of the details she didn't know
>using her psychological background against her
I would
Chris Como on CNN just admitted defeat for 2 reasons:
1) Lindsey Graham
2) The change in tone between the first and second halves.
>You have a doctorate in Psychology, correct?
>And you have vast knowledge of drugs prescribed by psychologists and their treatments
>Did you know that with trauma, it is ALWAYS recommended that you see a forensic psychologist?
>I didn't know that
>Did you see one?
>Who did you consult first about these allegations?
>Dianne Feinstein
>using her psychological background against her
that was particularly glaring for me, ford came across as highly incompetent in her own field of study that she supposedly publish more than 60 peer revised articles
Every trial lawyer knows you have to be super careful with sympathetic litigants. Because if you are too aggressive or come across as mean the jury will turn against you.
that was the cherry on top for me, absolutely ruthless but in a caring, almost motherly way
>>You have a doctorate in Psychology, correct?
>>And you have vast knowledge of drugs prescribed by psychologists and their treatments
it almost sound like a warning.
let's be real, rachel looks like she gives her grandkids some killer hugs
It was important. The whole thing was legit 4D chess, reddit memery aside.
>cant pretend she was bullied by men
>cant pretend anyone softballed kav
>not trapped into any admission of guilt... not even "boys will be boys" or "you might have been blackout drunk"
>genuine emotion from kav and graham
They looked like humans and victims, while Ford and democrats looked like soulless kike lawyers reading a script.
Screenshot this... the democrats will walk back from this now. Their spin will be that she was raped by "someone else" and was mistaken about the identity. This will be their way of covering up that they fabricated the whole thing. They already set up this contingency with those two guys who came forward and claimed to be the rapist.
I thought she did well the whole time & didn't understand why the commentators on Fox News were saying otherwise. The only thing I thought is maybe she could have been a little less smiley because it might have been lost on the viewer that she was catching her in lies but doing it nicely, but nonetheless I thought she did good overall.
Yeah optics are great now. Another solid victory for the GOP. Red Wave incoming. Presient until 2050.
I think she made those questions up on the fly too
this; gently bring discrepancies and holes in the story to light without attacking the fragile woman who has had PTSD for over 35 years.
She is a total babe, and deserving of the hype.
You realize Ford bailed right? This lady wasn't even done her line of questioning and was just beginning to close around the cunts throat; so she panicked and fled.
>payment for everything
the entire operation, from travel to lawyers to xyz was paid for by the Democrats
She's fucking based
I'm surprised everyone is giving credit to Lindsay Graham (he was great) and not Kav coming out of left field with that assault. I was standing up, shadow boxing like I was watching the final fight in Rocky IV... and then the feels hit
Yeah that was 100% the turning point
Nothing that happened today mattered. All Republicans needed to do was not make smear ads in the comming election too easy to make. No senator's vote changed. The confrimation will continue with no more distractions. It was all theater.
I'm a high school teacher in a fairly mixed part of the swingiest of swing states, Florida. I hear a lot of what the next generation of voters is thinking, and I can say with confidence that pretty much everything you said is unironically true.
>muh hippocampus and norepinephrine
people wanted to see her out for blood but they played the gentle long game. Remember, the accusations that they keep touting as credible are exactly the opposite - zero corroboration from any of the third parties that the accuser herself references.
Public optics were the only thing in question, facts and evidence were totally lacking; there was never a case.
It was brilliant. Nobody can claim she was vindictive or harsh on her. Instead, they made her testimony totally forgettable and allowed the Chad Kav to run the show. Brilliant politicking
user, lawyers do not ask questions they don't already know the answers to (at least not the good ones).
Speaking of bad lawyers, I haven't seen anything from our boy Avennatti lately
Agreed. She caught her on the "you didn't drive yourself to an fro that day; has any body come forward saying that they did?" - but just let it sit.
Her questioning had a slow start but ended with a decisive decision. It was clear that she thought the democrats had used her for political gain. It was clear that Ford needed mental and emotional help. It was clear that she couldn't handle the truth of nobody backing her up, including her life long friend.
She also threw an insane amount of doubt on the polygraph with well thought out questions about who paid for it and the circumstances surrounding it.
Absolutely savage but treated her with insane amounts of respect while doing it.
B-but you have to believe her. There’s a hastag and everything that told us so!
She'd probably enjoy some half-chan glamour shoops.
Fuck her, I did. It was breathtaking. I mean, I’m a victim and need a GoFundMe page.
Avenatti's "credibility" (can't even type it with a straight face) took a hell of a beating today. They all but openly mocked him and his idiocy. Fuck that stupid asshole, I hope that piece of shit ends up getting raped in prison.
Rachel Mitchell to replace Ginsburg.
If Brett K gets the vote them they will immediately blame her for not being harder on him. They might blame Democrats too but Dems will turn it back on her.
Sen Cruz was super effective when a feigned knowledge about whether or not the commtte could have done this with ANONimony for Dr. Ford. Him and the chairman were like political-jazz with their back and forth.
that woman turned out to be the most effective use of a meat shield i have seen outside of MMO's
After Ford's testimony, I was convinced it was a disaster. Then Kav came on and fucking *wrecked* them. His opening statement was movie-tier good. And frankly he stole the 'show', even though it wasn't a show per se.
They kept Ford's session very boring an light. It highlighted that she didn't really have much to add. She just had a somewhat calm and reasonable persona. That seemed bad at first. But Kavanaugh fucking killed it. Absolutely shredded it. And in retrospect, it makes so much sense. 100% of the memorable moments came from Kav's half. 100% of them. There's no doubt he will be confirmed at this point.
agreed. it was well calculated and precise in exposing her faulty testimony.
Kavenaugh gets all the credit, nobody saw it coming and he destroyed the democrats. He saved America.
i see people bashing mitchell but she fucking crushed it. Very delicate and neat. like taking a scalpel and cutting the carotid artery very neatly to kill instead of a sledgehammer. Very wise choice. precision.
>>muh hippocampus and norepinephrine
Sounds like greek logicians - i was like, "yay, college again."
She softballed Ford and asked pointless questions with no followup
Then she came out guns blazing at Kav and the republicucks were forced to bench her
Fucking retards
Why would you have a lie detector from your own lawyer anyway?
I think it was just to feed pablum to the masses that she passed the "lie detector" test. Do real lawyers have their clients take this test? They are supposed to be in the same side, so of course the claims are believed, or at least taken at face value by your own lawyers.
It was a good move, the left has zero ammo against how the hearing was conducted
You mean the "life-long friend" she possible sold out to perjury charges by implying she lied to the senate due to health circumstances.
That was the turning point for me about her.
r-really user...? You... would?
A big fat white man berating Ford is what they wanted. Mitchell was a good choice. The accusations fell on their own - just needed gentle nudging
>She'd probably enjoy some half-chan glamour shoops.
if you know anybody.
I'd cuddle.
Yep pretty much destroyed Feinsteins defense for not acting on the information.
>even though it wasn't a show
Yeah it was
The fact that it even came down to Kav having to resort to emotional appeal and theatrics to clear himself is an absolute disgrace
Ford's utter lack of credibility and proof should have been all it took and Feinstein should've had an ethics violation shoved up her withered cunt.
Thank god Kav and Graham nailed this shit
You would think that, but CNN is still talking about three "credible" accusers.
>them not abusing Ford with aggressive questioning was brilliant.
She did an excellent job;
FFFFFFuck missed the early stuff looks like worth a watch now because media has been saying she was terrible for the repubs
They had to use a woman and use softer questions or dems would pull the "she was being attacked!" "She was too stressed to think straight " tactic.
Nobody saw his rebuttal coming says whomever has not watched Thomas claim his seat.
I was wary but she did a great job, not too demanding, not too softball.
she was good
she also got her to admit she (ford) actually DATED the kav lookalike. so guess it wasn't some baseless conspiracy theory.
You're deluded if you think Love came out of that looking more authentic than Kavanaugh. OP's aforementioned critter is clearly looking to get members of the committee to perjure themselves
>didn't get a woman to grill Ford
>didn't accuse her of anything
>contradictory answers spoke for themselves, instantly changed questioning once Ford exposed herself as a liar
>kind of cute
my opinion
fucking wife material
What she actually did was genius. The Dems were prepared for her to go after Ford's accusations.
Instead what she did was EXPOSE Diane Feinstein's plot.
Ford admitted Feinstein handled her letter, chose the lawyers before Ford even knew, and possibly violated Ford's confidentiality.
That was the best take away of the entire hearing.
Now Grassley and Co. have evidence to remove Feinstein from the comittee and have a solid Ethis Violation case.
This was more about trapping Feinstein than hearing Ford
This. Holy Christ this shit
She was based. But as usual, the lesbian woman could not compete with the gay man that was Lindsey Graham.
of course, get the nice white woman prosecutor, it was a smart move. You can't have a republican senator questioning a supposed sexual assault victim.
She also exposed with that big map how the country club or whatever it was she was supposedly at before this get together was actually not close to the house.
>uuu-u-mm my beach friends told me what to do
She was useless.
She did a really shitty job tbqh. She could have totally destroyed her and still been nice about it. Fords story was that shit. It was pathetic. Shes just didnt ask the right questions or challenge with a good follow up.
You are a homosexual.
>beach friends
>whats that word again?
>I forget
she made Ford show how shit it was, there is no point to being the aggressor when the whole thing falls apart with a few pokes
She also got some new interesting details about Ford's meeting with Mike Judge (I went in the second door) and the lie detector test (she couldn't remember where she was when she took it, or even if it happened on the day of her grandmother's funeral or the day after)
Yah, the beach friends in her dissociative mental state.
She was probably doped up in a dark room going through hypnosis (brainwashing) to implant all these false memories
the only thing mitchell failed on was asking about alcoholic tendencies of a young ford. she trapped her in multiple lies.
>who she told and when (beach friends)
>who advised her specific consul
>hearing conversations at the party
>her (fords) own statements to media
mitchell wasn't fire and and fury but she subtly did what she needed to do.
She asked her why she didn't file a police report and why she still hasn't.
She asked her about getting donations.
She asked her did she know every witness said the party didn't happen.
What more could you have wanted?
>them not abusing Ford with aggressive questioning
Abuse - that is exactly what they would have called it even though there would have been nothing "abusive" about getting a reasonable and firm grilling.
What the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That or she raped someone