What are YOU doing to make the world a better place?

What are YOU doing to make the world a better place?

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Destroying feminism

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Stopped a rape last night

consuming alcohol made in america.
other than that, paying into a university system
not sure if it is making the world a better place, but I think living each day NOT killing/raping people is a day worth celebrating

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We got Trump elected and now we're getting Kavanaugh nominated.


I scratched my ass this morning, does that help?

jacking off exclusively to anime girls

saging this poor excuse of a thread

yea but YOU didn't do anything you fuck. you're just regurgitating what you read on the news

I'm not reproducing because I'm a mutt.

Shilling niggers for the white race

Telling you how to know your going to Heaven when you die

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Mathematics. Honestly I don't know if I could impact the whole world, but even just impacting one person positively and convincing them to fight back feels better than doing nothing.

Thanks user I spend my time drawing those so I'm glad they're being put to use

best answer in thread

Jow Forums is the reason Trump is in office, npc. Keep watching msm

eye started the russian investigation


Not being a faggot trumpling

I've reported 3 illegals at my job who have since disappeared. What are you doing?

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I vote Trump approved Republican

Leaving food chests near spawn in 2b2t

I pray

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I will continue to post this thread every day to help you all to remember that your impact on the world matters.

Having you listen to my problems asshole welcome to planet earth your stay is not welcome

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not being the next ghenhis khan

I want that to happen though

Stop fapping.

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You wouldn't believe a word so you get no answer.

Instead, I have funny video for you
