What the fuck is even the point of this thread
to slide legitimate discussion in an attempt to control discourse and shape the narrative
>almost 2019
Sweetie wants some baby blood, goy.
Her husband is a servant who must tend to her mood because she is a princess
Sweetie is post-30 and childless.
>look at this daft hole and laugh
This is nu-pol kid. Just make threads of literal nobodies from twitter to get replies
She wants to eat blood for dinner?
WTF is wrong with these people?
Report her for threatening violence.
>pretending to have a husband
The absolute state of the modern roastie.
i unironically just reported her to ice
What exactly went wrong? "Dr Ford" was heard, and Kavanaugh got to say his peace without shitting on her. Media thought Ford's testimony was "credible and sympathetic" and thought Kavanaugh was a "whiny bitch". So, again, what went wrong for Sweetums?
She already has blood since she's a bleeding cunt.
In the end, she'll choke on blood. Liberal necks get the cord.
Bess Kalb is a twitter whore who regularly (or did, anyway) responds to Trump's tweets with the "oh sweetie" talk. The whole meme response originates from always seeing her as one of the first replies.
I think the purpose of this thread is multifaceted.
It points out how butthurt she (a leftist, thus enemy) is.
It points out how her husband is probably a pushover and cuck.
It's relevant because of her being the origin of the oh sweetie meme.
Quality post
Fictional Twitter Story Thursdays?