Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Paid Off Ford's Lawyer

How the hell can she get away with this?? It literally looks like a drug deal... she fucking paid off Ford's lawyer during a break early this morning. Check her hand - she has more than one envelope. Who else got paid, how much and where did the money come from? DNC? Clinton? Soros? We need to push this to the spotlight and meme it to get covered on MSM. This is a damn atrocity... these people (lefties/liberals/dems) are fucking TRAITOROUS SCUM!!

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I demand an investigation. It's probably cold hard cash.

I'm doubting it's money
why would they do that right then and there? instead of waiting until after, or doing it before?
it's probably information of some kind, might be the questions all the dems are planning to ask so he can prepare

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Bit small to be cash, maybe diamonds or other untraceable precious stone. Could be a deed to property, or brokered backroom deal for some other jew

it happened after Ford testified during the recess before Kav came out. Too late for that and he had nothing to do with Kav's questioning

>"lets make a shady deal right in front of cameras"
You (((Trumpanzees))) are so stupid

An envelope that small wouldn’t hold enough cash. Probably just questions or even more likely a card offering support to Ford from some libtards in her office.

it's just a recipe for spagetti and ketchup

>if you get her there to testify, it will be worth your while.

Payment after services rendered.

>Who paid for your lawyers?
I dont know...we havent discussed that yet.
>Lawyer: were pro bono
Oh, teehee

They are representing her for free, but they obviously are open to donations. Cant really stop em either.

My money is on Buttcoin.

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what could it be then
there's no way they're dumb enough to bribe him during this.

They were up to no good, that much is certain.

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it so this video can get posted and she turned herself in and demanded a delay to the vote so the fbi can investage her.

everyone on the hill is well aware of the cameras and hot mics throughout that building. if a transaction was happening, it would have been done in a private residence. don't make everything here a conspiracy.

arrogance and niggerdry are a pretty dangerous combination

Niggers are actually that stupid though. Why did the interaction have to be so fast?

they exchanged something that makes coordination most likely

>make shady deals in front of cameras

WHAT A GREAT FUCKING PLAN. This is fucking stupid, sage.


(((you)) are scared shitless.

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Court works like this bros.
Messages are constantly passed as seen. I'd garner the kike even instructed her to do so to take focus from the bullshit they are attemtping to peddle
Dont focus too much on this, just like the dudes claiming it's Amy Schumer.
Subversion, stay with Kav and the truth, stay with the trial.

More likely it's a letter telling them where to pick up the real payment.

She's a pedo.

The point is there is no wall between the democratic party and ford.

Which made this a circus


First off, stop saying "paid off". Money would not be passed like this. This fucking post glows in the dark. Yes, this is shady as fuck, but all you are doing is sowing a false narrative to discredit later.

I'm going to sage this thread since it's trying to divert a legitimate suspicious event into Alex Jones territory. There's definitely some collusion to investigate, but it's not money.