Hey Jow Forums, I've been interested in National Socialism lately and I was wondering if
we could get a 'redpill' thread going, basically post anything National Socialist
related, images, statistics, videos, speeches,
memes, and anything of that sort.
National Socialism
Other urls found in this thread:
Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans
we need to rebrand a new age version
I'm going for the name Sovereign Socialism
I agree. We need to ditch the old baggage and move forward with something new.
Don’t put socialism in it at all. That ship has sailed. Call it national populism.
Sure, you have to improve upon past mistakes but it is also important not to throw out what worked. In the case of the nazis, there’s nothing wrong with a government focused on racial integrity or fascist economics. Natsoc aesthetics also worked as a means of boosting morale and generating interest in the ideology.
Instead of the war itself which changed everything including the original plan i´ll go with what the national socialists believed and what they originally wanted.
The german national socialists believe that nordics are germanic tribes, aswell as dutch, and swiss and austrians and several others. If you look at the gross germanisches reich, which was an attempt of a germanic commonwealth it included all those nations. Parts of britain they also considered germanic tribes, which is why hitler pleaded with britain for some kind of an understanding but was met with threat of war. Essentially the idea was that all these regions would unify in a germanic commonwealth, which each being an independent sovereign but cooperating part of it.
Not really about 'master race' but that they are ethnically similar.
Not same borders but like a very high level of cooperation whilst remaining ethnically and also culturally distinct. And being sovereign nation state of the reich. Atleast that was the general idea before the war, where ofcourse things changed dramatically. Basically within those regions if you wanted to be citizen, you had to be of germanic tribal ancestry which the national socialists considered all those as. You could LIVE in those nations and not be germanic ancestry. However the main difference is where every other rights etc. you had except the following. Could not vote, could not participate in government or legislative branches. So you could basically as a non germanic not interfere or manipulate in any way, those operations. And if in case of say a famine or something, or if the citizens could not be provided for. The governements reserved the right to expell foreigners from the reich. So basically a two law system. Law for foreigner living in the reich. and law for citizen of the reich.This is what ruled out foreign influence.