Daily reminder

Daily reminder.

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Womp womp

Where’s “amoral political shill with axe to grind”?

>short skirts are responsible for all rape
Literally noone says this

If you walk outside in summer without sunscreen it will be your fault that you got burned. Not the suns.

Dumb cunt.

> What attracts a rapist?

In the mind of the rapist, the decision to go ahead and rape would depend on the conditions present unless the person was completely insane.
Those conditions probably include
a)underlying psychopathy/antisocial tendencies
b)opportunity to get away with it
c)desireability of the victim.
d)any signals or feedback that the girl gives that the guy might interpret to mean interest

A man who wants to rape might not do it unless all the conditions are present. So in fact what a woman is wearing and whether she's walking alone at night can very well have something to do with it

You're so right, bro! Glad to see some sanity around here finally. Let me build on your point. :)

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so why don't they stop wearing short skirts?

ITT-a rapist

t. colorblind retards

100% due to short skirts

How do you prove someone is a rapist?

I remember reading a response written by Big Red in a Toronto newspaper with exactly this kind of "logic" which is really just a form of concrete thinking where she ignores the factors such as those I've described above. Her comments were removed by the admins before I could finish my response.

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my screens a bit fucked for colours but i see equal part skirts and rapists? got it

Assuming the rapist is not insane, anyone should be able to figure out how a rapist or any other kind of criminal decides to go ahead with the act

ahh big red. is she still about? i hate her so much i love her


why are women going outside without being escorted by a husband or male family member?

islam has something right

>i should be able to do things that increase the % chance i get raped at any given moment for any reason and anyone who says otherwise is a rape apologist
sure, deflect responsibility all you want.

Wrong. Your list doesn't have my name on it. You're a failure.

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Kavanaugh causes rape

somewhere between the burka and the bikini lies the ideal

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It’s only sad if a virgin, or otherwise upstanding woman (only has sex in serious relationships for example) gets raped.

If a whore gets raped I literally could not give less of a fuck

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>personal responsibility is victim blaming
>society should cater to me
>making myself a bigger target is surely the most intelligent move
>I am literally incapable of seeing the bigger picture
>the expression "walk into the lion's den" does no apply to me because I am inherently special

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Aussie fuck yessss

Thankfully I've never met her.
Unfortunately even if you have all the facts, it would take a very strong act of will on a man's part to even penetrate that completely stubborn self-righteous facade.

Rape is an ambiguous term now. They should classify rape by levels so we get proper penalties from staring at me inappropiately rape level 1 to violent sexual penetration level can't even. All this according to feminazi intellectuals.

>Not single mothers

They go fucking full berzerk hysterical if you suggest self defense classes, pepper spray, firearms and not getting wasted in public.

Daily reminder that women are brainlets that don't understand causality

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Its the same as the retards at the zoo who put their hand in an animal's cage and get their arm taken off
>h-how could this happen to me?

Yep...goddamned reprobates...brainlets.

Who deserves the longer prison sentence: A man who raped a woman or a woman who makes a fake rape accusation to ruin a man?

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>Rational thinking
pick one.

>solutions to rape
>dont be a victim

Pretty simple. Carry a gun, don't get blackout drunk with people you don't trust, and don't relax around niggers.

Buuuuut that means women have to be responsible for their own safety and that doesn't really work.

A man who raped a woman. Jeez that was easy.

>woman for any reason whatsoever or no reason at all, at any time past present or future can claim it and retards accept it without fail

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Let me explain it to you op in a syllogism

>Women are hardwired to show their bodies to attract the best mate.

>At the same time they know showing their body attracts unwanted attention.

>This of course is a paradox. How do you both show off your body and not get unwanted attention?

Well of course the answer is to
make the unwanted attention illegal.
teach boys not to sexualize the female body (except when I want it).

This likely operates on a subconcious level, i doubt they are rationaly aware of. Most likely they just percieve it as "morality"

But what about all those against our god emperor??

Updated chart.

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This. Fucking kek.

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KEK. holy shit the accuracy of this fucking post is eagle sniper tier.

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Causes of Home Invasion
Leaving your door open: 0%
Having no alarms: 0%
Saying you are on vacation away: 0%
Telling others you don't have firearms: 0%
Purposely living in a high crime area: 0%
The person breaking in: 100%

sir I believe you forgot to colour 'minorities' as red

forgot to add "niggers"

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Rapists can't rape if there's no target around.

Also sleazy cunts with no integrity lookimg for catharsis throu s fake rape accusation.

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Your language skills are the only things that were owned, user

Verb vs. Noun tho. Thing vs. thing doing

My thing has been inside your mom

No they want to have their cake and eat it too and they have no problem twisting reality into a mindwarping psychodrama where they are the star/victim. I really am so ck of women. I won't even make eye contact and trust me it drives them up a wall. Just today I walked by two roasties and really just didn't care. I am at a luxury resort, the kind of place women look for men to fuck over at so it's doubly fun, and if they think maybe he's an employee or something until I get into my car. I'm not losing everything ovet some skank looking for a meal ticket. I can buy pussy. I can't buy loyalty.

I don't think desirability has anything to do with it. It's mainly vulnerability.

Change the small font "Cancer" to "Cancer Cells" and it's perfectly analogous.