Is University worth it?

Is University worth it?

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For an Australian? You guys don't even pay tuition, do you?

Not unless you're alum'd at a decent school, charismatic and high iq. Otherwise it's just a piece of paper that may as well be camoflague in a job interview. Not to mention how cucked to the liberas the education system is worldwide and that's time you'll never get back.

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STEM sure. Anything else fuck no.

no learn a trade m8

t. unicuck

Yes. They do still have access to great learning tools and some classes still have good teachers.

Just pick a good major.

This unless u can go engineering or medical

Medicine, Engineering, Business, or Computer Science

everything else is worthless
yes, even the hard sciences unless you get a PhD

Stop the stem meme.
The only lucrative degrees are comp sci and engineering.
Even engineers typically top out around 90k unless they get so high up in the corporation that they aren't really doing engineering anymore.

Science and Math (unless you go into finance, but finance is for people with no soul) pay less on average than some humanities degrees.

Doctor or Lawyer is also always a safe bet.

Just STEM, but at this point. You're better off going to a trade school.

It is if you do programming AND you whore yourself out networking with all the students and lecturers. Half the point of uni is building a network of friends. Once you are old it's fucking hard to make real friends in your industry.


In Australia you don't even get to rape a bitch. Come to America.

>Math major at a top university
>zero friends
I'm not gonna make it am I

>short answer: yes

You should at least try to study (((something))) in case you fail at life.

No. Don't fall for the university meme.

I never made any friends in comp sci either because I hardly ever turned up to classes and my course structure was done back to front compared to how it was meant to be.

Fixing it now by going to programming and game dev meetups in my city and at my old uni. But it is annoying seeing all the old students knowing each other well, when I met no one.

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if you have a good gpa and don't give a shit about anyone else, wallstreet will still take you.
You'll be doing bitchwork, but you'll get paid well.

That is, if by top university, you mean top 10 worldwide.

I say no. Not straight away anyhow.

A mate from school stepped straight into an electrical apprenticeship with otis elevators. While doing that he became a dive master.

Once he got his ticket he travelled the world being a sparky or working at resorts as a dive master banging guests and staff.

In his 20s he came back, then got a degree and into white collar work. Every few years he'd drop out, travel a bit doing some sparky work or diving then come back to white collar consulting.

Wish I'd done that.



STEM for money and wagecucking.

If you want to make a difference in our movement, study philosophy at a grad level or go into law and defend our guys.

>Anything else

Not passing calculus and then getting a worthless BA ruined my life. I hate calculus and calculus tutors with extremely heavy accents and depressive calculus instructors with a passion

>being a pleb tradie npc who pointlessly wastes his life fixing shit in peoples houses like some fucking mexican.
Mate just do programming. This age belongs to programmers like me. We are the new gods.

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>pick criminology, 4 years
>end up in something else not related to law enforcement, investigations, law, forensic, private security or similar

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fuck no

Not all STEM. be sure to go in a program where you know you can find a job easily. For example my friend did a master in chemistry be he told me its easier to find a job if you study in chemical engineering. Never trust Universities they sell their program to have as much students as possible to collect shekels. You need to have a carreer plan and be well informed. If you make the good descisions you can have a very good job. If you dont care and just do it for the lulz you can finish with a phd at 30 years old working in a lab 60H a week for less than minimum wage.

I'm going to be honest with you, STEM degrees are a meme now too.

I went to community college. Got an associates nursing degree. Paid $12k out of pocket.

>$60,000 / year salary

Got my bachelors online. Paid $9.5k out of pocket. Specialized in Nursing Informatics.

>No debt
>$97,0000 / year salary

So glad I went to university debt free and picked a viable degree. My fiance and I will have well over $1,000,000 in retirement by the time we're in our 30s.

Maybe it is.
I keep trying every year to take a semester, but always end up dropping out in the first few months.
I know computers very well, but hate math and is very bad at it. I keep changing majors.
Fuck it, I don't know what to be.

My advice is, go in with an exact goal.

No! And fuck off, we are busy today.

Just do programming faggots. Go to udemy or plurasight or codecademy and start a beginner programming course right fucking now. You can go into every other stem field with it also.

>be art fag
>go to college for art
>learn nothing from professors, learn it all from nearly century old books art professors nowadays don't care about
>don't even get art career connections in the process
>Walmart not even giving me a call
>Join the Airforce because I'm a goddamn neet now and it has to stop
I should've done that last part first. Fuck college, fuck following your dreams.

About to get my degree in accountancy, I will do a masters in finance.
I need the money.

Sure, as long as you keep your debt low.

no. probably not. if you got a degree like ten years ago, maybe, but at this point it isn't certain. you wouldn't believe the double standards that university staff are expected to uphold at this point. african-american students can turn in papers that are 1/3 the required length and entirely copy-pasted from internet sources and you're expected to give them at least a C. same goes for anchor babies except you can be a tad harsher with them. international and white students you're supposed to grade normally. I wish I were fucking making this up. I'm a fucking accounting instructor and I have students turn in papers they already turned in to other classes. I can ask for three pages about a current event relating to class, and I will get a two page paper talking about systemic oppression that has already been turned into the university by the same student to two other classes. I'm not allowed to fail them for it if they're black or mexican (not actual mexican students, they're usually quite well educated and from upper class families back home). We've churned out like 12ish years worth of diplomas in every field to blacks and anchor babies who aren't even functionally literate in the name of equality, and they will get preferential treatment over you. almost forgot how there are almost three weeks after the semester where black/mexican students are allowed to do like 1/4 the work for the class they never attended that semester and still receive a passing grade.
t. apathetic instructor at a private uni

Does it offer a certificate or anything?
Every fucking degree requires a bunch of math classes at my college and community college.


They do offer certificates but no one would give a fuck about them. No one in the programming industry cares about degrees too much either. If you are a good programmer it is incredibly easy to show that in an interview. A bad programmer would be found at in a 5 minute chat before 1 line of code is even written.

My math skills were shit before I started programming. Having a practical reason(programming) to use math helps you learn it.

Im graduating this spring with a job offer that I plan to accept for $70k/year plus benefits. Not a top tier salary but its also not bad, and they offer me $25k/year to pursue a masters so I can get out of the cuckery of engineering

Forgot to mention im getting a BSEE from a school that has a decent program but isnt anywhere near selective or ivy league

can confirm. used to part of the interview process at a consulting firm. the lead architect had like a 20 page thing of technical questions he would hand interviewees (mostly about software and what iterations they had most recently used). Really boilerplate simple stuff if you were competent in anyway, but damn if every pajeet didn't start sweating like it was the hottest day of the year in new dehli