Do leftist men have smaller penises than normal?

Do leftist men have smaller penises than normal?

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>Jason Unruhe

He's literally third position now.

Ive been a conservative all my life and all I have to show for it is this 5.2 inch penis.

>5.2 inches

I'm sorry. Most women can't feel anything under 7.

I guess it depends on if the man has a vagina or not.

how do you know?

Source? He's still a massive commie faggot who threatens Trump and promotes Marxoid propaganda on Youtube.

Women tell me.

Average isn't "small". Believe it or not, that's average.

>women tell me
> that flag

user i...

In my country a 5 inch dick will get you laughed at.

How long have you been attracted to roasties?

Then they must be doubled over with laughter when you drop your shorts.

He means "women"...

Attached: tranny.jpg (750x500, 29K)

Leftist men have penises?
>he literally lives next to a Tim Hortons

That leather jacket probably cost $100

>threatening the POTUS

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>women tell me
They tell you that to make you feel better about your 7.3 inch micropenis. 8 inches is the absolute bare minimum and 9 inches is okay-tier.

>Leftist men have penises?

Of course they do. Usually in their mouths.

is that Ford?

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For now. He'll be another Striker in not too long.

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It's illegal. Someone needs to call the RCMP on Unruhe. They work closely with the FBI and can get him off the internet for good.

It's not about length
It's girth

So beautiful. So beautiful and so brave. Not at all a pathetic delusion we’re all forced at social gunpoint to partake in.

We have asked him to talk with Striker several times and he declined like the fag he is.

And who cares??

Women do. I'm 8 inches and they tell me I'm the only guy who has ever pleasured them. I'm also uncut.

wrong. it’s both. girth only if she has a short vagina.

>meme flag

Nice ad hom.

My 5 incher created three children from the same momma.
Family>woman's satisfaction

Women complain it hurts with me and I’m just under 8

I've heard of some work showing that literal fags have bigger dicks than straights, on average, for whatever reason.
Could just be lower body fat or it could be some kind of "bitch tits" thing where their estrogen and testosterone were sloshing around abnormally and a bigger dick was a consequence.

But if you're just a numale then I don't know.


eh it's about half & half. women never truly have a real, leg-shaking convulsion orgasm until they get their cervix punched by a 8"+ dickery-doo

he looks like he needs to go on the maoist diet.

You must be popping cherrys left and right

Also who cares what women want?
Most of them don't even understand what masturbation does. They are too stupid to understand their own bodies.

The fck?
Estrogen wont make a big dick.
Dick size is less about hormones. Its more about just genetics. Like some people have bigger feet or hands or are taller.

How girthy are you?

>that flimsy bat that would break in half after a couple proper whacks
>that sloppily applied barbed wire
>fat faggot
>faggot hairstyle
>dressed like a commie cosplayer

I'm convinced the only reason this guy became a commie was so that he could play dress-up.

i hate short vaginas. it's like driving 4 hours to a water park and then all the slides are only 10 feet high. i think women should face the same level of shame and ridicule for having a short vagina that men do for having a short penis.

Jow Forumss obsession with penises....

He's also the biggest Marxoid on Youtube with 37k subscribers.

How does the ethnostate reproduce if white men have tiny cocks and can't penetrate deep enough?

>third position
yeah ok faggot he's not left wing now because reasons

Unruhe has made videos attacking SJWs and BLM but he only does so because he doesn't think they're marxist enough.

Saying someone isn't a leftist here is retarded because Hitler was too left wing for most of us.

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What's your diagnosis, doctor?

How many men do you think there are actually born with micropenises? And how mant of them dont receive treatment? Theres no need to be concerned about this. My little dick produced three white kids. I work hard to support them.
Who gives a fuck about the porn dicks.

>the biggest Marxist on Youtube only has 37k subs
I love how commies are consistently massive losers.

if they are manlets, yes.

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Oh it gets better. His most viewed have clickbait thumbnails, are police vids he's stolen from other channels, and a vid on the krokodil epidemic which was almost plagiarized word-for-word from VICE.

That leather looks fake as fuck.

It deosnt matter if you’re left or right. If you are passionate about politics to the point of daily social media posts you have a small dick

Well, it seems that you’ve got aids. Nothing personnel kid

Bigger dicks = more testosterone = more right-wing views

No, I meant for Mr. Commie.

>Guys, the Katyn massacre had nothing to do with the soviets. I have proof, just read this rambling time-cube esque article by Grover Furr

muh dik?
OP is a dirty nigger. but i only have meme for faggot OP. definitely a gay nigger type of post.

Attached: faggotOPstrikesagain.jpg (1049x1013, 157K)

>Leftist faggots
>But let's not kill whites!
Your position is bad and you should feel bad

that was so good I had to read it out loud

cant stop laughing at this pic fucking hell

Jason is pro-white and redpilled on the JQ.

This is false.
Plenty of high test have small dicks. As for the political views of someone based on test and dick size its not related. Its like saying your dick size or test levels is related to where you go out to eat or buy your groceries.

A lot of them are chopping theirs off so from a mean average probably.

in your country food that doesn't have feathers on it or electricity that stays on for more than a half a day gets you answers to your prayers.

Mr commie has meningitis, and the plague. Kek has cured your aids and gifted you unlimited ammo.

Doesn't your cock have to be a certain length before the doc can turn it into a vag?

Considering they have lower testosterone, yes they probably do.

Also, homos have high time-preference like little children, muggers, and rapists

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>Women complain

you can just stop right there and point made.

That's because it's freakishly huge to asians

I don't live in an Asian country, retard.

5.75 and its easy to make my girlfriend a squirting quivering mess. Thankfully she didn't get that memo yet user.

>NazBol is "third position"
kys memeflag faggot

Feels good man.

But you don't deny that's huge to you

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I'm sure.

I have an 8 inch cock. I'm average in my country.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump replied no and he invites him over? Wonder whether that cunt has the balls.

This is the first time I've ever seen big dick shilling.

Tranny porn does not support your hypothesis. Tons of super dick waving lady boys.

If a guy is a Leftist, he probably has a vagina


Don’t worry anons they’ll love you for your shining personalities and those crazy conspiracies you get from an anime website lolz

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I'm sending this thread to Jason Unruhe in a Twitter DM. He'll be happy to see his doxx on here and Nazis speculating about his dick size (which is no doubt larger than anyone's here).

>threatens Trump
Hmmmm somebody should tell the letters .

Do it faggot.


>Women tell me.
All the women you know are whores .

I've literally taken girls' virginities before.

Back to r9k with you

unironically reported to the FBI

your nieces don't count

I'm gonna shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsicle. Now come on.

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Good. FBI can take him down since Youtube is an American company.
