Chinese Buying Australia


THERE are serious concerns about the $13 billion takeover of an Australian energy company with experts warning it is “entirely the wrong move” with implications for national security and gas prices.

Australians are just starting to realise how much of the country’s electricity and gas assets are owned by Chinese-linked companies and the huge dominance they now have.

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Would you mind if it was owned by Americans companies? It just some Yellow Scare.

id prefer our politicians didn't sell our vital infrastructure to any foreign owned companies. the Chinese are going to use this shit in the future to put pressure on us which is going to cause issues in the future

read book related OP not just Aussies and Kiwis should read this but everyone on Jow Forums should also Libs tried to sell off our electricity a few years ago and Defence cracked up a huge stink saying this is a massive breach of national security giving the Chinese the ability to shutdown our defence establishments that didn't stop the government from selling our water off to the Chinese though :/
Last time i checked America has influenced us for decades but they are not actively colonising us with hundreds of thousands of nugmen coming here every year and never leaving

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is there an Audiobook version. I don't get much free time to read but listen to books at work

They are trying to do the same thing here and finally we have an admin putting barriers up on it on security grounds.

What they're doing now is using it to spy on your country, down the road they will use it to exert political influence or threats.

Whomever is selling all this shit to China doesn't give a fuck about themselves or their country, it is sick and your parliament and PM need to take a firm stand on it and coordinate with the US and allies on it, which I think Turnbull has already been doing.

Gotta shutter Holden and Ford and let China own the entire country.

Also pay to bring in all the Arabs and Africans you bigots.

How far Aus has fallen since I was there in the early 00s. :-/

This is happening throughout the West. Almost as if someone is waging war against us.

Who gives a fuck. White people need to move back to Europe.

Almost as if someone is letting it/encouraging it to happen too.

Turnbull is out he got fucked over. We have a new PM Scott Morrison. We also have state governments who are selling off shit to the chinks. They also hacked the plans to the new ASIO HQ a few years ago, don't remember if they are even using it yet since they would have to change a bunch of shit

First the emos, now the Chinks? Will Australia ever recover?

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fuck off spic

haven't seen an emo in years mate I think we won that war. on the other hand I hope the emu's kill all the slanty eyed chinks once they take over

not sure the book was almost never printed because Beijing threatened all the printing companies and the (((ABC))) tried to get it banned because of "muh racism" facts are racist
China owns both of our major parties and Boomers love the Chinese because they think they are all rich property investors Boomers are concerned about "muh Russia" as well Russia doesn't give a fuck about Australia and last time i checked there aren't millions of Russians in my country and signs written in only Cyrillic everywhere in the major cities

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truth is Australia is being used as bait to lure out the chinks.
Dumb chinks are taking the bait.
Btw they took the bait with south africa too.

How's white fertility in Australia? The replacement is coming whether you like it or not. :)

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, we know that the chinks are the bigger enemy

pretty sure there is an ebook. might have to find that and slog through it

its pretty high because of all those fertile white men pumping and dumping little asian ladies

Yeah foreign owned companies operating in Australia aren't under the purview of our lawmakers at all we should seriously be worried.

The funny thing is in the past 40 years the government has done the best they can to cause an inflationary housing bubble which the chinks are investing into full force, can't wait for that correction.

>fuck off we're fu--

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its all a plan chinks arent as half as smart as their propaganda says they are.

Joke's on you, 95% of that land is occupied by shit that wants to kill you.

That helps white fertility how?

theyre buying everything even companies and land in the US

This user, beware.

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It means Whites are fertile because they are breeding asian women.

I'd take a million Russians over a million Chinks.

This country is fucked. Just gotta get more of my bros from the south to jump the fence.

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>buy everything
>state siezes it and all their money
>waaa whitey you cannot do that thats not fair
>nuke em.

if you think this is a joke this has already happened besides the nuking part.

fuck up Chang

you're probably going to see more nationalist laws imposed like foreign entities being unable to actually own companies or land.

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>shit that wants to kill you

>lost to emus
>need license to kill a magpie
you got no chance with china mate

Might makes right. Nobody owns shit unless they can defend it.

50 cents has been deposited into your account.

Australia isn't real

Australians used to scalp chinks sneaking into our country and stealing from us.

it's impossible to tell what the white fertility rate is because it would be reported as something different. I know the Muslims are pumping them out

chinks are worse fighters than emus honestly.

im pretty sure the emus themselves could hold the chink hoards off.

Source of manga?

You killed one. There's 50 more you missed. :)

surprised that melbourne city library has 15 copies of it

HA! You lose again, Australia! We sold out to the Chinese way before you did.

What happens here?

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no shit but this is tantamount to selling your ammo to a chink. then when you need it they tell you no fuck off

Canada will be Mexican soon.

designated chinese tourist photography hotspot


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Doubtful, Chinks will just genocide the spics like they will do the niggers.


Hell if I know.

Good thing they're easy to kill.

You should try to pick up some real-estate before they drive the price up to high, They did it in America, but now the dollar is strong and Our President is kicking them in the nuts.

What? We have no spics here at all. Aside from the cleaning staff at my office and my condo I never see them. It's one of the few benefits of living in New China.

Went out with a Jap cutie the other day for drinks and she was telling me how she is interested in a australian guy from Brisbane. Asked her to show me a pic of the guy and it turned out to be a chink. Couldn't help but keeping laughing as I brought her back to my place.

no fuck that I put my money into shares years ago $50,000 in VTS at 40% profit is better than some faggot house


After we're done browning America, we're coming for you.

Isn't that the renamed rock with the baby-eating-dingos that's now off limits because it's some type of Abo holy site?

Alright, well call me when you get to Wyoming.

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Globalists sent our industries and wealth to Asia...
So who's buying all the shit Asia makes? Broke Amerigoys, of course

OK, so how can China encourage the Amerigoy to buy its junk and keep its insects employed? Well, it can keep the yuan cheap versus the dollar, so Chinese goods remain cheap, and it can keep US interest rates low so Americans can borrow money to keep buying more useless shit that Americans once made

How does China do this? By buying US Treasury bonds-- with the same money it receives from US and the Fed

Like everything else, currencies and bonds are ruled by supply and demand: lots of supply and no demand, the price drops. So if China started selling dollars, the dollar would drop, and if they didn't keep buying bonds, the interest rate would rise until enough buyers were tempted to invest in US Treasury debt

To keep propping up US consumer spending, China and other exporters have been pouring the money-- they recieved from the US-- back into US bonds. Reserve accumulation by the exporting nations went from $116 billion in 2001 to $517 billion in 2004 and $600 billion in 2005, while the US 2005 trade deficit went from $390 billion to $1 trillion

In other words, as the US trade deficit grows to unprecedented levels, the exporting nations are "in for a nickel, in for a dime"--they keep funneling hundreds of billions of dollars into US bonds to keep US interest rates cheap, enabling US consumers to buy more of the goods we once made, that they now make

But the entire edifice is a house of cards

where has all this unprecedented flow of US-derived foreign money into the US ended up? In real estate, which has experienced an unprecedented bubble valuation. All the US-derived savings of Asia and oil-exporting nations have flowed into what is the ultimate non-productive asset: US housing

How do you hyperinflate housing? By smuggling millions of shitskin leeches

Now the US goy must spend money he does not have or all else is DEATH

Truth is Australians are even more weak and pathetic than Britbongs. There will be no resistance here. The country is already 25% foreign. It's over.

He's right though. There's seriously no land or homes the average person can purchase in our worthwhile cities anymore because all of it has been driven up. Also, last year alone home prices were up 30% year over year. Obviously a lot more if you bought a few years earlier. Everyone should have property to help diversify their investments. Bonus that you can live in it and draw equity from it if necessary. Can't do that with other holdings. Get some property before it's too late but keep most of your money in equities and bonds.

he probably just hates Americans because you guys fucked around in Southern America during the cold war fighting commies

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womp womp, what shitholes haven't we fucked aorund in by now?


The (((Fed))) gives shitskins in foreign countries billions in free money so they buy up our houses all in cash they received from the Fed

The end of the Fed's monetary easing/money-printing devastated the periphery emerging-market economies, forcing capital to flee to safe havens such as US real estate. As China and the emerging economies that had boomed as Fed money poured into their economies rolled over, those who had accumulated the Fed's free money fortunes rushed to transfer their ill-gotten wealth into safe havens such as the US

This dynamic has fueled a vast all-cash housing trade in areas favored by foreign capital: NY, Miami, California, Seattle, Australia, Vancouver, etc.

globalization of regional housing markets is pricing the middle class out of housing in areas that also happen to be strong job markets.

a nation of homeowners is being transformed into a nation of homeless and renter serfs, as housing is snapped up by hedge funds, immigrants and corrupt elites laundering money from China and the emerging markets

Chinese mafia buy homes for cash in the US, Australia, UK, Europe and Canada. There is a flood of money laundered by Chinese mafia

This flood tide can be seen in real estate transactions, not just in the U.S. but in Australia, Canada and the U.K.:

These cash purchases by wealthy foreign nationals are creating a bifurcated housing market. In areas deemed desirable, Chinese and other foreign nationals are dominating the market (see: 80% Of All New Home Buyers in Irvine, CA Are Chinese)

Useless government let it happen

in Sydney and Melbourne housing prices have dropped i think 6%-3% on avg in each city. So it's a bad investment. I can't afford one anyway so why not put my money into something that is going to return above inflation so anything around 10% and if my two major stocks are at 40% and 24% since I bought them I am killing it

>prices have dropped i think 6%-3% on avg in each city

Over what time period?

FOREIGN banks create off-shore dollars. These are the "dollars" and dollar-denominated debt that have been flooding the world, creating asset bubbles and enabling countries to maintain trade surpluses with the US But they are not dollars backed up by any "real" dollars. Now EM's are fighting over whatever dollars scraps they can find, then countries like China, Japan and Germany next. The idea that the Fed and its pathetic attempts to shore up bank balance sheets is the cause of asset bubble is wrong. The Fed is run by economists too stupid to know how finance actually works. The Fed doesn't even measure off-shore dollars, despite the fact that trillions and trillions have been created over the last decade

foreign central banks officially print trillions US dollars that the Fed does not account for

FOREIGN banks create off-shore dollars. These are the "dollars" and dollar-denominated debt that have been flooding the world, creating asset bubbles and enabling countries to maintain trade surpluses with the US But they are not dollars backed up by any "real" dollars.

The Fed doesn't even measure off-shore dollars, despite the fact that trillions and trillions have been created over the last decade.

its literally FAKE MONEY given to shitskins to buy us out and replace White people

about a year. investing in property at the moment is stupid unless you need a house for your family

A lot of Chinks are getting recruited into Officer roles in the ADF the future civil war will be very messy
the opposite is happening actually we even sold a wharf to Beijing in Darwin, the Australian government has no jurisdiction over this wharf
Oh definitely i'd take million of Russian over any of the cunts we are getting invaded by ( we are also getting a lot of poos, Indos, Pakis and Brazillions coming here) Thing is it's not just 1 million chinks it's a couple million the Labour government changed the laws on Statistics in the 80s so Chinks born in Australia count as "Australians"
I'm hoping Indian and China have a war soon so they kill each other off here or China has their inevitable civil war but i'm concerned all the chink cunts will try and bring their cancer ridden bug eyed family members over as Refugees

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>letting china colonize you
You know when shit inevitably goes bad for them, civil unrest, foot shortages, mass migration, you're going to get dragged along for the ride, correct?

The Fed creates asset bubbles by importing millions of shitskins and lending cheap money, and then directs Wall Street Hedge Funds to swoop in and repossess all the foreclosed properties after the bubble pops

Wall Street landlords (REITs) are cronies of the Fed and are on track to monopolize the entire real estate market

If the housing price drops enough to cause negative equity for stretched buyers, it could spiral out of control. These people will walk just like in 2008 after a job loss, especially if they have to relocate for work reasons. They won’t want to but they won’t have much choice.

One difference though is that big investment firms and REITs will likely be quicker at buying the dip this time – particularly when prompted by the Fed.

More than anything else that has raised housing is speculation founded on infinite migration, from cronies with ACCESS to money that 90% of Americans have NO access to. (((Banks))), (((hedge funds)), REITs, those 1%ers and the like drove housing to this level as if they were collecting free Fed bux.

Rinse and repeat, until the globalists ends up owning everything is measured in angstroms

Housing is in an echo bubble driven by smuggling in millions of shitskins, Fed-subsidized Hedge Fund REITs, overseas hot laundered money flooding into US, and the easy-money policies of the Fed, which purchased $2 trillion of mortgages (20% of the entire U.S. mortgage market) to push mortgage rates to the floor

that's why I am fucking pissed off at our politicians selling us out like cunts

lol foot shortages. FOOD shortages.

Just hope that shit starts turning sour sooner than later, so people can realize the situation and reclaim their clay.

oh there will be foot shortages when the chinks take over and bind all the womens feet. I feel bad for the footfags

For decades before the 2000-2018 economic crisis, too many goyim in White countries were beset by hyperinflated cost of living, demographic replacement by millions of imported shitskins, surging White unemployment from offshoring, importing spics and h1bs, stagnation of real wages and incomes, diminished opportunity for Whites, and rising immobility. Globalists argued the causes were not race replacement and smuggling millions of shitskins, but “technological change and globalization,” meaningless abstractions to those millions of White homeless and suicided by chink opioids.

Then, when the crisis hit, those same globalists moved quickly and decisively to save their bankster buds and subsidize the banksters (Wall Street landlords, Chink/Spic/Poo money launderers, REITs, Hedge Funds, Private Equity firms) in stealing all the goyims' houses

Washington has doled out low-interest money to Wall Street and home builders in an effort to kick-start the economy by building new housing to generate the illusion of growth and rising price

The federal government ia subsidizing these corporations, since they also receive substantial tax breaks due to their status as Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

With MBSs behind them, Wall Street players have found new ways to capitalize on housing. Private equity firms bought millions of foreclosed single-family homes in bulk after the crisis and formed companies like Invitation Homes and American Homes 4 Rent to rent them out. These companies have eyes on expansion by buying entire neighborhoods and even cities.

Having a single-family home with a white picket fence has been the image of American success since the GI bill sought to increase homeownership in the aftermath of World War II. But tight mortgage credit, skyrocketing student loan debt, and a housing shortage have caused a fundamental shift toward renting. Homeownership is no longer be an attainable part of the American dream

That's a tiny time period. Housing, long term, is almost always a good investment and it has the advantages I listed previously.

Yeah, if and it could. But you're looking at absolute worst case scenarios instead of historical averages which show housing to be a solid investment as long as it isn't in rural, undesirable areas.

(((Greenspan))) and (((Bernanke))) started the neofeudal era. now serfs are living under wall street bankster mega-landlords-- the ones who started the ponzi scheme and then came in to steal the assets from the goyim.

Ever since 2011, banksters, thru their private-equity hedge fund firms, are buying up all houses and monopolizing the housing resources.

This big business of buying massive numbers of single-family homes and financializing dwellings got started in late 2011, initiated and supported by the Federal Reserve as part of its efforts to monopolize the housing market. Bernanke pitched this scheme inorder to monopolize housing resources.

The Federal Reserve directed private equity firms (controlled by banksters) to steal millions of homes for cents on the dollar.

tl;dr (((they))) created a collapse to enslave goyim and usher in feudalism ruled by the Master Yid

Its a bank scam......the Fed creates a bubble crash which their cronies rush in to steal the houses from the goyim

once they foreclose on all those taxpayer backed homes, they sell them to rich investors (cronies such as REITs, Private Equity firms, Institutional investors), who in turn open huge rental businesses that charge exorbitant rent......

And if you dont think its a scam, then splain why mortgages charge most of the interest up front on the loan.....

People don`t realize in a fiat money system, their taxes and costs of living keep rising, while their incomes go down do to the intentional depreciation of their currency........scam

Fed-connected ((Private Equity)) firms will get the house before the goyim. Home Ownership in US is DEAD. Private Equity is on the path to acquiring the entire housing market, thanks to their cronies in the Fed for creating the opportunity to steal property after the Fed-induced asset bubbles pop

it was a good investment back in the early 2000's not now. now idiots just think it is because every fucking joe blow has an investment property so it must be a good idea. it's fucking sheep mentality. you don't make fucking money doing what everyone else is doing

fuck off kike, turning homes into fucking financial instruments WILL get you cunts gassed eventually

China can own Australia and Africa
Amercan can own North and South America
Isreal can own middle east

I see no problem, you fucking kangaroos can go suck a tiny chinese cock

In US, Fed intervened and stopped price correction and put floor under home prices

Housing prices in the US are not permitted to continue falling, says the chief investment officer, Bill Gross
The economy is financial asset-based, which is reliant on consumption-- not production-based

this finance asset-based economy is totally dependent on rising asset prices

the Federal Reserve through fiscal policy measures must halt the decline and put a floor under housing prices in order to stop the deterioration in this asset-based economy

This is something that truly cannot be permitted to continue

The Federal Reserve responded to the bubble collapse with unprecedented intervention to prop up housing values: the Fed dropped short-term interest rates to near-zero (i.e. ZIRP, zero-interest rate policy) and bought roughly $2 trillion of mortgage-backed securities in two waves

Since 2013, the Fed’s intervention has restored prices to mania levels.

the massive intervention in 2009, had largely stabilized housing by early 2010. People did not truly learn from the housing crash because only the really greedy and stupid ended up “loosing”their houses. Yes many were seriously underwater for years but the intervention made it work out for them. Now housing owners are sitting on record equity. Housing continues to be the way that the PTB get people to go massively in debt to fuel the World wide Keynesian economy. Ironically I think even Keynes would be appalled, such measures were to fight down turns not to create bubbles.

why dont you smash someones skull with a brick or some shit, you dont have to kill the retard but show some kind of abrasiveness

Alright, keep it all in equities (those markets never tank) and own no property. Rent, build zero equity, be at the mercy of vacancy rates and landlords. Never have the means to raise capital by leveraging should you need it for your personal use. All eggs into one basket.

>hur hur ur a jew

Got it. You know nothing about investing.

Historically, houses throughout the metro cities in US were always 2X the median income-- that was before Bush's house bubble started 2001. You could buy a house in LA or NYC in 2000 for $160k. Globalized open borders results in overcrowding housing, with landlords packing 10 renters to a room to cover surging housing costs. This is how a pyramid scheme based on importng endless suppy of humans to prop up neoliberal housing wealth effect ponzi works.

those houses are where most of the people reside and pay $1million to acquire an old property that was only worth $140k (2X the avg salary in year 2000)

until recently (b4 globalization) much of this property investment was held fairly passively. For most people a home was simply a place to live

houses were traditionally a home and not an investment.
from there finance which is alot bigger than people realize. (its actually how were able to stay afloat with such little exports and so much imports, we export finance) Is actually turning to more sectors of society to operate and create wealth. also the shift from industry to high industry that is design, or big tech/software. all of this seems to mirror what happens in late stage civilization due to materialism, pareto elite theory as a new elite rise and replace the older order, and caroll quigley tragedy and hope as an economy develops a new method of creating wealth, the distribution of wealth becomes concentrated in the hands of the few until the method becomes able to diffuse into more hands and the 80/20 distribution returns.
it could be all of them. big tech is snatching up economic power and displacing the older order.
the hysteria caused by this leads to blind faith including blind faith in economic strategies.
and finance power has figured out new ways to create wealth in public life by turning a home into an investment rather than a place to build a family

based chinks

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replying for visibility

Why aren't Australians buying Australia? That is the only question.

>be me
>unemployment "crisis"
>apply for URS Corporation jobs in Australia I am more than qualified for, after whatever contract, or takeover
>plus, former employee after buying Dames & Moore
>still underemployed

>I served
>I worked my way through school
>I am a degreed white man with butt loads of education and experience

Not saying it is a white genocide, but I would have been happy to relocate at my own expense, or even with assistance of family.

you had those prices up until 2000. Melb/Sydney had houses going for $150 back in the 2000 and that in AUD which was half of USD back then.

from 2000-2008 population in Melbourne, Victoria increased from around 3 million Whites to just around 5 million chinks/poos now and the prices of houses surged from $100k to $1million

I was talking to a neighbour who sold out of a residential home in Toorak for $4m 4 years ago to an Indian.
The Indian bulldozed the home and spent a further $4m on a new schmick 2.5 story home. He’s just sold to some Chinese for $16m.
Now Indians and Chinese are buying/selling our land amongst themselves. No Australians involved anymore

I do try and buy as much Australian made shit but we make fuck all anymore. mostly it's food I can buy made in Australia. we sold out like a bunch of cucks

>Why aren't Australians buying Australia?
There are 25 million people here. Only like 3 million have a job that isn't taxpayer funded.

I was only referring to property and businesses. There's not even that much nationally produced retail out there anymore.