Black Population 1790: 19.3% 1880: 13% 1950: 10% 1980: 11.7% 2018: 13%
They literally always stay in the same range and barely stray off. We're not becoming a minority because of niggers. We're becoming minorities because of spices. If you wanna blame anyone, blame them. Black people had no say in coming here or not.
Spics and niggers are both worthless, but yes the spics are the worst of the two they are like a bad german cockroach infestation.
Daniel Cooper
Fuck you just say whiteboi???
Evan Jackson
After watching videos of Detroit I don't feel so bad about the local Mexican ghetto anymore.
Julian Scott
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Brayden Nelson
white people did that
Hunter Robinson
Those stats are bullshit. They've been using that same 13% stat for the last 15 years.
Jaxson Jenkins
this is due to abortion and BASED MAGAPEDES will defend removing it
Also the numbers of non black nonwhites are probably much higher
Brody Bailey
Nigs constantly kill each other off to show off to each other or just for some free shoes.
The spics have overpopulated beyond their means and are overflowing into the USA for free food and money. They arent sending their best. Theyre sending criminals and keeping their brain surgeons and ballistic missile expert.
Julian Hall
it's jews
Daniel Mitchell
>nutmeg will not replace us!
Camden King
They're part of the problem because they're lazy and easily manipulated by the kikes. And they VERY FREQUENTLY stray off the range and rob/kill outside their own neighborhoods, OP, if you actually lived in or near any city with a 6-7 digit population you'd know this already.
Niggers are a problem, but only one of many. Just don't absolve them of their guilt, because they have a lot of shit to answer for.
Anthony Edwards
I thought you were becoming a minority due to racemixing
James Edwards
Niggers aren't really a demographic threat, it's more the fact that they've taken over and ruined many of our cities despite having a disproportionate amount of white support behind them
They're always going to be a mostly useless tenth of our population
Lmao, om, Europe for White people. Get the fuck out of everywhere else then you double standard faggot.
Lucas Diaz
>Doesn't know simple math. They are still reproducing faster to keep that percentage stable, brainlet. Also, both have lower IQ and commit more crimes.
Niggers are still the majority of all violent crime in america. I don't know why people like to divide american shitskins in to groups. They all cause far more crime than whites.
Kayden Davis
Blacks are as American as Whites imo
Jeremiah Brown
Now by the standards of mainstream politics, I am what you'd consider a textbook racist. I'm pro segregation, anti-race mixing. Things like that. However, I don't hate black people, nor do I think our movement should be about hating black people. What we do hate, is race-mixing, or misegination.
The majority of blacks in the U.S are not very well educated. A chunk of them are also disgusting hoodrats. It's very easy to be racist and hate black people just for being black when all you see are hoodrats. But when I see an educated, conservative, religious black man, why should I hate him? I have nothing against him. I just want to be part of my own group. I don't want ours to intermingle. This doesn't mean I have any hate towards them.
Now the quick solution some Jow Forumsaks and white nationalists have is to deport them back to Africa. This is not doable. The blacks in the Americas are so far removed from Africa they are basically a different people. I'm honestly with Malcolm X on this one, their own land in the U.S. Preferably a fascist one, with all the people in power being the most intelligent blacks. Role models like Thomas Sowell and Muhammad Ali come to mind.
I'm not evil, I don't want to just go and genocide 30 million other people, that came here against their own will. It's not their fault we brought them here, so we might as well help them out. But of course, the white American is more threatened than the American Negro. And the eternal jew wants to put the both of us against each other so we destroy ourselves. They fear the cooperation of our two groups the most. This only applies to the United States. Blacks have no place in Europe. Except the few tiny tiny minorities that should probably come to America. I just don't want senseless bloodshed. I don't want to be the "bad guy".
"educated" niggers become we wuz kangz muslims that want all white people dead
you're a fucking retard the only cure for blacks is to put them all in the ground
Jaxson Evans
>t. nigger
Gavin Jenkins
Considering how often they murder each other, contract terrible STDs, and abort their children I am surprised their population has risen since the 80's.
>Enter Food Stamps "Hi kids!"
Jaxson Torres
We earned North America, we let you have SA. So you can fuck right off
Adrian Hill
I don't think we should kill them just ship them to liberia
Jason Hernandez
Amerikkka used to BLACK, then white people tricked us and took over our rich history and culture. This is why we need to make America BLACK again.
Even white leftists know the truth about blacks. That's why they're careful to keep their distance. NIMBY indeed.
Alexander Carter
no just engineer a virus that renders negroids sterile and spread it into the atmosphere over africa
Ian Jenkins
Those aren't educated niggers faggot, the people I listed are, and when the people I list have the endorsement of Mr. Rockwell, they're good in my book.
The negros need help. We need to help fix their problems. They need good role models, leaders, fathers. We need to get rid of the welfare state and the hood culture. I'm positive if we actually tru SOLVING their problems and doing retarded American Gov shit the problem will sort itself out on it's own.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up 0.3% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
I love it when people who obviously don’t deal with Mexicans feel like they need to post about them. Places like Detroit and Compton are separate from humanity, a family of 14 spics will pool the money to rent or buy a 1bd apartment or small house in a decent middle class area, they bring the ghetto to you
no, its the beaners that you have to watch out for. the blacks weed themselves out, they are projected to go down in population while the spics are rising
>Are negros really the problem in America? Yes. Every "problem with America" is really a problem with negroes and now also spics. Violence, crime, bastard children, obesity, lack of education all niggers. Man, that loli is hot though, I should get around to watching that film.
Hudson Walker
yea fuck basil and oregano nigga
Henry Green
Accurate AF
Luke Torres
Spics are the second biggest problem. Jews are the worst. Niggers are insignificant in comparison.
She's pretty. Why are American black girls all fat and obnoxious?
Easton Reyes
Been saying this a while, Blacks aren't the issue. Their population is stagnant so when they brag about how white people will be a minority it's funny. They don't realize hispanics hate them as much as whites do.
Gavin Wood
>Are negros really the problem in America?
Dylan Johnson
Found the kike and/or spic.
Dylan Robinson
Joseph James
you conveniently left out > 2018: nigger halfling spawns +50%
Kayden Green
Yes negroes are a huge drain on society. Hundreds of thousands of dollars per person on average. They think the government is a bank.
Dylan Cox
>They literally always stay in the same range and barely stray off. Bullshit. I live in a 90% white area and in the last few years, more niggers have moved here. There used to be 1 nigger in this town. I also live in a high volume tourist area and we never had black tourists up until about 4-5 years ago, now there are a lot of them here. Fuck this gay earth I'm moving to a no nigger zone.
Henry Taylor
Are you lost? Shouldn't you faggot be in Youtube comments?
Jason Scott
>Murican not understanding statistics If the nigger population stays around 13% all that means is that they are breeding like rats and they breed so fast that they can't even be replaced by Mexicans To stay stable at 13% their numbers need to increase by several millions every year. If this continues US is eventually going to be 80% Mexican and 20% African. Most of the white people's tax money is spent on keeping niggers fed, which isn't good for their reproduction. Jews are the biggest problem for America, blacks are second, Mexican invaders are third.
Jason Young
She reminds me of my frist GF.
Evan Rodriguez
Just because more moved in doesn't mean the nationwide population of them changed. it literally just means more of them just decided to move to your shit.
Also white population is still decreasing, ofc.
Ian Nelson
Nathan Lopez
Your gf was a loli goth? Lucky guy. Post pics.
Bentley Cooper
The border is a non issue really, just have to start shooting on sight
Ryan Howard
when you add in mulattoes, quadroons and octoroons the true nigger population is much higher. all shitskins are a problem, it's just that nigs are the most violent and yet also manage to be the whiniest about it.
Owen Robinson
Did you even read my greentext faggot?
Lucas Wilson
frens, what turned black people from upstanding to gangsters and ultra violent? it feels like after the 70s passed they became total niggers.
civil rights. fear kept them in place but you take that away, make them virtually untouchable, completely above reproach and you have the violent apes you see today.
kind of hard to solve a problem when it's completely taboo to even mention it in public discourse
Brayden Ross
The REAL problem is an elite that hates us and wants to genocide us. This elite is mainly (((You Know Who))) but also contains a large percentage of native traitors, particularly the Old Money types who have been here a long time and have cut themselves off from the rest of the Founding Stock Americans, believing themselves to be godlike and unaccountable to the likes of us. Without these elites, blacks wouldn't be much of a problem. We'd simply give them their own homeland somewhere, set up some basic infrastructure and leave them to their own devices, sink or swim. But instead they are used as a wedge to break up communities, form voting blocs, and to guilt gullible whites into accepting their own dispossession.
Justin Campbell
welfare meant the women didnt give a shit about keeping the guy around anymore
Nathan Rogers
>Are negros really the problem in America? Are you daft man? Niggers aren't the problem in America, they are the problem all over the fucking world. They do not evolve, they do not commit, they do not work and they do not care. All they do is fuck shit up where ever they go and this is common even inside their own communities. The best solution for us all would be a scenario where all the niggers would be either deported back to Africa or shot in the back of the head. Those who go willingly are more than free to build a civilization of their own and be kangz and queenz once more.
Andrew Bennett
American niggers were always shit tier, its just no one actually gave enough of a shit to listen to them until the 60s.
Jayden Johnson
James Wood
You are justifying genocide.
You admit that white people exist when you used the word "white," user. There are some anti-whites who deny even that asking "How do you define 'white'?" etc..
Adrian Edwards
Wan't to trade? We have our niggers fresh from Africa. I would also be willing to trade our shitskins if you are interested.
Black people used to be concetrated in South where rednecks and country boys put them in checkbut then during 60s they started migrating to cities and fucked everything up
tl;dr this is all yankee fault
Jeremiah Turner
is she crying because a BBC is penetrating her pussi? haha witebois when will they learn
William Robinson
You're right but it was a select group of white people following the age-old tradition of monetary gain on a disgusting profit margin by inflating the price and decreasing the quality.
Fuckin retards think blaming a race solves everything. Speak up not out.
Aaron Williams
>We're becoming minorities because of spices No sir. We're becoming a minority because of Jews. They've turned white nations into estate sales. You're culture, your way of life, your architecture, your beautiful women, are up for grabs to any filthy brown skunk that wants a taste. And this is the intention and this is the plan to destroy us. They will use any brown available. For us it's spics. For Europe it's Muslims.
>doesn't realize there are 40 million niggers in America >8x the population of Finland >most of which are violent 70 iq savages from what are basically warzones >are completely alien to the rest of American society despite living here for over 200 years
Gotta have metabolic imbalances to survive months on a ship with no food
Wyatt Hill
>black people had no say in coming here we need to quit with this bullshit. yeah white people bought africans, but we bought them from other africans. slaves were the main export from that part of the world and even though the rest of the world forbids it, northwest Africa is still plagued by chattel slavery
Lincoln Peterson
If you think of America as two nations -- white America and black America -- white America is doing okay and is largely unhindered by blacks in the grand scheme. Except, of course, when one or more occasionally chimp out and white people wind up dead. Besides that, though, white America is golden -- niggers or no niggers.
It's black America that is deeply warped, and I'm not sure how it can be saved, since niggers have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by white liberals to believe that their every plight is the fault of evil white conservatives. They're trained to bark like seals when things don't go their way and blame anything but themselves, and as such they suffer a catastrophic deficit in accountability that stunts their capacity for improvement -- both as individuals and as a greater community.
In short, blacks aren't really white people's primary enemy, but they certainly are their own. Who knows what they might have accomplished by now if they hadn't fallen under that spell.
Michael Robinson
He said spics are worse than niggers. Can you read shitskin?
Asher Campbell
>I love 'em, but they're not going to survive another 500 years. ~Richard Nixon
Luke Smith
US population rises greatly annually; in order to remain the same percentage, they must reproduce a lot of niglets to keep up with the increasing US population.
Adrian Parker
of course they were shit tier but their noggery was limited to designated areas and when they were around whites they behaved.
Grayson Cook
Did you expect a nigger to understand basic math?
Michael Bennett
This is the way forward. You are a beacon of hope.
Logan Bell
>yfw EU study suggests that Finland can afford to take in more than 60 million "refugees"? Nigga, just send them over.
Sebastian Richardson
Somewhere, an aussie troll is laughing his ass off whenever pictures of this fake account's tweets are posted on Jow Forums.
Landon Allen
This. They have truly mastered the art of trolling.