He just lost his reelection bid in 2020. No way in hell Alabama elects this fraud again. Hes more far left than he portrayed himself.
Breaking: Alabama Senator Doug Jones will vote NO on Kavanaugh
hes a democrat you dumb nigger
Was Doug Jones considered one of the swing votes? I can't remember which Dems they thought might possibly vote for Kav.
All red state Dems are like this my guy. The fact Republicans are not broadcasting their garbage records as much as possible is just mind-blowing to me. Donnely, Manchin, Heitkamp and Tester should be effectively lame ducks at this point but all but one are up in polls.
> democrat
Still going to lose though.
Nice numbers though.
He's a democrat in a red state. If he votes against Kavanaugh chances are he loses reelection. This is why they've been so desperate to push the confirmation to after the midterms.
Of course he's voting "no". He won his seat with the same tactics.
Isn't he a democrat?
yes, lol.
>Dumbass elected thanks to someone else's fraudulent sex assault claims will lose his re-election over someone else fraudulent sex assault claims
It's like pottery
>obstructs conservatives
why would you feel the need to make a thread out of this lol... there are only so many explanations yknow
Put his family on the list
dumbass gonna get destroyed
When you see the definition of 'irony' in the dictionary, there will be a picture of Doug Jones.
I'd worry about the GOP.
They couldn't repeal Obamacare with a majority. What makes you think they'll unite over something like this?
>are up in polls.
dem polls doe
Dougie Jones.
McCain is dead
He wasn't going to last here when the seat came up before, he's really fucked now.
>democrat is voting against a conservative
imagine my shock
Guy looks like a dumb sack of shit.
This should be emphasized more.
So except for West Virginia(Manchin) they all are looking like they are going to lose(strictly speaking, although the polls are all over the place), and yet even Manchin is talking about voting yes on Kavanaugh(he supposedly has a lead higher than the polls error).
If the Senator that looks to an average poll reader like he is going to win is scared then it means that the rest of them are fucked.
Which in turn means that they will vote Kavanaugh because they have nothing to lose.