Is she a paid shill, or what's her deal?

If he didn't do it, why did she do it?

If he really didn't assault her, why would she go through this life-altering experience? Is she mistaken, and she was assaulted by someone else? It's hard to believe that someone would make themselves a lifelong negative "celebrity" just becaquse they hate Drumpf. Are you suggesting she is a paid shill?

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Other urls found in this thread:

She's a woman, that's what they do.

She's been in therapy. Therapists often implant false beliefs or facts in patients with the way they question or insert people like fathers into memories or experiences patients are trying to remember.

My sister was in therapy for a few years and whomever her therapist was convinced her our father who used to single childrens/Disney songs to us in the early 80s was actually teasing her when doing that.

Watching Ford today reminded me of it.

Dumb soft spoken worn out cali bitch who feels stupid she got socially pressured into whatever happened because girls have no sense of responsibility for anything and are pushovers

Paid shill, over $381k in her GoFundMe account this morning.

She’s a college professor from California. She’s a legend in her own social circles

She's a mentally unstable, selfish, self-centered, totally unhinged woman.
But why do I repeat myself.

I need to get in on this action. Did I ever tell you anons how Kavanaugh raped my mom while I was in the womb at a Whitesnake concert in 1986? It's literally ruined my life.

she replaced the real suspect with Brett

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Our justice system is biased for chicks when it comes to rapes. Happens all the time. Except if you're rich, so why not exploit that for the dems to jerk off and for Feinstein to rub her hands schemingly? That's how they think. Even fucking Durbin or whoever the senator from IL said it.

>ya tweeted that you're fine with a FBI investigation . Wanna do it now and POSTPONE your vote? SAY IT, FAGGOT!

That's what they want. They want to postpone the vote because otherwise, it is a win for Kavanaugh.

She's a spook. Her father was a spook. Her grandfather was a spook.


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it's amy. how do they even think they can get this shit past us anymore

GoFundMe, book deals, interview tour, she will make millions.

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super vocabulary professor who pronounces etc. as exetera

Not with our current Jude controlled government.

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We're not here to fucking hold your hand and put 2 and 2 together for you.

she's a liberal activist who feels justified in any action she may take to help the preservation of roe v wade

She did it because she knew she wouldn't be punished and might make money off of it. She needs to get in trouble by the law somehow and made an example of

Great contribution.
Possible, but anecdontal. Was the therapist also a screeching feminist anti-Drumpf cunt?
He denies any sexual encounter with her; hell, any sexual encounter at all until after college. If they had a consensual encounter, this would be a different debate.
So the promise of a "maybe people will crowdsource you ruining your life" for less than a mill is worth it?
Unsure of relevance.

There is 400 grand in a GoFundMe with her name on it. If you need any other motive than this you are literally mentally incompetent.

> is she a paid shill

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Negative celebrity? She's the unprecedented divine hero for Democrats right now are you fucking kidding me?

It's Hillary. She just had a professional disguise made. Here's a video shown how they're made.. but the person who made hers is a FAR higher level of skill than the people shown in this video (company in the video is Canadian... so lower quality is pretty much expected anyway):

>So the promise of a "maybe people will crowdsource you ruining your life" for less than a mill is worth it?
and book deals and being a CNN correspondent and giving talks and speeches to make more money.

>If he didn't do it, why did she do it?
False memory as cover for repressed ones.

You’re an idiot to believe anything that comes out that whore’s mouth.

Do you really think she has anything to lose? She has 20 different mental illnesses and is too old for any guy to ever have sex with her or even look at her again.

Whorecunt. Sell out her family for some dough.

This. In the hearing today, they started talking about this individual without naming him. She told the senators that she dated this guy. Her description of the house matches his family's house to a fucking T. The 4th male that she couldn't name... she could - it was him.

Why did kamikaze pilots fly planes into ships?

True believers, that's why.

She was assaulted, but not by Kavanaugh.

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Her gofund is already above 700k she has 13 active campaigns and is projected over 2M+ WTF she must donate this money!

>If he really didn't assault her, why would she go through this life-altering experience?
The experience is POSITIVELY life-altering for her. Not just the 50yim sheckels , but all her friends and colleagues will think she's amazing and cool for getting famous via Fuck Blumbf And Fuck White People. She'll be invited to all the parties, all the MSNBC interviews, everything.
Anyone who claims that this process is "revictimisation and ruining her life" is either a complete brainlet or much more likely a lying Jew.

It seemed plausible, that's why she said it.

Look where they are in life. She's younger than he and her life is basically over; she's old, ugly and an irreparable mental and emotional wreck; only the ability to assrape her husband in divorce court stands between her and the gutter.

He's three years older, and his star is soaring.

Not that women harbor bitterness, insane jealousy, self-loathing, irrational hatred and endless crazy thoughts 24/7. Nothing of the sort.

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She did lose weight recently.

Here's the thing. From an empathy perspective, everything I heard from Ford resonated as false. Not intentionally false, but confused. Disoriented. Like the energy of a small child in a room of adults trying to keep up.

With Kavanaugh I felt anger. He was angry. He was also heartbroken for his friends. He also felt afraid.

I personally believe them both. She believes her own story to a degree but knows deep down it is false. He's just trying not to jump the table and go after the people who drug his family and friends through the mud forever.

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>If he didn't do it, why did she do it?
They will stop at nothing, so many on the left are itching to be martyrs right now that I'm not surprised at all.
They hold violent protests praying to be shot weekly, when you accept that you'll realize there's no depth they won't stoop to get their way.
They've had control of the court in the ways they care about for 60 years at this point, stopping Kavanaugh is so big to the left because he probably actually would flip it

She actually thinks that it happened and dems ran with it.

In reality who knows, but I'm thinking that MAAAYYBE Kavanaugh drunkenly felt up her titties at most

When you corroborate these two, it is 100% certain she was assaulted by her boyfriend at the time.

Either she's making this all up and a pathological liar who could pass a lie detector test. She actually believes this happend by having false memories implanted in her mind. She was sexually assaulted by someone else and just thinks it was kavanaugh. Or she just knows that for some reason or another she wont have to face any consequences for lying.

She's a nasty skanking mushroom tip sucking slut.

It was a confluence of opportunism. She's a nutter. She saw an opportunity and decided to see if it would work. A whole bunch of other nutters who are also opportunists participated.

Here is why. Kavanaugh and the conservative/constitutional ideology represents the ultimate evil to the statist-progressives. They rule over the United States from the bench. The MUST retain control over the courts for their ideology to live. This was an extinction burst.

>The extinction burst is basically what happens when the tantrum's not working any longer-- it actually gets worse for a time before it fades away. If you've ever seen kids throwing a tantrum, you've probably seen this -- some more informed parents will let the tantrum go and they don't actually look like good parents when doing it-- they look kind of mean and uncaring, but it's often the right thing to do despite appearances.

3rd generation spook, seems almost certainly like some sort of mkultra/monarch victim who the powers that be were waiting to activate for some sort of situation like this.

think firewalls, think sleeper cells.. we've seen this before. her style of story and push to prominence to take care of something sounds eeriely similar to shit that you see with people like, say, sirhan sirhan.

this needs to be investigated asap; and it probably needs to be done by us

>Like the energy of a small child in a room of adults trying to keep up
Just like a young girl being sexually abused.

That's very likely what happened, leaving her broken and trapped in that same young emotional age, desperately trying to please the abusing adult(s).

She's mentally ill. The psychiatric meds are why she's tired all the time. Dems took advantage of the fake claim she cooked up to stick it to Trump. They spent 2 months coaching her.

Everyone who reads this must also consider this FACT. None of the lawyers filed allegations of sexual assault/attempted rape/or actual rape with ANY of the police departments. Why? I'll tell you faggots why. Because they KNOW they'd be filing a false report and be charged with a crime. It is that simple.

It's likely she had planned to remain anonymous. She had said that's what she wanted quite a few times.

Though it wouldn't surprise if she's been bribed in some way to come forward. Hell, this go fund me shit is probably a great way to launder a huge bribe.

That's why. That and the status of liberal hero for the rest of her life. No doubt she'll get plenty of interviews and paid speaking gigs in return. The Left always takes care of their own.

>right: lol the left has too much money

>think firewalls, think sleeper cells.. we've seen this before. her style of story and push to prominence to take care of something sounds eeriely similar to shit that you see with people like, say, sirhan sirhan.

I was unironically considering this. Remember how she couldnt even remember what she did with her Therapists notes from 3 weeks ago? Her memory is swiss cheese

abolish the 19th
revoke roe vs wade
genocide the libs

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Sure except her story has a million holes. She was flat out lying about flying. Her lawyers are lying to her. The whole thing stinks. Shes most definitely a victim. I'd day of much more abuse than a tennage attempted rape. We watched a show of what seemed like at least a couple dissociatative personalities


She's a rapist.
She raped me 137 years ago in my rape shed.

why do you waste your time? i mean, really. what do they pay you for? litereally, what is the reason they pay you? do you honestly think youre making an impact here?

Look at her dead eyes. Soon more will come out in this woman's background that absolutely SHRED her credibility in this accusation case. Why do you think Dems tried to keep her under wraps so long, only to use her last minute to control SCOTUS and keep them under Dem control?

She was fed propaganda influencing her to say whatever needs to be said in order to keep SCOTUS voting blue.

Aren't all lawyers paid shills?

Theory is that the ford you saw today was Amy Schumer in mask because real Ford got scared when told that lies to Congress = felony

Look what happened to Anita Hill. Prestigious appointments, paid gigs, book deals, etc. Ford is set for life.

She should be hanged, it is honestly a fair punishment for what she's done.

>We watched a show of what seemed like at least a couple dissociatative personalities
Very much. This is what the "two front doors to the house" represents.

Her GoFundMe was closed 3 hours ago at 473k which is short of the 500k goal......I wonder why they closed it early?

the goyim noticed

collect the payoff while you can.

Obviously she is prescribed anti anxiety meds to deal with her mental illness. I almost feel bad for her. She is telling the truth on all those recent events she can’t remember because of the benzodiazaoens she is on. Clearly being taken for a ride by the left for political reasons. She is just a pawn

Agree almost entirely, except the meds aren't why she can't remember. She's so broken from her childhood abuse - borderline multiple personalities - the personalities probably have little knowledge of the memories of the others' experience.

Her childhood must have been horrifying.

What is with the ed whelans stuff?

Tomas Paine/ tweet calling for investigation into GoFundMe as an workaround for campaign and other contributions.
Like all good Threads, went 404 as son as it got some momentum

More than that. We discovered at least 4 GoFundMe accounts for her

fpbp, /thread

She has 350k in her patreon account already. If you don't think she's getting a book deal and possibly a TV stint then you don't know hollywood.


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She's a true believer doing her part to #resist.
So she's just another drone.

that floor plan is generic as fuck
>oh, an entry with living room to right and dining room to left with kitchen behind it. staircase by entry. a bathroom in a hall with bedrooms upstairs. wow

>the re$i$tance

imagine my shock

What do you mean? I know about about the Whelan stuff (which appears to be excellent investigating), but what's your question?








>why do people larp
>it's hard to believe people would larp
>there's no other profit than money. >Attention isn't sought.
She can sell stories and publish writing. If it must be cash. There's no reason it must only be cash.
>explain human nature
it could be a million things or any combination behind motivation for this. Why do people lie about UFO's..?
>Explain women
This is cows probably watched Kavanaughs career and been making all about her for years in her head.
Imagine the anacdotes she's told about her conection to the senator.

I think her therapist planted her "recovered memory"

what can we dig up on the shrink?

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shit if there is any truth to this then Judge might have been there too and been the one to remember it.

She said when they left they were bouncing off the WALLSSSSSSSSSS.

>Is she a paid shill, or what's her deal?
No, shes just mentally insane, ironically considering shes a psychologist

Important for a day
Best day ever
In her head


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must be paid, or literally insane. Maybe Avenetti promised her a lesbian shoot with stormy?

This faggot has cracked the case. Send him to the Supreme Court of Faggotry.

Maybe, I'd wager a large portion is money laundered from her true sponsors. All these leftists "martyrs" instantly have gofundmes with large cashflows. Remember how much fiat money these people have. It's virtually infinite.

listen dawg im just saying Avenetti got lots of pull with Stormys roasted ass pussy

>testified under oath
>took a polygraph test
>no inconsistencies in her story (inb4 desperate brainlet reaches)
>wants full investigation
>named him as her assailant before he was the nominee
what’s not to believe here?

>Is she a paid shill

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she actually makes Schumer look attractive - let that sink in. Amy, fucking Schumer.

>>wants full investigation

it was strange that KAV did not call for an investigation. If he gets confirmed this will still be hanging over his head since the feminists have already convicted him. If he wanted to clear his name he should have demanded an investigation.