The Polygraph

So one of this snide cunts last remarks today was something along the lines of "she has taken and passed a polygraph have you?".
Since this inadmissible test seems to be the gold standard of truth on the D side of the aisle, has it or a question list been released?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>"I'm open to anything the committee wants to do"

they just want their soundbite though

>they just want their soundbite though

this, they were clearly pressing him to agree to a fbi investigation with semantics so the media can put more pressure to delay the confirmation..

its really shocking to see the newsmaking process in action

>Chairman Grassley already answered that the case is closed
>I don't have the power to do that
>The FBI gives statements and it's you job to investigate.

ezpz. he did well but id don't why he danced around this so much. just say it's not my job, it's yours cunt.

They have been watching too much Maury.

As soon as he said that, Feinstein and all the others cracked a wide smile.
>oh yeah?
>yes senator, I’m open to anything the committee says
>then suck our dick, right now white boy.

They are unreliable. They are supposed to be by 3rd parties. Nothing rings true. How these people get elected is mind boggling.

No disagreement from me on that. I was just curious if, say a transcript of the questions asked have been released.
Or was that what the line of questioning as to who paid for the poly was all about? To keep it concealed through attorney client privilege?

but then he didnt. and they have the votes to confirm him regardless, you can see it in the dejected face of Feinstein when it was going on. She knew they fucked up and Kav is going through

Some one should learn how to beat a poly and claim she raped them.

maan, just look at this 56% cunt

She is gross. Complicit in child trafficking. I can feel the evil seeping out when she speaks. So very dark. Very very dark. My skin crawled when she spoke of working with child victims.

And her "credentials" are brief stints as San Francisco DA and California AG. A great legal mind indeed.
Her being on the "fast track" reminds me of the buildup to explosive diarrhea.

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Yeah the letter with the 2 (TWO) questions asked her were released along with the synopsis.

She attested to a written statement (yellow note paper, third page... looks like a toddler wrote it)... and that's it.

1) The only two questions posed were generalities. No granular details.
2) The statement to which she attested to is unclear, given the edits, strikeouts, and addendums.
3) The Lafayette LX4000 is problematic (link below)

It's a sham, aside from admissibility issues.

Lafayete Link:

Understood. What I am getting at is specifically what questions were asked at said polygraph. Setting aside the fact they are completely unreliable softball or unrelated setup questions could put the person being examined in a position where they didn't have to lie to "pass" the test.

it's very easy to do if the person has no conscience

Apparently she started out as some kind of assistant/fucktoy that got passed around by the dems. If they decide to run her and spartacus it's going to be a slaughter.

>I'm gonna take that as a no

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yeah i think i let out an audible "fuck you" at that part

This. Literally 2 questions. I think one of them was "were you telling the truth"... seriously

Thank you user. And holy shit that is flimsy. As I suspected the questions themselves are basically worthless.

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Was she really wanting him to say 'yes, please investigate and make this already lengthy and Hellish process longer for me and my family to endure. It isnt his call. Pure shit they kept throwing it back to him. I wish he would have said bring it on senator

you've got to be fucking kidding me

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that is precisely what they wanted

It's just a ploy to trap him in the rape dungeon. He will not be tricked.

No one knows. The dems didnt bring that info blaming the right since the right didnt want the tester to show up

Yep and at this point 'What difference does it make?' Ha!

It cracks me up that the FBI has been exposed for its lack of ability to conduct political investigations impartially and now the senators are holding them up as the go to for all investigations.

I have been involved in a few civil legal matters over the years so I'm aware this is standard practice, however this is more telling than the polygraph test.
The committee clearly asked for her medical records and got shut down. Ford seemed to have a slight touch of the special needs vibe going on today whether coached or real.

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>Nothing rings true. How these people get elected is mind boggling.
The brigading and complete disregard for truth really says something about your senate and the people who elected them. Rotten to the core.
This shit couldn even take place in ANY other country. A fucking banana republic farce. Not in united cuckdom or swedistan.

No worries man. I think the most horrible part of of the whole thing is the statement the supplied. The synopsis supplied is bullshit -- the lawyers picked over that. The yellow hand written note is inconclusive.

I mean what the actual fuck did she REALLY say? This was recorded on video for sure. Why not release that, or at least the audio?

It's just more of the same bullshit from the left.

I bet she had an abortion

polygraphs are pseudoscience.

This. Only a couple of senators tried to poke holes in his alibis. The rest had a two pronged attack smearing him as a drunk who blacked out and raped ford and the other was to get him to delay his own confirmation vote by having him request an fbi investigation

Me too hahah. I kept saying “THATS A LEADING QUESTION.” It felt like I was watching football

I’m glad pic related made it clear that its not up to Kavanaugh to include the FBI

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Booker's horseshit at the end about put me over the edge. WTF was K supposed to even say to that shit?

the FBI has no jurisdiction in the matter
it's just amazing what now occurs - the dem boomers are fucked in the head, and are fucking up tens of millions more

Did you have snacks and beers? I specifically added a large amount of popcorn to my storeable foods just so I could break it out for these kinds of occasions.

I lived in an apartment building once where the neighbors used to get together to watch THE GAME and you always knew when it was on because on of them had a very distinct way of hollering and stomping his feet at the TV. It was amazing.

Maybe. I suspect it may reveal something much more than that though.

true saw the idiot on the news saying exactly that
then he whined we don't question victims
these people (BOOMERS) are so fucking stupid it hurts

Suddenly nobody talks about the FBI's lack of credibility when it comes to politically-oriented investigations.

>fbi investigates federal appointments
>no jurisdiction

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it took them 3-4 hours for her to answer 2 questions.

My hunch is that she's been on psychotropics. She's damaged goods.. too much to even speculate on.

I'm personally not 100% convinced she's entirely complicit with the Dems in any of this. Could just be a useful idiot.

>the suspect chooses who can investigate him and how

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Even though one of Fords attorneys are currently suing the FBI on behalf of Andrew McCabe right now. That is very convenient.

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She's been in fucking therapy for at least 6 years now. For dry humping that she believes happened 35 years ago, that she can't even fucking remember most of the details of.

The woman is probably completely fucking insane, and on numerous crazy pills. Credibility enters the negative realm when you are a good candidate for the crazy house.

>A committee with the power to ask for an FBI investigation is questioning a man who cannot initiate an FBI investigation and demanding he ask for an FBI investigation where all they would do is ask him questions and submit the answers to the committee
I'm glad he pointed it out all at once.

It is certainly within the realm of possibility. Early in her testimony I thought what an award winning performance. There is no way a Dr is this much of a scatterbrained burnout and keeps a career so she must be acting. Maybe that is not the case and they are taking advantage of a truly mentally ill woman.

they have no jurisdiction to investigate underage sexual misconduct
pilpul harder next time

>rapists have to tell investigatory bodies to launch investigations
>it literally cannot be launched unless the rapist says so

Democrats actually believe this.

Kamala first met/started dating Willie Brown in 1994 when he was Speaker of the California state assembly. She was 29. He was 60.

Apparently they also believe the FBI would take marching orders from a judicial nominee rather than, you know, the committee who could order the investigation.

It consisted of two questions. Two fucking questions.
>1. "Is any part of your statement false?"
>2. "Did you make up any part of your statement?"
All that lying bitch had to do was be asked a baseline such as "what is your name" and then think about her response to that when the two questions were asked.

and it was really the same question twice.
how much training do you need to say "no" 2x to vague questions?