Liberal Jesuit-catholic mag withdraws support for Kavanaugh.

>For the good of the country and the future credibility of the Supreme Court in a world that is finally learning to take reports of harassment, assault and abuse seriously, it is time to find a nominee whose confirmation will not repudiate that lesson.

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the jesuits used to be so fucking based a hundred years ago. they've fallen so far it's mind boggling to me.

at least amerca magazine still calls out israel. that's worth something I suppose.

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>America Magazine
Oh no. The faggot pedophile enabling Jesuits are scared of Kavanaugh.

world will never fix until media exist because jews will use their nepotism to take control of media and push their narrative to ignorant masses
only way to save the world without killing all of them is to ban humans in media and replace them with AI

That's how you know we are doing the right things

This is great news... Kavanaugh is obviously a horrific rapist and either way he will go to Hell when he dies.

SJWs are literally taking over everything.

Even this and the Royal Academy of Science.

America has been a leftist mouthpiece since the 60s dude. Probably even longer.

*looks you in the eyes*

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Jesuits are so pozzed that in 1773 Pope Clement XIV BANNED them in several countries in Europe (until later overturned by another Pope)
Maby traditional Catholics think Jesuits are evil.

And at the same time Thomas Attwood Digges (jesuit) wrote a stealth manual for jews to ninja out of portugal

>in a world that is finally learning to take reports of harassment, assault and abuse seriously
You mean the plethora of fake allegations, like the ones you are using to try and get him booted like everyone else? "Presumed guilty until proven innocent" amirite?

As someone who went to a Jesuit high school, this pisses me off. The students are all conservative patriots and the teachers and staff are all cucks.

Good, even more reason to like Kavanaugh if Jewsuits oppose him.

Whats the point of taking womans accusations seriously? Or more seriously.
The tiny amount woman are abused (compared with history) harassed and assaulted today, is it worth it? Is it supposed to improve efficiency, or raise societal happiness levels? What exactly are we being progressive towards?
If these laws and rules were not in place, would all woman go on strike? Wouldnt that double the wages and give workers more leverage over employers being a good thing?
Would they stop making babies? They arent now, birthrates are so bad we have to import Africans
Who is it that made the praxeological determination that the world is better if any woman can ruin any mans life with no risk or consequence, is worth the one or two rapists it might catch?

>the jesuits used to be so fucking based
No they weren't, not ever, they've always been hated by real Catholics, especially the Domincans and Franciscans opposed them.

shuddup, ya faags

Rome never died. It's just comprised now of a shadow aristocracy of papal-controlled groups, financiers, and spy agencies.

i went to a jesuit catholic school. what i find interesting is that the message of jesus says blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. i think when women start to weaponize and profit by accusations (and this is certainly a case where it has) the traditional idea of what it means to be meek, or taken advantage of and persecuted, is flipped. if jesus hadn't been serious about martyrdom, but only pretended to be one in order to gain worldly wealth and prestige, then he would be a wolf in sheep's clothing, which is what dr. ford appears to be at this moment, to me.

Jesuits were the original faggots pushing "Social Justice" they are insufferable cunts.

There's a reason they focus so heavily on schooling; they want to indoctrinate kids into their marxist worldview.

No matter who is nominated dirt will be dug up or created and this shit show will repeat. Except everything much more harshly. This same shit happened in the past for most of the conservative supreme court judges and it will keep happening even if you live a incel-lite super help everyone life like Kavanaugh did.

Sounds like my high school - JHS Sac by chance??

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That's good. The whole point of me voting right is to try to completely destroy sjw culture.

Good of them to take a break from raping kids to attack Kavanaugh.