Jow Forums communism general

Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage and the socialist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.
>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."
>To achieve such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.

ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:

It is recommended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Read Solzhenitsyn and tell me how awesome communism is. I dare you to read anything he wrote.

Anti-communist conspiracy theorist. I don't blame him for hating though. The time he spent in the gulag was probably less than fun.

Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" XDDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.


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How do I undo years of capitalist brainwashing? When I see a homeless man on the street I think, "this is sad, but no human has any intrinsic right to food/shelter if they cannot provide something of equal value"

came here to post this

ghehe gommunism ghhehe

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Time to go back to sucking your coporate's masters cock, mutt.

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reminder communism is gay

Kill yourself, kike

No Communism is based

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Fucking kekd

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Okay faggot, I'm interested in communism and socialism, DPRK seems neat.
Why the fuck don't communists Name The Jew behind war profiteering and banking?

age of communism is over
now we need nazbol

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This is the only good thing about these threads, dog bless america.

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Get your shit, and get the fuck out. Communism is the descendant of satanism. /thread

Bless you

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Based and redpilled

Truly based and redpilled.

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It can be tough, the capitalist mindset is entrenched in every aspect of society.

Just remind yourself that the homeless man is human, just as you are, and that all humans deserve basic dignities like food and shelter.

Remember that the capitalist system excludes many people. He may have some disability, physical or mental, that prevents him from fitting smoothly into the system, and therefore he is excluded. Hell, many homeless people are veterans and have provided "value" in the capitalist sense, but have been unable later, and are thus excluded from the system.

Some people are simply not suited to fit into our current system, and are thereby excluded. This doesn't mean that they're worthless or bad. Remember that labor under capitalism has little to do with providing value and all to do with providing profits. Just because someone might not be able or willing to provide good profits doesn't mean that they don't have value, or can't provide it.


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god is fake

Because they aren't. It's just a continent excuse for people who are unwilling or unable to see the real issues. Are some jews part of the capitalist class? Sure. Many others are oppressed under it. Race or religion is sometimes associated with class, but it's not the be-all end-all. The opponent is capital, and those who enable the capitalist system, no matter their race, religion, or gender.

>be a commie
>be fat

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Haven’t seen one of these shitty threads in weeks, wow!

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>use kekistan flag
go and suck off sargoy

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>can’t even successfully wrap barbed wire around a fucking bat
Commies are the fucking worst.

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You will all be lined up and blasted by Shockwave Socrates

Look OP, we get it, you think communism is a good idea when It's obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that Communism was and is a socially engineered lie to get people to bet their hopes and dreams on a jewish-controlled superstate. It doesn't matter how good the candy is, you don't get in the fucker's nondescript white van, ya get me? Communism can't work because it wasn't MEANT to work, it's purpose is completely different than an actual social movement or governmental system and communism in particular is nothing but the applied principles of christianity and the jews in control of that. You won't hear me defending capitalism because the idea of stomping on your brothers and sisters faces for green is just.... distasteful, but an alternative system was developed in response to communism that did everything RIGHT where communism didn't, it was called National Socialism and it worked and it worked well, and if not for the allies and their forced war we'd be living in a thousand year reich that dominated the world not by being forced upon the world like communism, but by people who rightfully would have joined the third reich willingly. Now it's our only option in the west.

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Take the time to read the Gulag archipelago, it's a very large book there's free audio versions on youtube, it's about 70 hours for the whole thing.

Communism killed tens of millions in the Soviet Union alone. The government branded anyone who was competent enough to farm the lands as Kulaks. Then they sent people into these rural areas and told the brutalized men who had just come back from war, that these Kulaks were oppressing them and what occurred was mass killing and rape of the people with the skills to farm the land.

Over the next few years 6 Millions Ukrainians starved to death because unskilled workers failed to farm anything, what little was farmed was sent off to Moscow to feed those in power. Things were so bad that people were selling human body parts as food.

Anyone that is even historically literate knows that communism has not only failed whenever it has been tried but it has also caused the untold suffering of hundreds of millions of people. And not just suffering due to lack of food or resources but active encouragement of evil against people, mass murder, rape, brutal work camps, torture of the worst kind.

Wow loo I was just about to ask for book recommendations and here you come lol

Here's a free copy of volume 1

You're blaming the problems that are created and propagated by capitalism and capital on specific religious/ethnic groups when it's a much broader issue. It's about the interaction between the owners and workers, and those owners are often white christians. It's not even a problem with them, but the system itself.

"National Socialism" is just fascism. Hitler himself said that the socialism title was to try to get more votes from people who leaned socialist but weren't really paying attention. He killed anti-capitalists whenever he could, and privatized state industries where a socialist would nationalize private industries. You cannot be pro-nazi and anti-capitalist. Much of the nazi rise to power was from capitalists seeking to maintain their power confronted with rising socialist/communist sentiment, they thus turned to racist authoritarianism that would at least protect their wealth.

I am blaming the problems created by the jews so that the jews can push communism as the solution, which is a tactic they've used many times throughout history (see the creation of the catholic church, and zoroastrianism which is the jewish poinsen they inflicted the Persians with, and Islam as well). A tad oversimplified but yes, National Socialism is very much fascism.... how is that a bad thing? No, Hitler's Socialism was where he put into practice the value of socialism: caring for your countrymen, you r family, and your folk and had nothing to do with votes as the results speak for themselves. He killed commies because they were a danger to everyone, he could've exported every one of them like the jews with the Haavara Agreement but they would have come back as cucked jihadists trying to "retake" germany. He hid privatize state industries and he also nationalized private industries based on what needed to be done, he nationalized the timber industry and privatized gun ownership. Bitch I am, I don't hate money, I just think poverty and the desperation it breeds is the root of all evil. Kiss my ass because I will never rat out or betray my National Socialist brothers and sisters, my love for them is not measured in coin, but in blood and soil. I am a Nazi, and I hate capitalism for incentivising betrayel, blow me.

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Thanks for stepping by schlomo, I needed a good laugh

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To be honest I doubt that communism was socially engineered lie. Find much more likely the scenario that Carl could not possibly forsee several very practical things, Like Parkinson laws or importance of racical idenity in building society he thought about, etc.
There is a theory i heard about. It basically says that Germans and Anglos who sent Lenin and Trotsky on their missions to Russia, unironically believed that communism could never possibly work even a bit, and sort of panicked when their agents went rogue and created a functioning state. Uneffective, poor, but sure as hell functioning. And fundamentally dangerous for their own power for the same reaons they chose them do destroy Russia.


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gib eguality

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it was aint no real kobbunism bruuh

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Democide : the purposeful killings of citizens by the state.
Here is a list of communist democides from 1900 to 1987

>Lowest Estimates 40 million millions
>Mid estimates 110 millions
>Highest estimated 260 millions

Commies have the unbeatable high score of killing their own citizens.

Communism leads to misery and death as each and every instance.

what is dis cat meme called frien?

Opinion on sucking dicks? because you look like specialists

dunno, you tell me !

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Libertarian general when?

Additionally the origin of Communism:

The Commune of Paris.
>TL;DR History
France lost it's armies after the defeat of Napoleon the 3rd (jackass Napoleon, not the right one) and so the prussians sent Royalist Armies to Paris, when french people refused to give up their newly founded democracies.

Siege ensues.
Siege of Paris forces people to unite, help each other out and divide up the ressources like rations (like you do in a war)
In the end the retaking of Paris ends in a blood bath.
The red from all communist flags represents the blood ofthose frenchies dying for Democracy, for the Republic.

>hurr durr, let's take this isolated and context-specific moment of history and make a whole economical model out of putting everything in common and abolishing private property

And that kids, is how Communism was born.

.t a classical liberal/moderate leftie

Came here for this post, I salute you

Believe what you like, the earth is flat and the sun revolves around it, but reality isn't interested in an argument. Communism was devised by jews, just so happened to empower jews over their new host country, and created a perfect "land of milk and honey" where non-jews died like animals in manual labor slave camps which is a vision straight out of their Talmud and jews were there as just a coincidence? When Anti-semitism being punishable by death in every commie country? Fuck right off with that, man. We've got motive, opportunity and willfulness right there: all that's necessary to convict 'em for their crimes is to take 'em to court and present said evidence, which is to say nothing of the mountains of evidence of condemnation coming from their own gloating mouths....

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based :DDD

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Forgot pic to thid

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Funny how commies on /pol are never from countries that experienced communism but mostly mutt edgelords

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>35% of the Forbes 400 billionaires in the world are 0.2% of the population
>Forbes‘s global list of 1,426 billionaires, 17% are Jewish, when Jews are only 0.2% of the population
>this is fine, the coward says
This is why I can't be leftist, you're all fucking cowards. I hope you aren't the type who blame white men. But can't fix the problem if you don't name the problem.

These people, who think they're "Communist," they tend to be from single parent homes, or both parents worked - they never received paternal or maternal care. This is lacking in their lives; the lack of parental affection is the void in their life they want to try to fill by making the government the surrogate parent that they never had.

Well what do expect ? Ashkenazi jews have IQ a standard deviation higher than whites, and arguably exceeds the average of asian nations.

Life is cheap and nobody owes you shit just because you exist, if you can't compete with the sharpest & brightest minds you can still live a relatively decent life in the modern world.

Be glad that intellectual natural selection doesnt eradicate your bloodline, it could be much worse.

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At first you were like
>reality isn't interested in an argument
but then
>When Anti-semitism being punishable by death in every commie country?
I could as well not even respond after you demonstrated how picky you are when it comes to sources.
Just for your amusement. There was a strange fashion among the jewish part of communist elite in Russia. Changing their families to sound as slavic as possible. Why would they do that i wonder if they ruled the country and everyone who opposed them got shot?

All wealth belongs to the state. Jew get fucked, they deserve the gulag most of all.

not even a communist but you do realise that shit like this happened when they introduced market reforms? blaming Gorbachev's policies on the Soviet system and acting like the whole country was starving for 70 years is silly.

>Governed by humans

You are delusional if you think there is any human on this earth who wont get corrupted and act even against your interest.

The state should be reduced to the sufficient minimum, with the invetion of blockchain currencies the monetary system already started to transform. Decentralization is coming to every aspect of your life

But keep dreaming i guess

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Computerized economy can replace bureaucrats , read Cockshott, also se must move to direct democracy (telemátic technology) getting rid of profesional politicians

There are 7 times more white people who have IQ's that are greater than 140. They should be the ones in control of the institutions. Asheknazi Jews can get stuffed into the ovens; they're about to get naturally selected out of existence. And they deserve it. "Waaah, WASP aren't letting me in their country clubs! I can't build my own civilization, let me in yours!" They're the equivalent to niggers. "White man, gimme yo shit!" Jews are just as ugly as niggers too. They're aesthetically ugly, and also have equally ugly personalities to accompany their grotesque features.

Grow up and get a job faggot.

The AI will be flawed, because the programmers who would make the AI, are humans, with flaws and biases. I'm sorry about your childhood by the way. You need to see a therapist, they will help you.

They dont. Some handselected vetted immigrants filtered by academic vetting a second time allegedly do and you are comparing that to average whites including mutts, spics and ironically kikes.

did a mistake here, not "families" - First and second names.
They (as well as many national minorities) pretended to be slavs because party COULD and occasionaly TOOK actions to quote "Make sure that proportion of jews in universities is the same as their proportion in coal mines". USSR was neither a jewish paradise nor it was supposed to be.
And of all nations of USSR they contibuted to it's fall more then anyone else.

Its not flawed, already happening look into how cryptocurrency trust is structured and how people are essentially vote with their presence. If you do no agree with a new code you can fork it always and keep everything intact.

Its already happening, the consensus prevails

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No im comparing average to average

Avg european IQ is around 100
Avg ashkenazi IQ is 115

Which is a huge difference, you would consider a 85 IQ person very stupid and a 70 IQ person retarded

Democracy is a mistake as a whole for that reason. We should be ruled by monarchs, and probably the Church or Islam maybe. But I'm interested in hearing about communism and socialism, mainly them not naming the Jew. It's why I'm interested in the DPRK.
You really think Jews, after breaking down the racial and national identities of non-Jews, won't use the fact they alone are allowed to have a national and racial identity to take all the good land, all the necessary facilities and make you into slaves? Or Islam doing the same thing. People are conquers. They'll find a way, and you won't even have the voting power to do anything to stop them.

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Israel's IQ is 95.
Russia is 97

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Well I agree its a bad system if you simultaneously have an ((refugees)) flooding in and you give them voting rights. Thats a national suicide, since they will never vote nationalistic parties.

Not a problem in my country fortunately

>Jow Forums communism general

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Yes but israel is not pure ashkenazi

>Muh hollywood literal deus ex machina will fix the endless unanswered questions i dont have any answers for
>trust me im unemployed and live off my parents pocket
You faggots can barely handle the cash register leave alone an excel sheet.

And no thats not a strawman thats just another of your just put your money on my buzzwords salesmen arguments of you marx cultists

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And the UK is being weighed down by Diversity, but gets 100, Norway is 100, Netherlands is 100, Italy is 102. Gets dumber the closer to the middle east they are.
But it doesn't matter. From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs, Jews don't get to keep their shit. Get fucked Jew.

Well i suppose he talks about some centralized marxist shit system. But its true, we could replace politicians with decentralized zero trust systems today. The technology is already here

God, I hope the socialist state eugenics these disgusting creatures.

Yeah good point, but poland for example is genetically very pure. Most migrants are from neighbouring countries and they have 99% native population. So there is that, I imagine there wouldnt be that big of a difference in any european ethnic population compared to that.

Certainly not 15 point difference

>no sources

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Reminder Democracy is truth communism is death!

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I wasn't referring to Bitcoin. I was referring to the centrally controlled AI economies that these people want. If you input incorrect data, the AI will be flawed. And if people who don't understand biology try to create centrally controlled economies, it definitely won't work.

a weapon to surpass metal gear...

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