/ptg/ President Trump General || 1-800-Make-America-Great-Again Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVE LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Judge Kavanaugh Witchhunt 9/27/18
>Judge Kavanaugh opening statement 9/27/18
>Lindsey found his balls 9/27/18
>"I Stand with Brett" Rally 9/27/18
>Pres Trump arrives @WH 9/27/18
>SoS Pompeo @UNSC on NoKo 9/27/18
>OMBDir Mulvaney on CNBC 9/27/18
>KAC outside WH 9/27/18
>KAC on FoxNews 9/27/18
>UNGA General Debate Day 3 9/27/18
>Pres Trump Press Conf @UN 9/26/18
>Pres Trump @UNSC on WMDs 9/26/18
>Pres Trump full UNSC Briefing 9/26/18
>Pres Trump Press Conf before UNSC 9/26/18
>Pres Trump w/bff Abe 9/26/18
>Pres Trump meets w/Greatest Ally 9/26/18
>Pres Trump meets w/UK PM May 9/26/18
>FLotUS Melania @UN on Africa Trip 9/26/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis @Virginia Mil Inst 9/26/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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MAGA, please!

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How hard will the Dems explode when Kavanaugh is confirmed? Will we see riots in the streets from paid stooges?

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We have it

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zina bash farting


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Post normiebook friend cringe, the more M A D the better.

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Daily reminder roe v wade evil

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in my mouth, repeatedly*

Guge gavanaugh will agree to raising neetbux to $60,000 a year, as well as government assigned girlfriends.

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Wait is it 30 hours of debate or 30 hours of questioning?

Does Kav have to go through another 30 hours of dumb questions?

Is this a grown adult man literally finding out for the first time what bias is

if after all this kavanaugh bullshit the dems still make gains in the upcoming midterms i am officially fucking out

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Debate. The questioning is over.


>I have zero-empathy for a man accused of a crime with zero supporting facts
This why you will all hang.

No GOP are getting the one hall pass to be a safe NO, McConnell doesn't want a health care repeat where a lone defector at the last minute tanks it.

Manchin going for the easy political credit of "standing up to Schumer" by just jumping on after the GOP already has enough votes to put him above the line.

>government assigned girlfriends
just give a hooker coupon to every virgin male older than 21 to stop the incel rage

Even the onions has to agree that n omatter what Kavanaugh will say or do, he will be guilty in his eyes simply because he doesn't like him and reddit, twitter and the liberal platform told the onions to hate Kavanaugh no matter what. Fascinating.

Ofcourse there will be protests. Impeachments every month without stop. But that's okay. Soon another judge will croak. Liberals also created Kavanaugh after these last few weeks. To be fair he wont be as impartial and forgiving as before. I can see him having a big chip and shitting on anything liberals hold sacred out of spite.

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Checked and it seems so.

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Is there anything that the Dems have done in the last 3 years that has NOT spectacularly backfired?

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No he's just being a condescending faggot and telling everyone what bias is because it he thinks it makes him look smart. Also checked.

yuo r gud sender and fren, sen.Apu, tank yuo for ur servix. yuo habe mi boat in novembr

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i'm literally gay for graham now :)

>the moment when Feintstein realized he was probably getting confirmed so she started covering her ass and interrupted just to make it SUPER CLEAR that she didn't leak anything, promise!

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Aren't you bored of s o y being turned into oinions? Can't even say s o y l e n t.

Watching the Democrats led by Feinstein attempt to pull off this smear over unfounded allegations has radicalized my opinions against the Democrats more than 2016.

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Roy Moore

ok this is spoopy
"Death Comet" will be zipping passed earth just after Halloween this year.

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>incels getting, knowing what to do with or even wanting a gf
>incels being allowed to reproduce
Just give them sex bots and continue to give the bots free upgrades every few years. Or high tech onahole.

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Is it really that hard for the left to sympathize with someone who has been slandered and attacked by the MSM and Democrats for weeks?
I guess so when it comes to the Supreme Court.
Once Trump gets another nominee in it will take them decades before the left will be in a position to start subverting the US again.

I actually agree. Trump was almost a fair target because he was inviting the fights, he likes them.

Doing this shit to Kavanaugh was actually a new low I didn't think they could hit.

So its just 30 hours of kvetching?

Thats good but who makes such retarded rules

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God Emperor Trump

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Just so you know that page can still be found.
But I'm to lazy and have no interest so don't worry about me, maybe one of the lurkers or other anons might do it for lulz though.

Republican base will be fired up if Kavanaugh gets confirmed. It shows the Republicans have SOME fight in them, which is all the Republican base ever fucking wanted.


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>not being fully radicalized against Democrats and liberals in general since at least 2015

Can't go beyond 100% desu

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Kavanaugh strikes me as the type of man who will try to not let what happened in these proceedings effect his judgements. However, he is still human and memories will color one's opinions.

Whatever happens, he is now certainly redpilled about how insane the Left is, and that our country is literally going to be destroyed if they take power again.

RBG is on the court until 2045, get over it drumpfies

The House and Senate make the rules, which is why they often make no sense and are completely retarded.

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Make sure to watch spooky movies to celebrate its passing.

It's the Supreme Court, and unlike Gorsuch where it was just a switch from Scalia (the GARLAND!!! stuff still happened though), this will be shifting the swing vote to Roberts, as well as giving Thomas/Alito/Gorsuch/Kavanaugh the powerful Rule of Four (ability to grant certiorari to bring cases to SCOTUS)



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No it won't Dems are gonna be suicidal and blackpilled to shit after all what's the point when literal rapists are in the supreme court. Expect violence from pink and blue hairs.

>Finally find the qt tomboy girl of my dreams
>Really cute, hot and fun to be with
>She's a fucking TROT
I wish I was dead
Anyway, stay hydrated, remember to start your day with a good tall glass of water
I'll have a glass of cyanide instead

the chrome edition was beyond maximum kino

that hearing likely had this same effect on countless other people. i know it did for me, too

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They'll probably make net gains in the House, but their chances of flipping it to a Dem majority are much slimmer now. Basically the only thing Republican voters WANT is for Trump's agenda to be fulfilled, that's why his coattails were so effective that they gave Republicans their first bicameral majority in like a century. When they confirm, they'll be fulfilling one of his most important, if not the most important, campaign promise.

is that a trad thot?

Something has shifted since McBrain died.

What did he have on them? Or what did someone hold over him a small group of cuck rinos had to protect?

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>Thats good but who makes such retarded rules
Senate and House make their own rules. Senate tends to be more "traditional" with how they do things.

A trotskyist

Do you have the skills to photoshop Lindsey Graham into that gif?

>powerful Rule of Four (ability to grant certiorari to bring cases to SCOTUS)
Most people don't realize how HUGE this is. The next time some Federal judge unconstitutionally tries to stop the President's executive authority, they can call the case up in the next SCOTUS term and btfo it.

I think Moore backfired on them because it empowered #metoo and now see where we are

No cyanide for you
Live to fight another day... it hacks off the Lefties something fierce.

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>Republican base will be fired up if Kavanaugh gets confirmed.
maybe this is the reason why the democrats were so scared about this nomination, they were acting waaaaay to aggressive over a supreme nominee

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>i would never be compelled to defend myself and my family from godless scumbags smearing me and traumatizing them

wow, this guy is impressive

This is the plan Drumpfy scum

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Yeah, but i'm also tired of going out of my way to avoid the shitty filter tranny mods made.

Exactly. Trump was fighting and talking shit from day one himself. Democrats basically went hard from the start. I would be okay if they attacked Kavanaugh himself, but they basically ruined his decades long reputation, the reputation of his family and friends. That was a complete shitshow. I feel bad for him and no wonder he was as angry and cried. What's also upsetting is the general liberal populace reaction
>lmao what a cry baby hahahaha
Give me a fucking break. The man was crying because he felt that he failed his family as a husband and a father. No matter what people will say, he will feel responsible for all the shit they went through and he felt helpless to do anything. And no matter what happens now, win or lose, his decade long reputation and the reputation of his family will be forever smeared. If a man doesn't care and doesn't get emotional then, then he's soulless.

What's worse is that they on purpose did not allow him to defend himself and then dared to rub it in by saying "well why didn't you want to defend yourself". I could basically see Kavanaugh manifesting a rope around Feinsteins neck the second she said that bullshit.

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How do you feel about this development?

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Something like that, clearly
He was 'The Republican' for so long. In other words, the fall guy, the Democrat in all the ways it counted and always handing them wins.

>entitled to success

That sounds awfully familiar to Affirmative Action

the fucking irony

Even unpaid stooges. Stopping Kavanaugh was supposed to be Hillary's ultimate fallback plan. This was their Alamo and they just lost it.

McShame was a power hungry, egotistical asshole. I honestly don't know what people like Flake and Graham saw in him. I think they just kissed his ass so they wouldn't get on his bad side.

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I hate being alone. I wanted to marry my ex and now she's fucking other men. Normies don't talk to me. Women reject me- especially when they find out I support the President. I don't enjoy the fight; I wish I was an npc. What's the point of life if you have no one to share it with? I don't actively want to kill myself but I want to be dead. And I do have some impulse to cut myself (which I haven't ever done). I'm not going to graduate college until I'm closer to 30 than 20 because I had to change majors (because communists). I've only ever failed at everything I've ever tried. I hate my life and can't change it because I'm too weak- in every sense of the word. Tonight I went out to drink to full the pain and several women complimented my looks and when I finally decided to accept their praise and try and talk to them, their Chad boyfriends showed up. As I type this, who knows how many people are making love, meanwhile I can't even masturbate because the antidepressants I've started taking interferes with my orgasm.

Trump talks about making America great again but he only means in the boomer sense. The hard truth to swallow is that trump can't fix everything. My life is just another symptom of greater social problems, It will take a cultural leader to focus on fixing deep-rooted societal issues. Maybe that's not even going to be the president, who knows. All I can say is my life is hell and I'm nothing special

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cianigger psyop to make people look stupid

This awoo pleases me.

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hell no. the farce of a hearing is over. the senators will do their grandstanding for a couple of days in the congress bldg and vote and it's over

I see, that is quite big. I understand why the Democrats were so desperate to stop or stall him for as long as possible.

>if he gets on, get him off
And how do you plan on doing that, Mr. Chipman

Got home late tonight and was actually excited to kick back. Then come on to see this 4th string garage sale /ptg/ dogshit. I thought it was some kind of joke so I go back 2 fucking threads and it's like someone let Sloth from The Goonies fuck this shit all the way up to rage levels unhealthy for my tired body. Fuck you whoever did this and fuck you lookers on for not throwing this nigger a digital basketball to distract them from making this shit. Thanks for ruining my whole fucking night fuckos.

Seems to me that was the Republicans choosing a shitty candidate more than anything

I know this is anecdotal lads but there were a lot of normies on my normiebook that I know did not vote for Trump saying they were done with dems and how they felt bad for KB. These were mostly women too. This could be a great thing to shift some seats back.

lets try to get on CNN with this just for shits and giggles

someone get me the reddit blackpill about how liberals get abortions but eventually it will balance out because more democrats are aborted apparently


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>all that bullshit
>JamesGunn signaling
USbros when the day of the rope comes, I request a RWDS work visa. I'll bring my own rope and pay for my own travel.

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>movie reviewer
>fat slob
>Liberal snowflake
What the fuck happen in the womb to make this faggot.
If I see one fucking thing about a person that screams pop culture enthusiast I know they are fucking cancer no matter what their political leanings.

Its true tho, which is why abortions should be legal

They wanted the Republican senators to quietly give in like they normally do and demoralize Republican voters. It backfired on them badly.

Good tidings

now this is a novel idea. it just may work.

>What did he have on them?
Huge blackmail file probably. Same way he clawed his way to the top of Arizona politics and strangled all his competitors in the cradle.

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Of course you'll see (((riots))) but real people won't be among them. You and too many people forget that fake news isn't real.

He kinda outed himself on that one with his opening statement where he shit all over Dems for using the woman as an attack on him for the Ken Starr days and as retribution for Trump's election. By all accounts he already hated the left, this just solidified it and gave him grounds to publicly state it without them having a credible way of attacking him for it.

Those C-SPAN callers from today we a real buzzkill.

>Directing questions towards an accuser to check the facts is a crime now

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>planning to fail right from step one

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need to redpill her. WITH YOUR DICK.
seriously though, she's a commie for to lack of protein in her diet

Maybe, but credit where it's due, it was an effective political operation.

Remember to mercilessly dab on shitlibs when Kavanaugh gets seated

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