DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city...

>DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favorite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

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The absolute state of Brooklyn.

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>Dur I hate people that have fun why can’t you be an incel with a Hitler t-shirt like me

>guys look at this basedboy beta cuck I made

I wish I had even one thing that I actually enjoyed, instead of just being a distraction form meaninglessness.

you forgot to say

t. urban retard

ok, now i'm mad

hearing how people can be like this is soul crushing

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>You’re a retard because you don’t have cows in your yard dur fuck good ISPs and having nice restaurants nearby

on one hand, i hate these fuckers
on the other hand i hate fuckers who hate what other fuckers like

You will starve to death when the collapse happens.

Spotted the NPC.

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Barcade sounds like a great idea, but I can easily imagine these cunts ruining it with their very presence and shit-tier entry-level tastes in games.

Sorry faggot, but it isn't coming. The world will go on in this same insufferable monotony forever. It will never get bad enough to fix. It will never be good enough to enjoy. History has died, nothing will ever happen again.

They do have things like that, fag

You mean Portland

Yeah man, image actually living like this.

No it's not, ever hear of Dave and Busters, complete garbage.

A collapse is obviously coming you retard. Collapses are an inevitable effect of increasing entropy in our societies. Collapses are inevitable as populations continue to rise at an exponential rate and tensions over resource scarcity fester between competing groups.

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Nice job OP. God I love this forum.

>When there isn't a shill raid.


8/10 OP, keep working on it and get a good pic to go with it

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I have a few rifles, I'm sure we'll find each other.

>not one mention of the Diversity™ and different ethnic foods
Reported to the CIA for racism.

Cringe and bluepilled

god i'm so alone and penniless

This. The end has never happened, its not going to either. The """second civil war""" is the rights "IMPEACH BLUMPF", just some shit to keep their base distracted and looking to the horizon while their present is being fucked from underneath them

How old were you in 2008? You seem very naive about the current state of things

Not happening.

NPCs don’t exist.

woah dude a step inside ur crazy mind :)

Sounds epic desu. Much more fun than sitting around on a Tibetan cave painting forum talking about niggers and kikes all day.

adulting is one of those words I will etch into my enemies when the time comes

Hustle is a buzz word that has come up more and in a few years. Hustle this and hustle this, everyone thinks they are a CEO.

It's a hip hop thing and our culture is thoroughly blacked.

>living in the city poor is shit
>living in the city rich is based
Guess which one I picked nigger


I fucking love playing Galata while drinking beers.

I just like to blend in and feel anonymous. In a big city I'm simply one of many.

Being “redpilled” is just becoming a delusional and paranoid retard.

The optimal place for people to live are in villages of a few thousand inhabitants each. You can work on the land, you all get to know each other because you live close by, your neighbours will be happy to listen to you play music in the local pub or at the church hall, and there are fewer chads localised in one place so it avoids being a chadhellhole.

You don't see those kinds of places very often these days though. They're either exclusive to the very rich, inhabited only by the old, or are subhuman shitholes because the men are dickheads and the women wouldn't organise a fair or a bakesale without three unwanted fetal alcohol syndrome pregnancies and a screaming match.

Also the combination of an ageing population and a population boom has ruined all our lives. None of us will inherit anything worth having before we ourselves are no longer young enough to profit from it, if we do inherit anything. Industry is important, but modern neo-liberal capitalism is a fake lifeline offered to the millions of us who would otherwise realise we have to work harder than any other generation just to have the barest amount of capital.

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I'm an urban retard, but there's a staunch difference between living in a big city for financial purposes (you can't make big money anywhere except Moscow and Petrograd here) and enjoying what it has to offer (concerts, sports events, art places, etc.), and being an ethnic food barcadiversity cuck. C'mon, laddy mates, the world isn't that polar.

Living on the land is shit. The more rural you are the lower the education, quality of and diversity of services, and the higher the suicide rates, mental illness rates and rates of loneliness. You just crave an artificial idea of community because you're incapable of finding meaningful relationships in your day to day life.