Look Whose Hanging Out With Bitch of Benghazi

Recognize her?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at 2.29.35 AM.png (575x434, 584K)

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Yup, ugly lying sack o shyte attny.

Not shocked.

Need more.

Attached: EDD20B26-7847-4C71-A867-BBB7E5DB7BD9.jpg (249x243, 16K)

>Bitch of Benghazi
Kek, and I've been calling her the satanic Queen of Haiti

Who is it?

this lady

Attached: barbara kinney.png (644x269, 101K)

Who’s that cunt in the shower curtain?

Attached: katz.jpg (613x340, 34K)


Attached: 1503254476121.jpg (590x639, 137K)