Cryvanaugh turning Jow Forums into pussies

When did Jow Forums get infected with crying faggots? Surely not everyone here is like that, is the_donald overflowing?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>he dindu nuffin


get some real banter faggot

Because he was literally calling out the jew with his tears and how their wickedness affects straight white men.

>This is the best shills, glow in the darks, and liberal sissy boys got tonight


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The tree of liberty is watered by the tears of patriots

>calling outs jews

>not crying your eyes out at this paragon of a man seeing his life turned upside down by yet another cunt roastie

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Salty liberal faggots are salty tonight. Kill yourselves, soigois and pussy hat wearing trash, you’re fucking toast now.

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>Didn't bother to shoop the just fuck my shit up hair
Shit thread.

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Jow Forums needs better heroes. Trump never cries.

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Tears of justice rained down on the dems. now the Fist of justice will

Im ex frontline military, I cried. My Dad is ex Rhodesian Special Forces, he cried. OP is a weak faggot for starting this thread.

> Homoerrotic hug fest, bring the tissues to Cryvanaughs hearing

What the hell is wrong with conservatives now?
Whats with all the crying lately?

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>Crying for republican establishment
Bootlickers get the rope.

Since when was Jow Forums full of insecure dudebro normies?

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A man was having his reputation destroyed by a leftist cunt. How would you react?

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Just keeping up with the crybaby faggot of all time, yo.

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You're not a chad, you're an asshole. Keep that in mind.

At times he spoke with the same passion in his heart and in his voice as Adolf Hitler.

He is a good, honest man and I hope he will go on the supreme court.


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You lost, you will loose midterms and 2020
Even german media recognizes it

Punished Kav, a man denied his position.

His plight reaches all that aspire to greatness, to almost grab it and then have it viciously snatched away from you by jealous eyes.


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at the end of the day hes a study nerd

He lied about never having been blackout drunk. Any lying is a disqualifier in this setting. Trump can find a non lying sack of shit to nominate now.

Roastie whore spotted!

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Shill fucker

Better than being a kike like you.

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He’s probably at the end of his tether. Its supposed to be the highlight of his career and instead he has to go on tv and be accused of being a serial rapist. Nobody signed up for this crazy dystopian shit, it doesn’t surprise me that people are losing their poker faces. One top of that he’s probably had to think about how he got drunk and slapped the arse of a cocktail waitress back in the seventies once and now that’s rape.

He was a three sport athlete chad who decided not to fuck anyone and documented every day of his life so some attention seeking roastie doesn’t ruin his future reputation, and it happened anyway. It’s the ultimate form of frustration.

Makes a man want to cry.

Kavanaugh is not a politician, he's a judge. He is under no obligation to put up a tough front, especially when people are throwing false accusation after false accusation at him.

In all fields

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He is on the verge of having his entire professional and personal life destroyed after essentially devoting his entire life to serving the country, all the while he has to sit in a hearing while democrats serve bait questions to continue to try and destroy his reputation and credibility in the public eye while providing absolutely nothing other than uncorroborated accusations with literally no evidence supporting anything at all.

He could somehow be a black out drunkard and that still doesn't prove anything at all. He has no recourse but to sit there and get shit in the face by the democrats and media. Worst part is throughout all of this the Democrats are perceived as having the moral upper hand, that they are the good guys, despite all the shady shit they have done surrounding this whole ordeal. Its complete insanity.

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Empathy is a sign of being human you ape NPC

German media is just as reliable as RT and BBC

His family has gotten ran through the mud while this single fur baby cunt is lauded as a hero

He took down the democrats, destroyed the “every man is automatically guilty” narrative, and turned the Blue Wave into a flushed toilet. How the fuck could he NOT cry, he saved America by destroying the left, FFS!

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> Empathy
> Rapes multiple women in college
> Nominated by rapist

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>take muh fbi investigation
>reopen muh fbi investigation
>it’ll clear your name while we vote you down
>be a good goyim and suspend this whole thing past midterms
It was easily the most obnoxious, annoying thing I’ve ever seen. Fucking BOOOF and Ralf...I was born in ‘93 and I know what Ralfing is. These dumb niggers had their nuts in a vice trying to get anything to stick and showed just how much of soulless slime balls they are. Graham getting fired up was great

>dude take my word for it
Survivors are evidence enough

lol at far-left extremists aka the same people who whine about "macho bullshit" and "expressing your feelings is good" suddenly pushing for this meme. Not going to work, thank you for showing the normies what you are all about, far-left Democrap terrorists.

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the left will never let up
you will never survive

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What ever you say, Chaim Memeflagstein


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Your actions and words speak louder than any flag.

finnish the tweet memefaggot

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See ya tomorrow, faggot.


The worst thing is that when Kavanaugh said 'I'm innocent' when the dems were asking him to personally ask to reopen the investigation, people assume he is dodging the question and using that as an admission of guilt. In reality he is innocent and it is up to the accusers to prove otherwise. But this concept is ignored because it isn't a criminal investigation but a 'job interview', which is absurd. Why would he, from the position of innocence, request any sort of investigation that could incriminate him is any sort of way, even by accident or tangentially? Of course any sane person would say no to such a request, but that too would also be interpreted by the public as admission of guilt. But if he said 'I am innocent, and the burden of truth lies in the accusers' then that would be interpreted as him saying that the accusers are liars, which is even worse optics. There was no way for him to not lose.

Just like altrighters were anything else that effeminate snowflakes
Jow Forums is tumblr 2.0


You're a LARPing faggot

And yet you were worried a female president could be too emotional to hold the position, but a grown man behaving this way, let alone a supreme court judge is now fine.

It's almost like horsehoe theory gets proven time and time and time again. It must really upset you to know most normal people see both you and them as the same kind of insane. To know a sizable portion of the population thinks you're just the same.

Remember Kamala talking about her (uncorroborated) witnesses and how Kav brought none?

How do u bring a witness to testify to something you never did?

Thats how FUCKING STUPID Democrats are.

>muh horseshoe theory fallacy!!
Seethe more, far-left shitter.

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lindsey graham coached him on how to fake crying to get out of trouble. his whore mother taugh him and lindsey wanted to teach kavavavuhvaha...vau..ha...n ...what his mother taught him to do when crying didnt work it involved taming your gag reflex

They cant stand it, how emotional

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Texas rep (made me love my home state with his statements “you can’t prove a negative”), Grassley, and Graham breaking this fact down and that this isn’t a job interview was great. This wasn’t a job interview, it wasn’t a trial, and was mostly a sham

women will never understand

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>ex frontline military
u mean former isis mujaheed?

OP is a fudge packer.

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I'm a normal person who doesn't associate with fringe extremists politics, hence why you're literally just the same to me as the subhuman scum in your picture.

Everyday I am rewarded more and more for not doubling down on a political spectrum and letting it takeover my identity, perverting me into a sheep. I voted for Trump for the objective benefits he would bring to me over the massive objective problems Hillary would cause for me and the country. I voted as you should, for the benefit of yourself and your country. That does not make me a slave to their political party, nor does it make me support the inclusion of temperamental manchildren into the Supreme Court. The nominee should be red, although I may posses some liberal beliefs, a blue supreme court would be disastrous for this country and 90% of the population, but a 13 year old girl should not be in this position.

But the thing that makes you seethe is that I fucking hate you just as much as I hate blue-haired tumblr whores. That to me, you're just the same as a neckbearded basedboy screaming "it was her turn". You cannot handle that so many of us see you as the same subhuman trash, an embarrassment to voter's rights as all of your votes count the same as us regular Americans.

>I'm a normal person who doesn't associate with fringe extremists politic

Sure thing, that's why you sound exactly like how a fringe far-left extremist very poorly pretending to be a "le rational, principled conservative and le fellow Trump supporter, m' fellow kekistani pedes!" caricature would sound eh? I can read you fuckers like a book, that cheap concern trolling might work on reddit but not here.

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Save your flimsy faggoty excuse, fucking nitwit.It's easy to make up shit on the internet after all.

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>dems crying all day
>black mutt dude goes full retard
>bob cut feminist seethes
>Scaly lizard man bows to feminism while shaking violently
mate, I built a 20 metre retaining wall today on no sleep. Know why?
Because watching the absolute state of the Democrats and the amateur shitshow they destroyed themselves with was the best entertainment I have seen for a long time. Couldnt sleep, just one fuck up after another demanding the viewers attention.

And I'm staying awake for the finale as well lmao

Who knew a rape accusation could draw out these kinds of emotions from this Kavanaugh fella. You're right, he shouldn't be such a pussy, it's not like someone accusing you of rape isn't a big deal right?

Kys you fucking shill just do it

Disgusting evil white boy character raped her

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Same here

He got rid of his toxic masculinity, he is woke and truly red pilled - the path to manliness is a connection with your soul and feelings.

even my npc liberal sister thinks his whole thing is fucking bullshit

Real men choke, not cry, you're a pussy and your dad's a pussy.