Kavanaugh won’t be sworn in and it is time you start supporting trumps next, female, nominee

Kavanaugh won’t be sworn in and it is time you start supporting trumps next, female, nominee.

Kavanaugh is innocent with respect to the allegations but if you aren’t an idiot you witnessed him either lie under oath or desperately attempt to circumvent lying under oath.

Let’s not pretend to be surprised, he is a catholic after all.

Kavanaugh would have likely been the best possible moderate SC candidate. Be thankful he won’t be sworn in. Get ready for a hard right (probably also satanic catholic) woman to be nominated to defang the left of their favorite projection.

K-dawg is finished. Accept that not only would he be more beneficial to the left than the right, but that his usurper will be definitively /ourgal/

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Shareblue kike

Only kikes and retards like republicans.

Who is pic related and post feet

Sex doll

You people just don't get tired of getting fucked, do you? You even let el rato and graham spitroast you today.

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You couldn't tell? What the fuck kind of autism do you have?

Whatever you say establishment fuckface.

Its all but a done deal, user. By 10 tomorrow he's through committee...DOUBT Dems want to hold debate open long...senate calendar is giving them til Monday night with Tuesday vote.

After today? They could be done ON Saturday.

I can see your nose from here.

The vote is schedule for 12 PmM Saturday last I heard.

The kikes are out in droves tonight. You really need to get in an oven bitch.

Shill. You are wrong. They'll vote in the morning. Watch.

When Ginsberg dies will be when he appoints a female.

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They'll do it tomorrow to avoid protesters.


Can u read?
Committee vote is TOMORROW. THEN it goes to floor (everyone else) for debate.... yknow what? Im not explaining this to you MILLENNIAL retards who WHINE about education costs, and spend ur time and $ on anything BUT education and post bullshit.

In sum...fuck off.

First day on the job?

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How did OP fit this post into his busy cock sucking schedule?

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Sexy midget sexdoll.^//3//^

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feel bad for her, you're an animal if you dont

is this chick by any chance a judge and us citizen?

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What does vagina taste like?

She dosn't need pity, she needs snuggles and hard cock.

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Weak bait, sage.