When will Yugoslavia rise again?

When will Yugoslavia rise again?

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please nuke us
us slavs dont deserve to live

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jugoslavija was a mistake

When you get rid of the Serbian menace.

>please nuke us
>us bosnians dont deserve to live

How do you feel about your country officially being Muslim majority? I saw cases where churches are not being allowed in some towns, and and Christians are leaving to other countries. I also find it funny/sad how jihadists exports are increasing in the country

Bosnia and Herzegovina
>According to the most recent census, conducted in 2013 and whose results were published in 2016, Muslims today constitute 50.70% of the population; Christians, both Catholic and Orthodox, constitute 45.94%; and other groups, including Jews and nonreligious persons, constitute 3.36%

Macedonia (2011)
>Macedonia was found to be 70.7% Christian, divided in 69.6% Eastern Orthodox and 0.4% Catholics and Protestants, and 28.6% Muslim, with unaffiliated Muslims making up the 25.6%.[1]

Montenegro (2011)
>Religion in Montenegro (2011)[1] Eastern Orthodoxy (72.07%) Catholic (3.44%) Other Christian (0.43%) Islam (19.11%) Other religions (1.04%) Atheist/Agnostic (1.31%) Undeclared (2.61%)

The Balkan States are a glimpse of what Europe will eventually become

i mean,everybody knows here where are jihads placed,but police dont want to do anything.
Its like living in Detroit,say something wrong about islam and u will be beaten and killed by "Religion of Peace"

But at the other hand im happy that Europe will "reap what she sows" and will taste the Islam she was protecting when we tried get rid of it in 1992

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Half past never

Meme country.


i'm learning lads


That's sad. I genuinely feel bad for your country. But is the other stuff true? About towns rejecting churches, Christians leaving, etc.?

Us Serbs in Bosnia can get Serbian citizenship and move there,Croats same.
churches get attacked and vandalized by again "Religion of Peace".
In some muslim towns there are like 1 small Church and 10 mosque for Islam

Problem of the country is corruption too,27% of populations dosnt have job.
Bosnia is just a big shit hole

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Ouch. I wish I could help but I'm positive that your country will eventually become an Islamic country. It seems inevitable at this point since you've passed the point of no return(majority Muslim).

What I find interesting is that the EU, ironically, seems aware of the problem because they won't allow countries with significant Muslim populations to become member states. Although at the same time they are the ones screwing up countries like yours.

muslims here are like niggers,dosnt metter if their family has money to feed their children of give them a good childhood or good life and education they will just keep fucking.
Every fucking muslim family here has over 4-5 children,while Serbs and Croats go max to 2.

if u ever get nuke codes,first nuke Israel then us,Ok?

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my mother told me there is still a little village full of mujahedin, where no one wants to enter, and if entered, won't return. the taliban send aid to bosnian muslims during the yugo war.