Is Lara a good girls name?
Making kids
Wyatt King
Easton Perry
Nh. Try Chastity. Or Krystal.
Wyatt Bailey
Laura ?
Lara seems a little abbreviated or something.
Levi Flores
w/e just make sure it's not a kike name out of the bible.
> t. Matthew, or (((Matityahu))) 8n original kike speak.
Dear /x/,
Is it bad luck to change your name?
John Walker
> not a kike name
You mean the first Christians?
Tyler Morgan
Total whore name. She will be inhaling black seed if you name her that.
Joshua Rodriguez
Blake Kelly
What was that?
Jeremiah Watson
Do what?
Brandon Williams
you're in the wrong board and your country does not even exist , gtfo