Who do you hate the most, Jow Forums?
For me it's the slavs. They're subhuman pieces of shit who aren't much better than shitskins or niggers. Low IQ, aggressive, incapable of creating a proper civilisation, etc. And the worst part is that some people unironically worship these cunts, calling them Europe's last hope or whatever.
Who do you hate the most, Jow Forums?
Parker Murphy
Xavier Gutierrez
stinky romanian gypsies
Ian Perez
These look Romanian to me!
Nicholas Jenkins
Dylan Perez
we slavs were tsars n' shiet
if there was no north american continent we would've ruled the world
Ethan Rogers
Julian Flores
Jokes on you, I'm a proud descendant of the Romans!
Brandon Wright
>have problem with Slavic aggression
>started thread completely dedicated to hatred
Such irony.
>the worst part is that some people unironically worship these cunts
>the worst part
Such envy.
>incapable of creating a proper civilisation
Such bullshit.
All in all it's literally you
>Low IQ, aggressive, incapable of creating a proper civilisation. But have fun anyway, I don't mind.
Mason Sanders
Definitely australians
Isaac Taylor
in every slav is a kang