Anyone outside Poland considering going to this?

Anyone outside Poland considering going to this?

Attached: Screenshot 2018-09-28 at 10.28.47.png (540x392, 292K)

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No one can resist the call of the sierra madre

Nach Polen nur im Panzerwagen!


Fuck lads flights are cheap think im going to go.

Attached: Screenshot 2018-09-28 at 10.35.13.png (1776x1432, 1.08M)

Mogę cie podwieźć jak będę wracał z Berlina

Attached: zqbktkqTURBXy9kNjU5YmZkZGU3YTFlZjJmMTBhZTc0ODMyODI2ZTc4ZS5qcGVnkZMCAM0B5A.jpg (858x484, 136K)

Wtf the polish are fucking awesome


I’ll be washing my hair unfortunately

Attached: 23472332_1167632093368833_5169811692103234563_n.jpg (658x804, 61K)