Husband: Kavanaugh

>Husband: Kavanaugh...
>Husband: now where have i....
>Husband: hey wait a second, that's the guy you said raped you
>CBF: huh?
>Husband: the reason we have two front doors, remember sweetie? we got them because of the trauma you experienced at the hands of that bastard rape train artist Kavanaugh even though nobody can even understand the logic of having 2 front doors and how that helps you escape from rapists. so like if we got 4 front doors would that mean you'd be 4 times as safe? i mean, to me the more entry points you put in your house means you have more ways for rapists to enter, but that's neither here nor there. Point is that bastard Kavanaugh is about to be elected to the supreme court.
>CBF: oh...yea...that gave me the absolute WORST ptsd. almost as bad as the ptsd i got from the panera waitress that called me 'mam'.
>Husband: right, but shouldnt we do something? we can't just let your personal rapist get into the supreme court. what if there are other victims? what if he's still getting his rape on?
>CBF: maybe you're right. but before i make my final decision i must consult the smartest most wisest people i beach friends
3 months later pic related.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Holy fuck she is actually insane

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Ford is literally a train wreck. She is getting what she deserves.

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there's no way that's her house. that's just a fucking duplex

You think Feinstein knows what a duplex is?

Given the recent explosion in rent prices there, you wouldn't remodel your house for an extra $50k a year?

>beach frens

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>claimed to have a fear of flying
>is a world traveler
>claimed she didnt want to tell her parents she was at a party drinking with boys
>said she had one beer
>also said she had nothing to drink
>describes party as having no music or television playing except for the empty bedroom she was pushed in to
>because all parties have the music playing in unoccupied rooms
>has zero recollection of how she got to the party
>has zero recollection of how she got home
>has virtually no recollection of last 30 days
>cant recall if she paid for her polygraph
>cant remember if she gave her therapist transcripts to a reporter
>nobody she said was there remembers being there
and everyone is still so afraid of "attacking the victim" that i cant find any mainstream voices breaking down her testimony and calling it out for being total horseshit

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>the reason we have two front doors, remember sweetie? we got them because of the trauma you experienced at the hands of that bastard rape train artist Kavanaugh even though nobody can even understand the logic of having 2 front doors and how that helps you escape from rapists. so like if we got 4 front doors would that mean you'd be 4 times as safe? i mean, to me the more entry points you put in your house means you have more ways for rapists to enter, but that's neither here nor there. Point is that bastard Kavanaugh is about to be elected to the supreme court.
My sides

>Ford is literally a train wreck
You need to kill yourself. Preferably by bludgeoning yourself with a dictionary.

Are the google interns rapist?

yea, just dont think about her story, then it all makes perfect sense.

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Incest is a type of sexual abuse that can (but does not always) include sexual intercourse, sexually inappropriate acts, or the abuse of power based on sexual activity between blood relatives. The important thing to remember is that incest is a form of sexual abuse. As a form of abuse, it is highly damaging to a child’s psyche and most often results in prolonged Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). says that “Incest and sexual abuse of children take many forms and may include sexually suggestive language; prolonged kissing, looking, and petting; vaginal and/or anal intercourse; and oral sex. Because sexual contact is often achieved without overt physical force, there may be no obvious signs of physical harm.”

Incest is a reprehensible form of abuse not just because it is cloaked in shame and stigma, but because this type of sexual abuse in particular affects young victims by implicating and damaging their primary support system. This can be very confusing for children who have been taught to be wary of strangers, but to trust in family. Because they are in the beginning stages of developing their value systems and trust models, the betrayal of incest can be utterly confusing, if not permanently damaging, to a child’s delicate psyche.

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remember the duggars

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I thought she meant French doors, which seem easier to kick in. But two separate "front" doors makes a little bit more sense, maybe. I hear back doors are broken into more often than front doors, anyway.

How can you rape if you don't even fuck?

>tee hee
>gotta have my caffeine
>no talkie til I get my coffee

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>Given the recent explosion in rent prices there, you wouldn't remodel your house for an extra $50k a year?

but now, once she figures out how to get the loot from all the gofundmes set up for her, she can put front doors all the way around the house.

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I've broken in a few back doors myself. They're always nice when brand new.

Damn here I thought we would have a fun meme thread without shareblue coming in.

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add the part where two athletes who lift weights all the time tried to rape and kill her but somehow she got away without any injuries or torn clothing.

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Behold: the rapist's nightmare

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It won't matter. Nearly all the women in my life think she had a drinking/drug problem early on and probably still does. 'Beach friends' did not help with this.

Sounds like something my ex wife would do. She literally cheated in a board game and when I called her out decided to back out of a family vacation until I apologized. I didn't, told her she's crazy and now we're divorced. Wew

Gah damn

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you're good at this

if you just look at her face you can tell she drinks at least one bottle of wine a night and probably uses some other traumatic life event as an excuse

>I recall saying that the boy who assaulted me could some day be on the U S Supreme court

2012, really?

Can someone just explain why her face looks so odd - I'm getting uncanny valley vibes from it, it just doesn't even look real

And the glasses are just fucking huge and weird too

Yeah, weird right?


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lol post the whole screencap

Literally the first thing she asked for was drugs, i.e. the caffeinated Jew.

>Can someone just explain why her face looks so odd

she's just funny looking, like lots of insane people

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imagine trying to explain this to someone new to Jow Forums

A marriage so weak it ended over a board game.

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Oh wait, we have a liberal white night here. Do you feel it in your artificial vagina that she was raped and should be believed? Day of the rake, when?

literally a leaf

2 doors
2 rapists
2 beers
2 personalities, well maybe 3

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the scary part is that this was probably her happy, relaxed, "take my picture" face.

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Because it is literally any shumer

God she looks like such a monster

Who the fuck would ever keep a stiffy from this face


this fucking timeline lads

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Ok I think I pretty much know what happened.
Ford took some drugs at this party, some guy at the party may have sexually used her while she was pretty much out. Ford has some blurry memory of something happening, no details or who actually was the guy.
Remembers that Kavanaugh was at this drug party, so he among every other male that was at this party could have been the guy.
She may have even convinced herself (lately) that it was Kavanaugh .
And now we are here.

How would she know ford was at the party if she never even met him

There were other things in the hearing that contradict this too with the fact that Ford and his friends lived too far from the alleged place and have never been to the specified house

They remodeled their house into a duplex. It's fucking obvious from the testimony.

>How would she know ford was at the party if she never even met him
>There were other things in the hearing that contradict this too with the fact that Ford and his friends lived too far from the alleged place and have never been to the specified house

you're drunk again, Crissey, go to bed.

>Weird this came up in 2012
So crazy. So, so crazy. It's almost like (((they))) started orchestrating this hit in 2012..

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Shit I just woke up

Replace every Ford with Kavanaugh

>be afraid of being raped
>invite strange men to live in your home
>at least there are two doors tho...

Yes he was on R-Moneys short list

She's pretty hot though. 10/10 would molest the shit out of her if she was my sister.

You're dumb as fuck.

your digits confirm

Two front doors to escape her husband. Probably the only way she agreed to stay with him.

nice victim blaming there

been out of the loop for a few days, can someone fill me in on what's happening?


>tfw you took down the entire Democratic Party just to get 2 front doors on your house

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Converted her house to a duplex so she could live separately from him. And get trains run by google interns.

Maybe she travelled by sea

I suspect that is why they're keen not to allow access to her therapist notes

Gentle reminder that burgers are nothing but Israel's dogs and that the U.S. should be nuked into glass as soon as possible right along with their Jewish overlords. Pic related.

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Couple are in therepy because their relationship is breaking down deciding to live separately is probably right.

They are men aren't they?

Imagine having that in your house and not molesting her. You would have to be gay

it was covered in her testimony. she flies all over the place all the time. liberals express themselves by the mental disorders they choose to have because the only way they know how to be interesting is to have a fear of wet paint or some phobia unique to them. CBF likely decided to have a fear of flying when she heard the smash 90s hit "Ironic" by Alanis Morissette which features a verse about the irony of a plane passenger having a fear of flying and being on a plane that is about to crash. that's when she decided fear of flying was cool and she absolutely had to have it. but of course she doesnt really have a fear of flying because she flies all the time. her real fear is being normal and boring so she cultivated this fear of flying because she believes that that makes her an interesting person.

same reason why she invented this rape scenario.

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You're literally a poorly educated leaf.

its her rental property.

She and her husband own three properties.

Also the door was permitted in 2008 not 2012

True if big.

Have you seen har GoFundMe's? She's a millionaire now...

Why the fuck does she need two front doors? I'm still laughing at how she magically knew that her rapist would one day be on the supreme court. Damn that bitch is magic.

her marriage counseling was probably for something more serious like her cheating


liberals in damage control mode now because the "two front doors" story makes their victim look batshit insane, which she is.

Front hole, shitlord!

>2 Justices

My sides

High-stakes Monopoly.

>Double Doors Ford

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I'm sure she's wished she could have more doors for people to enter her hole life.

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Holy shit, is that the actual narrative? I've been out of the loop.

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Hell, not even that. She got loaded, fooled around with somebody and later felt shame. So she retconned it into assault because that's easier on her conscience than "I'm a slut." Later she put Kavanaugh's face on whoever the guy actually was, and has convinced herself of this fact.

This is far more believable than "I had a traumatic experience that was SO SO BAD I made my husband remodel the house to give burglers another way to break into the house, but I can't remember ANY details about it other than it was FOR SURE that guy over there, why are you even questioning me, a-bloo-bloo-bloo."

Also this.

Is she wearing a wig/weave so that when she goes back to her normal life, nobody recognizes her? Is this Ford person just a character?

>maybe she travelled by sea


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It is made from her Beach Friends hair.

except that when she "escaped" she didn't run out of the house, she ran to the upstairs bathroom

Is this cunt really the best the dems can put up? Bitch can't even lie correctly. Thought the kikes had training workshops for that.
They aren't sending their brightest.