Hitler was pro-white

>hitler was pro-white
>killed millions of whites
>allied with niggers
>allied with muslims
>allied with arabs
>allied with japs
>muh white pride
>viva el hitla!

people who admire hitler are even more retarded than filthy commies

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Attached: jew_basic.jpg (600x600, 38K)

Is that the Danish female phenotype?

Our girls like the big Danish cock.
Fuck off, baguette.

Hitler worked for kikes.

>Responsible for the creation of israel
>Responsible for the tabooisation of nationalism
>Single handedly ruined fascism for all subsequent generations
>Killed more Whites than any non-white in history, ever
>Even Stalin killed more high profile, subversive Jews than him, only target plebs that couldn't afford to escape
>One of the closest associate was (((Rosenberg))))

Fuck off brainlet
No better Shabbos goy than hortler

Attached: b90.png (645x729, 127K)

based and redpilled

Death of poorfag Orthodox Jews in Eastern Europe was also beneficial for world Jewry since Orthodox kikes were against creation of Israel.

Hallstatt type.

Attached: hallstatt.png (1182x689, 342K)

Proto Nordid/East Nordid is superior. Scandinavian type looks too gracile.

But Hitler is dead. Doesn't matter what was his plan. We have diferent enemies and diferent situation.

Everyone should study what hapen in WW2. But that doesn't mean we should copy everything Hitler did. He was fine artist after all and good speaker. Autist who ruled Reich. Miracle he even reach Russian borders.

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