How do we combat the growing pagan problem?
How do we combat the growing pagan problem?
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Damn, does that big fella get all those cuties to himself? Not bad for a growing pagan.
how do i find you and hang you?
I really need to cum and that's the only way I get off
There's maybe only one qt. The others seem like they ran away from a madhouse.
The girl on the right seems to really enjoy taking a peek.
We gas them
But i like them dorky looking
we don't you Abrahamic retard. i bet you'd rather have Jewish or Muslim Europeans than Pagan Europeans, which is the native European religion. Christianity Belongs in the middle east, so does Islam and Judaism
Stop feeding them sugar.
No more growing.
How do we destroy the declining jew and christcuck problem?
>be at clown college
>21 yrs old
>doing an icebreaker in public speaking
>name, major, favorite movie
>get to giga sperg 9200 named David
>fat, greasy, high pitched and whiny sounding manlet with spotty facial hairs that barely made it through his estrogen bloated face
>has interrupted the teacher twice so far, going off on 10 minute tangents on how he wants to write and the different layers of the psyche
>entire class is fucking cringing as he now needs to show his difference yet again by saying how he doesn't like movies (like the ~normies~)
>teacher says okay what's something your interested in
>goes into excruciating detail on Odin
>who, he mentions, he happens to worship
We need to end the plague of absolute untermensch who describe themselves as pagans.
A few generations in the wilds will cleanse their genes you scientifically illiterate. Their bloodlines have been damaged by the Jewish garbage you worship. Only a return to paganism will cure these blights
You need battles, lots of battles
Explain why it is a problem, christcuck.
And why should we abandon electricity, running water, temperature control, plumbing, access to food, and transportation? And what right do you have to drag society collectively into the aftermath of your delusions?
I don't see a problem, they're not jewish puppets like christcucks and mudslimes. Also ever heard of child crusades where morons like you was sold to slavery by their own pope?
Get a better class of pagans.
Cyberpunk as it is
>Pagan Europeans, which is the native European religion
Those native religions are long dead. The modern 'paganism' isn't really paganism at all, it's LARPing. They claim that this is an ancient faith passed down through the ages and the generations in an unbroken tradition but it's bullshit. No 'neo-pagan' has grandparents that were pagans as well.
Anyway, you don't have any heritage at all, mutt, keep worshipping dead jew
LARPagans are nothing but rehashed filthy hippies.
Better to LARP as Jews than your ancestors, am I right?
Kek. The guy is like a living Pictposting meme.
My ancestor :)
Any white faces? wtf Britain? pakis go pagan
Look comfy.Guess i should go pagan
We need to go back
by reinforcing the ideals of the judeo-christian west
>Larp as a hippy whose knowledge is based on half assed truths and lies written down by christian shit stains
>Larp the desert shit schlomo Goldstein spoonfeeds us
Europe has been spirtually castrated a long time ago. Any attempts at reviving that will be hijacked or stopped with violence (WW2).
>dirty jew worshiping christcuck hates white European culture
What a surprise.
Better not to LARP at all. Better to carry on with the traditions that were given to you. If someone was raised with Christian traditions then it would be better and more honest to continue practicing and observering those traditions than to dump them for an entirely different culture.
>only one qt
And she looks underaged as well
>Christian traditions
AKA LARPing as a Jew
Silly OP, we don't fight it. We embrace it.
being pagan is the worst sin
they should be stoned to death in the city center
Is that a groyper pagan?
Not really. Maybe that's true for some Christian denominations.
We don't fight it. They believe in something, so it's best to try using them against Social Justice, which only accepts Islam and Judaism as other religions. We can kill the pagans later just like the Night of Long Knives. For now, we need allies we can vaguely tolerate.
Christcucks are full of LARPing "DOOS VAULT" crusaders and plenty of leftists who openly support and fund migrants and racial tolerance. You're just picking out the segment that no real pagan even agrees with.
The truth is christcucks are just mad that the west will NEVER be Christian again. Every day more and more people reject this desert semitism and it will only continue into the future. Don't lose all hope though, this decline is only on white western countries, plenty of shitskins in Asia, Africa, and south America are readily converting to your system slave morality. Join your brothers in Christ where they are most numerous.
How did these ancient religions form? People had new concepts and spiritual ideas. The same can and will happen soon enough.
>You're disrespecting your ancestors who were Christian
>Even though your ancestor who converted did exactly the same thing when he converted
If you think the ancestor who converted is in the right then me agitating for a new system puts me in the same category as him.
is there any way to restore what was lost?
You sound like a kike, does this not concern you?
>Just backstab your allies goyim
>Admit cultural and spiritual inferiority
>Choose a superior spirit and culture to train thee
Christianity is semitic and jewish but it's literally all white Europeans have besides cuckporn and beastiality
Literally spiritually empty child souls piloting bodies they don't know what to do with
Your Christian ancestor who converted still rejected the traditions given to him. Why is it okay for him to do exactly what you accuse us of doing and why do you respect him?
More importantly you need to learn how to go beyond death as a warrior so the battles are not wasted
Bushido Samurai > Violent Soldier even if the violent soldier can win a few battles with fancy toys
Right? Holy shitskins...
make it stop
Being a filthy money grubbing inbred kike is actually the worse sin...
> fastforward to an Islamic UK
Better not to LARP at all. Better to carry on with the traditions that were given to you. If someone was raised with Muslim traditions then it would be better and more honest to continue practicing and observering those traditions than to dump them for an entirely different culture.
The kike fears the pagan while he has some legitimacy of controlling the christkike
Trips of Truth, nonsensical argument absolutely BTFO
The pagan is also a retarded bum that abandoned his culture as soon as something new came along
He never built a lasting nation with his paganjsm
These leftist hippie trash aren't Pagans as in Pre-Christian European paganism.
>one of my cucknigger ancestors tossed away the religion of his people since time immemorial to literally worship a jew and partake in a religion of shitskin desert dwellers
>"hurrrrr better follow da euro "tradition" of renegade judaism"
Makes sense.
cute pagan girls, that's the result of paganism... nice white families. no wonder christ mutts get assblasted, they look like literal mongrels
>European nations didn't exist until Christianity
>Judea ruled over by Pagan Rome before magical Jesus
Keep lying Christians, you're no different than kikes because you are spiritually kike.
because it's the root of all evil and serves nothing but helping the weak live
>If you think the ancestor who converted is in the right then me agitating for a new system puts me in the same category as him.
Yes, but the new system is just that - new. So-called paganism is new as well. Many 'pagans' will claim that their faith is a continuation of something old, but it simply isn't. It just has a veneer of appearing ancient. That appearance of being ancient seems to be what attracts so many people to it- the old symbols and the supposedly historical outfits and the names of old gods and godesses. But it's all for show; people don't know what many of the old symbols truly meant to real pagans in ancient times, they've picked out clothes from an arbitrarily chosen time period to wear and they don't know what sorts of rites were practised to honour those old gods and godesses.
>You're disrespecting your ancestors who were Christian
>Even though your ancestor who converted did exactly the same thing when he converted
My ancestor that converted did so years ago, probably over a thousand years ago. I don't really care that he 'disrespected' his ancestors (or even that he really did) when he converted because it happened so long ago that it doesn't matter. The culture that has been handed down to me, that I would recognise, that all of my most recent ancestors would recognise- is influenced by Christianity.
How long ago did rome collapse due to christianity?
Rome didnt fall due to Christianity the reason was that corruption and local barons were undermining the authority of the emperor.
300+ years later
pretty sure that's what a kike would say
What religion enabled all that cuckoldry to seep in?
What religion dominated Europe post rome?
What became the dominant religion of all Europe?
Cuckstantine in 313CE brought the cancer
They were suffering from those problems long before conversion to christianity and those issues are directly correlated with the lack of enforcement of old cultural norms,freedom of women and extreme wealth resulted from conquest.
Absolute unit
Christians like to LARP as civilization builders despite Rome and Greece being our actual foundations. Stop taking credit where you don't deserve it nigger. Christian Europe only advanced when it looked back to these pagan societies. Also, one of your ancestors "abandoned his culture as soon as something new came along."
My argument has always been for a new style of Paganism with new beliefs and traditions. I am not telling anyone to worship Thor, especially as an American. Most people I speak to say the same.
Would you be okay with your grandson handing down Islam to his son? Your argument suggests you would.
Best post ITT
My only two cents on this though is despite it being a ancient and dead religion for the most part people can still follow it and believe it to death.
Did you see ops pic?
Jesus Frenchie, I had no idea the blind could use pol.
>maybe I'll begome a pagan
>look it up
>all the subreddits and shit say "umm no racism! it's bad!"
>this is honouring your forefathers
Cucked harder than the Christcucks
Kill yourself
No. How can we restore what we don't really know enough about?
It's like trying to rebuild an old house that collapsed years ago. Suppose all the knowledge you had of this house is a couple of old photos, taken from the outside of the building from one postition and another few from 2 rooms inside the house, you also had evidence from the stone foundations of the house and a few items found within what was once the rooms.
Do you think you'd be able to rebuild that house accurately? I doing think so, how could you possibly know what it was genuinely like?. You could rebuild it, sure, but it wouldn't be the same house it once was and you'd be lying to yourself and others if you said it was.
But previous poster is right, peg-leg. Your culture was akin to the primitive native Americans.
Funny you should say that, my Grandmother was mad for it & often held midnight ceremonies with the other girls for my Grandfather while he was away fighting in France.
She lived & worked in Holm Firth at the time, doing the Dig for victory thing along with the rest of the nation.
I suppose you think everyone happily worshipped the jewish god while their sweethearts fought & died in the jewish war.
Much like voodoo niggers have no problem opening chickens for advice then going to church, many here in the north had no problem following the old customs while paying lip service to the vicar.
What do you think Morris dancing & may poles are all about? It's a living breathing ancient fertility rite ya goof.
>I-It's the international workers day!
May day is and always has been as pagan as every holiday on the books.
Holy shit, nigger, have you heard of Rome?
Give me a link to actual practising pagans because that's honestly the best Google could give me
They're literally cucked. Most pagans I've met are hedonistic animals in every sense of the word. Most people at ren fairs are pagan at least where I'm from and they all have weird poly relationships or actual cuck shit. I know this because I briefly dated a local pagan chick from HS. It was fucking weird. She tried to cast a spell in my room and I knew it was over.
All modern pagans from Western countries are Christian heretics.
Forge your own path, don't be a sheep cuck who needs a semitic shepherd to guide you. You have eyes to see and a mind to think. Explain different ideas, not just paganism, even if you don't embrace them. You'll come back to the place you are now with much more knowledge and you won't need others to guide you.
The wiccan and this type of subhumans are Christian moralists to the core
You'll find plenty of Christians who say the same. "All equal under God" and similar sentiments. There are right-wingers in Paganism and Christianity who hold utter contempt for their Leftist counterparts.
>There are no leftist Christians
>There are only leftist pagans
Stop being a retard. Those people aren't 'pagan' they're new age spiritualists and nothing more. They know nothing but want an excuse to justify their degeneracy.
May day was "Brought back" by William Morris and Sir Walter Scott who were giant medieval and Renaissance larpers in the 1800's
yes a 2000 year old Larp become every ones fact
The Catholic Church isn't even Christian. If you want Christianity try orthodoxy. If you want to LARP about shit that was never originally Christian nor in the Bible, stick with Catholicism.