What's so bad about rape...

What's so bad about rape? Women take thousands of dicks through their whore life so what's so bad about the one that was given to them by force?

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I don't know, drop your pants and I'll be right over to dick you.

They want to control the dick so they can trade it for drinks and lines.

this robs them of the only value they have

This is EPIC.


>what's so bad about the one that was given to them by force?
Ask conservacucks puritans, then ask them if consent is so important why is no required for most things the state enforces

Are you that desperate that you have to rationalize rape? How much of a deformed land whale are you?

But Asians don't have dicks.

>women take thousands of dick
>a man who takes no dick...

The actual comparison is literally you sending an escort to his house.


It's not bad, it's a secret kink like cucking, to most it's the most disgusting thing in sexual nature, but to some it makes the river flow and the rockets blast off.

Sex Drive is fucking scary man.

Most of the time they took dick it was technically rape.
It's just something they complain about to fuck with beta males like you OP.

if it's violent, I can see why, of its not, I honestly don't know
unless of course it happens in one of the rare cases where it hits one of the few wrong ones

Some are sentient. It would be wrong.

I wouldn’t mind raping you sweaty

>Women take thousands of dicks through their whore life

>like cucking

I don’t know if your being ironic or trying to point out Jow Forumss hypocrisy on the whole rape fantasy thing

It’s a violation of the NAP, why are you friends with females that take thousands of cocks?

>Women take thousands of dicks through their whore life

Assblasted virgin mutt is obvious


"He who controls the dick controls the universe"

Nigga chill

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It's stealing.

this desu

theres nothing wrong with it unless your a white male. niggers rape white women everyday according to fbi statistics and you never hear anything about it.

what’s so wrong about theft? a man literally gives millions of dollars away in his lifetime so why cant I make you give a few thousand to me?

>raping women like a beta instead of being such an alpha they rape you

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It’s pretty similar to burglary when you think about it.

Women don’t like rape because its during their lives they’ve been conditioned to think of themselves as equal to men in every respect, and rape is a very raw jarring reminder that they don’t control their own bodies, men do.

Dr Ford and her extensive therapy over the years on this single 30 second event is an example of this.

Rape is bad because they would have to deal with carrying a rape baby for 9 months.
With that said, it's still their fault they get raped in the first place because they wanted to be "liberated" like degenerate hippies instead of being nice little housewives that would at least be protected by their husbands.

Nowadays it is worse than murder. They have captured the entire narrative. Rape rape rape...

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>implying you could protect anyone

Kek. My girl loves it when I do exactly what's shown in op's pic.

Those poor souls. The fact that there are people out there who find them attractive enough to break the law just to have sex with them... tisk tisk.

Incels will never know what it feels like to be physically loved like this.

This is the look on Bill Cosby's face when he inserts his penis up the butt of a sleeping woman. I can understand why these woman are upset at this old nigger.

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Who gives away millions of dollars in their lifetime? Unless you're talking about buying things, but that would be silly because when you buy something you're making an exchange for something else. When a woman has sex with chad, she is not getting anything that her rapist couldn't have given her. It's the same deal.

Womens vaginas don't disappear after sex

More or less this. Women's vaginas are considered sacred and women know it's their only realistic value, so they use it as an economical currency. So rape is therefore considered one of the most horrendous crimes a man could commit, even though it's basically the equivalent of shoplifting.

ooga booga muh dick
sex feel good must have sex
ooga booga
