Black guy rapes 5 women, he gets the death penalty

Black guy rapes 5 women, he gets the death penalty.

White guy rapes 5 women, he gets a promotion.

Attached: 0922-brett-kavanaugh-getty-6.jpg (728x567, 17K)

only 5? i heard he raped 12

Kavanaugh raped a Christian mother of two. Details coming soon.

I wish I could see your face when he gets nominated.

>orange is a sexual predator for years

>gets elected president

the country is fucked

That's the way it should be.


Brett "Pussy-sentencer" Kavanaugh raped atleast 200 girls at a fraternity once

he is just a attempted rapist. he never stuck it in any one. he kept trying though and thats whats important. he never let the fact that a little girl could wriggle free from his small feminine hands stop him from trying again. its like a triumph over adversity story that ends with him finding out about ghb thanks to the news years ago and finally losing his virginity (not when he was 22 as he says) and that girl not telling on him because shes dead

As it should be
Fuck niggers

Kav raped me after he beat me in a knife fight on a yacht

>Slick Willie is a sexual predator for years

>gets elected president

the country is fucked

Difference is, women didnt realize white guy dicked her for years
Black dude, she knows the dick is real

Stop replying to baiting shills you absolute fucking newfags

it was 1488 women you stupid goy..

Bill Clinton established the precedent.

So what proof you got?
Where is the conviction.
Kavanaugh and Clinto are equally rapist

and that's not counting the amount of stare rape, and rape by proxy
nigger should call himself the ghengis khan of surprise sex

this. if you're raped by a white man you should consider yourself honored. /thread

Be man, Rabbi. You blood libel is coming to an end

He's already been nominated. The vote is to confirm his appointment.

Yes Bill Clinton was a shame

>You'll get to experience the Exodus, too. Just like your ancestors

do what you need with this thread mods or I start posting recipes of spanish desserts

LOL; normally if a white man rapes is a monster, and if a black or inmigrant rapes we cannot say nothing because is racism.

I heard he was in bed with Russia too, so add 144 million to that.

>black guy rapes 5 women

Like a nigger would stop at 5

I work for CNN, do you mind if I quote this?

>somebody criticizing GOP
>time to talk about the clintons

>Kike sacrifices 5 children to Moloch
>he gets a 6th from the local daycare

In the first case it's proven in the second it's made up.

Jew Weinstein rapes for 30 years wit a free pass

white guys don't rape, they make love

Is this the new meme? Spicy, I like it.
Won't work though on people with brains.

>White guy rapes 5 women, he gets a promotion
Whites are cool niggers are just funny monkeys to watch from distance

Sucks to be black haha

Merica where dems belittle rape by redefining it as the act of taking off a woman's clothes, oh but intent well a lot of dems have stated Trump must die so now they are all murderer's.
This is America, the crazy liberal side of America.

I saw "big dick" Kav rape 16 girls at the same time back in the 4th grade.

Attached: kavfine.jpg (1002x777, 78K)

You keep using the word "rape". I dont think that word means what you think it means...