>be 50 something
>sound like you're 12
Be 50 something
Other urls found in this thread:
Would you like a fruit rollup with your coke?
It's called "little girl voice", you uneducated sperg.
Pitching one's voice like that, indicates that she was abused as a child.
How fucking DARE you?
And look late 60 something
Babytalk Hippocampus is the new fetch
>i'm so little innocent guuurl who dindu nuffin and dinknow nuffin, believe me goyim
Oldest trick in the book.
It's an alcoholic druggie idoit.
that’s how all 50 year old boomerettes sound like
Because Amy Schumer is 37.
>low-quality iphone poster
Here, fetch this one, higher quality.
>college professor
>talk in little girl voice
No wonder our universities are overpriced leftists training camps.
Thats the 50 year old cat lady version of Gay affected lisping.
Ive had 30 something year old teachers in high school with deeper voices then hers. How is she remotely believable?
It's to make her sound small and vulnerable. It was obviously faked/poor acting job.
Women in general, and especially older women, do not drink non-diet sodas. What was that about?
>Women in general, and especially older women, do not drink non-diet sodas. What was that about?
It's a tranny... Only logical conclusion to be drawn if your statement is fact.
Her voice is pretty hot desu
>NOT drinking NON diet sodas
Easy on the double negatives son. Makes you hard to understand.
It's also how you subconsciously implant that you're a victim even when you're not.
She was drugged and voice coached.
I wonder... Do mind altering drugs increase one thirst?
She was abused as a child by a family member or family friend...she is also or was an alcoholic.
Some psych drugs give you dry mouth.
That's just your brain on leftism
its because she's actually Amy Schumer
I've never been so irritated by someone's hair
>drinking coke from a plastic bottle
do americans really do this? I mean I stopped drinking coke when I was 18
She looks 15 years older than her listed age of 51. The roastie train and being a snownigger did its toll on her.
yeah most don't realize how much sugar is actually in it
I agree with you. Looks like she's 60. Someone should find her birth certificate.
really catabolises your chestnuts
I find it bizarre that all the late night hosts were acting like it was her "mic-drop" moment when she was rambling on about how the "neurons in her hippocampus wont let her forget" or whatever, because thats the exact part I thought she went overboard and started sounding loopy.
Its also how if i was a psychologist, with two doctorates in studying human behavior, i would speak if trying to garner sympathy.
>muh civic duty
that how i see others under the mushroom influence
All liberal women age at an accelerated rate; I know a 19-year-old that is pushing 29 with all of her bad choices. (black boyfriend punching her out, doing all kinds of drugs) It's too bad.
^look a retard!
Goddamn Iraq's on point today.
She was probably molested when she was 10, 11, 12 which is why she sounds like that. It's quite common
It's purposeful.
In women it conveys innocence.
She's doing it so that, when people listen and don't look directly at her face, they think she's a little girl.
People who talk like this need the rope.
Thats good weeds out the Nogs
>and looks like you're 65
Amy schumer cant act thats why.
I've listened to enough Loveline that I noticed it immediately
((They)) fucked up
Same here. 1st thing i thought of
How could someone with multiple masters degrees, published, respected professor be THAT horrible at public speaking?
Its intimidating the amount of lights, cameras and video recording people looking at you.
I think this is stupid, but some senate should ask the question to troll her. If baseless sexual accusation can be listen for hours, then why can't a baseless question be asked?
She uses cutsie innocent almost crying voice here theres no way she sounds this way in her every day life
isnt she a professor or something? There must be footage of her speaking professionally and theres NO WAY THE FAKE BITCH IS THIS SOMBER OR COY IRL
>polygram test
Nevermind, all i had to do was look, it really is everywhere.
>I might be a roastie but I'm still relevant.
>Don't you got any drugs? i'm getting tired.
Women are grown children
Here's a nice getty images gallery with a bunch of pics, including the one shooped one wedged in there. Sticks out like a sore thumb.
Nice try
OP was literally a 12 year old boomer
Looks 70+
Where is the Two Door Hubby when you need him?
Has her "husband" been spotted in the crowd ?
Notice he is nowhere to be found offering support?
You dont say
Ha, another fellow Loveline listener. Yep, I figured this, too.
Trump is 70 years old and speaks like a 9 year old....just sayian.
Lot of answers to questions we have can be answered by the numbers 3, 6, and 9
What in the actual fuck. They’re shopping pics now? That’s clearly not what she looks like.
So people can consciously alter their cadence and pitch in order to manipulate the listener emotionally and intellectually?
No fucking way. Tell me more.
Body language expert is disgusted at Ford
>speaks like a 9 year old
He speaks like the average American. Take what you will from that.
i just made a new thread exposing Ford as a transexual man, i never followed this story until today and it's laughable you fucking plebs can't see a dude with long hair in a dress who was planted with this agenda. Satanists rule the government, this is a satanic trannie being paid for this hoax
lmao it's a geometrical construct for the magical joo-star
take this IQ test instead
Are you handicap? ((They)) are pushing this edit as ford, this was ford. You faggits stand out so bad.
"Star Wars: Resistance" voice actress
which overrated shitty private school gave her a PhD? which shitty overrated private school did she attend pol?
>magical joo-star
Ah, you didn't mention the j variable. The answer is 6 or a multiple thereof.
>wear same color outfit as anita hill
>drink a coke to remind everyone of the anita hill/clarence thomas accusations
Those aren’t French doors, those are rape doors! MUH RAAAAAAAAPE DOOOOOORS!
Ford is Amy Schumer in drag
That's a man in drag, right?
>mentions pinball
>STEM woman meme
Of all the things out there... this is completely believable.
Anyone know where Schumer was yesterday?
>be radical feminist activist
>claim your political opponents raped you
you scored pretty high on the IQ test. you get an oc meme as a prize
crying and talking like a little girl is lawyer 101 for how to gain sympathy in a courtroom.
This is the ultimate pill on women. They do not mature past twelve. They just get bigger, then sexier, then uglier growing ever more insane every day. The brain doesn't change in the slightest from 12 onwards.
No twitter activity for 2 days prior to yesterday when she posted allyssa millano veiwpoint pic and she cancelled some shows .
Serious question time: is there any argument whatsoever for believing her? She has no evidence or corroborating witnesses to support her story, and yet dems just continue to repeat that she's "credible" in an effort to will that false reality into existence. Are people really so stupid that they can't see the truth, or are they so blinded by their biases and desires for a certain narrative that they're willfully ignoring the facts?
cut into the finger and eat the pain
Based and redpilled
This is like watching a demon hyperventilate or something
FUCK ALL YOU CONSPIRACY FAGGOTS! why does she sound like a 12 year old and put on the ditsy "ooo i'm a cute widdle innocent girl just here trying to do my duty". it's because she was fucking selected through her connections to liberals, her being a person close to kavanough as far as distance/mutual friends. they brainstormed with her the plan and had her dig up things she could correlate to Kavanaugh as being the one who assaulted her. I'm still not 100% sure she was actually assaulted by anybody, but it's irrelevant. They had her drum up a fuckin idiotic letter and send it. they know that no sane prosecutor would send a high profile "survivor" to prison. she could literally lie about anything. the plan also isn't about getting Kavanaugh in trouble or winning a settlement, it's about public perception. They figured if they could put any amount of doubt in peoples minds that in the end even if Kavanough was found to not have done it, people would be left with a "welllll. but what iffff.." i'm seeing it now. fucking people on social media saying "well, even if he's innocent, can't we find someone with less baggage now" and there you have it. the master plan. getting a new person put in place will take months/years. definitely so if senate is taken this year.
Rode hard and put away wet.
AMY is too fat of a pig to do this.