You may have won the battle but you will noy win the war to socialism!
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Remember the time Booker ACTUALLY did exactly what he wanted to punish Kavanaugh for ALLEGEDLY doing, and wrote a column about it?
sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE sage SAGE
>picks the only committee member who confessed to abuse of a woman
so bert was gay?
>Ever since puberty, I remember receiving messages that sex was a game (paragraph 7 line 1-2)
As someone old enough to have a childhood pre-internet age, the only way anyone would use that terminology is letters and answering machine messages. I guarantee you no one left him either discussing sex as a game. He's talking about text messages but his mind can't reconcile the time period of the story he's fabricating. I still say we use this every chance we get to punish him but just funny how incompetent he is to first of all write this but to make a mistake like that. I might read the rest to look for more garbage but that was too big to pass up