What did he mean by this?

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it's grade A political analysis from one of the leading intellectuals of our day and age that only those with high intelligence would appreciate

Who's that Jew?

it means he is still a total faggot, no big surprise

>>What did he mean by this?

Look at me, look at me. I know, I know, oh oh oh oh, look at meeeee.

Attention whore.

>She can't recall a fucking thing
>Thinks the question of credibility is an issue

Are they even trying at this point?

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That republican didn't insist on whether there was an evidence, but instead focused on Ford's credibility.

We today must recognize that the jew was not interested in competing with the great ideas and personalities of our intellectual world, but rather that for him those intellectual labors were nothing but a political tool that he could use as a lever of spiritual destruction on the peoples he intended to rule.

it means he's learning that Trumps success means the absolute and utter annihilation of the state of Israel along with the end of Jewish hegemony in the western world. it means I get to buy land in Palestine and raise a family on the bones and ashes of his kin.

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Once you unmask Jews and their Talmudic arguments they become so easy to see right through. It makes total sense why they fear nosespotting more than anything else.