What does Jow Forums think of Mormons?

What does Jow Forums think of Mormons?
I have a feeling that many Americans view them rather negatively..
Why is that?


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Listen to these Arrogant and prideful words of smith. Remember GOD hates pride.

Proverbs 16:5 (KJV) Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.

"Come on! ye prosecutors! ye false swearers! All hell, boil over! Ye burning mountains, roll down your lava! for I will come out on top at last. I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam. A large majority of the whole have stood by me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such a work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from Him; but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet...When they can get rid of me, the devil will also go." (History of the Church, Vol. 6, p. 408, 409) Joseph Smith

The Bible is all you need

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:8-10 (KJV)





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I didn't get it desu

in general good people
but the religion is pure heresy
all of them will be damned

They have some of the best family values, but their beliefs are whack. I read in their book of D&Cs that they believe angels will be their slaves in heaven. Amazing.

they have very rare combination of

being educated+high fertility rate+being white

Good people, however:

White Islam.
Moroni was a demon sent from Satan.
Mormons are heretics at best, not Christian at worst.
Orthodox and RCC should actively seek to evangelize among them.

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Mormons have a thing called Patriarchal blessings which include a declaration of a person’s lineage in the house of Israel and contain personal counsel from the Lord. So if you want to be an adopted Jew join the Mormons. lds.org/topics/patriarchal-blessings?lang=eng

>White Islam
isn't it what westerners need to accept in order to survive?

they changed the bible
now they are cursed

I was mormon, missionary, and byu grad. One day I decided to google some questions about church history and doctrine and discovered the church was not what it claimed. I felt pain and sadness for about a year until I quit going.

But I miss the community and traditional music and hymns and values. Where should I go?

LCMS Lutheran. Traditional and no women in leadership roles.

I think the worlds needs less religions and religious denomination, any religions younger than 500 years should be treated as shit. All these old ass religions have centuries of history, tradition and culture.

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>Why is that?
It's obviously a cult invented by a guy fleeing state to state to avoid arrest.

They have some odd beliefs, but on the other hand they seem like very decent people. Very little degeneracy, usually quite grateful and humble, most I met are quite benevolent and help others whenever they can, and have pretty solid family values.

So I say power to them.

No, they need to accept the one true risen Lord, Jesus Christ. Following him is humility and sacrifice; something totally alien to Islam.

No church is true. Go back if you want

so, they are disliked mainly by religious people who view them as heretics?

Orthodoxy is best. If it's too strange though you could try traditional Anglicanism as well (like the Anglican Church of North America... not the Episcopal Church).

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I've seen mixed reactions on pol. About 25% think we are unironically satanic, about 25% think we're based af, (which we are,) and the other half seems to think we're kinda spooks.

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>It's obviously a cult invented by a guy fleeing state to state to avoid arrest.
That's Christianity in a nutshell

What's an American branch of the Anglican Church that isn't the Episcopal Church?

Is your fertility rate as high as it was before?

If you're a Christian who has a problem with Mormons, JWs, Catholics and Muslims, but sees nothing wrong with Talmudic Jews and Judaizers, you have been brainwashed.

There are two:

ACNA (Anglican Church in North America): anglicanchurch.net/

Anglican Catholic Church: anglicancatholic.org/

Both of them are basically Anglican Churches that remain faithful to the Catholicity and reformed nature of the church. No women or gay priests, Anglicanism pre-1970s.

As a Mormon who will always struggle with the faith in any God existing at all, I still go to church and feel better about myself for doing it. I often wonder how the world would be without any religion at all. Better, or worse?

>always struggle

It doesn't "always" need to be that way. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Believe so that you may understand, as Saint Anselm said.

They're basically the Scientoligists of Christianity. They aren't even monotheists (belief in one god), they're henotheists/monolatrists (belief in many gods, worship of one).

why are all Australians so anti-religious?

Because most Australian posters are Chinese.

It's hard to take your post seriously when you can't spell Scientologist correctly.

Not him but yes. My neighbors across the street and next to me have 10+ children each, and I read recently we're one of the few states still having more children than anyone else.

True. LDS is proto scientology.

Thanks user!

I wanted to be an Anglican Christian but the Episcopal Church is too cucked. Now I know there's another way!

>My neighbors across the street and next to me have 10+ children each,


not completely sure if you are serious tho

That quote is fake as fuck. The real Smith was chastised by the Lord very frequently whenever he fucked up. If anything, he was too unsure of himself all the time.

You look at what were are dealing with in the current year and then you look at mormons and are like, whatever, at least it's not the other stuff.

Essentially, christcucks have generally negative feelings about them because they're heretics. Liberals have negative feelings because Mormons are pretty diehard conservative.

>What should Jow Forums think of Mormons?
Honestly, they're pretty much the only Christian offshoot that manages to be

>High fertility
>Fiercely independent/mostly uncucked
All while being
>Very productive

So, you'll find your christfaggots spreading butthurt that the heretics are actually doing well ignoring the fact that they're pretty much all kike heretics. At least Mormonism seems to benefiting Mormons.

>mostly uncucked
many say that they are racially naive btw

Anyone can confirm or refute it?

So, originally Mormons wouldn't accept Niggers for being the offspring of Dan and thus inherently sinful.

They later went back on this after the civil rights movements. They accept converts, and a significant amount of new converts are Asian.

Their relationship with Jews is pretty much they see them as distant cousins. Mormons claim to be somehow linked to Joseph (Manasseh/Ephraim), and Jews are generally indifferent because they don't try to convert Jews, and they typically leave them alone.

Former mormon here. It's a verifiable cult and one that protects child molesters. Would not recommend. The history is verifiably whitewashed by them and they discourage reading "unapproved" material. Should tip you off that it's a cult right away with that stuff.

How is that different from Catholicism?

How is the underwear? Is it comfy?

Wonderful! I hope you find a Christian home in the richness of the true Anglican tradition. Read up on Richard Hooker as well. The Roman Catholic scholar Louis Bouyer called him "second to Aquinas"

I'm not sure what you mean by racially naive entirely. But I lived in Utah County all my life, having lived as far north as Orem to as far south as Santaquin, and I didn't meet a black person until I was 19 years old. He was pretty cool though, his family was rich and owned a business. He was Samoan black if that counts, there's a few of them here now. Lots of Mexicans here too but they're usually well mannered and respectful so I don't mind them. The only race I hate are Indians, because while they're uncommon here they do own a few hotels and their hotels are garbage.

They're decent people but still heretics who will be damned for eternity

joseph smith was called a prophet dum dum dum dum dum

t. Bible belt

Tell your pastors to fuck off on being on tv at 5am and yelling at me about damnation when I leave the local stations on when I fall asleep

I wonder if they want to convert non-whites into Mormonism for example?

>white people who believe in personal responsibility and have a bunch of kids
Kino, tbph

its a creepy anglo religion

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God forbid Christians don't accept Catholic propaganda.

>discovered the church was not what it claimed
In what ways? It was no doubt different than the picture your parents painted, but the church has been consistent about its doctrine and history.
t. born Presbyterian but converted to Mormonism after extensive research into the Church's history and doctrine

>So, originally Mormons wouldn't accept Niggers for being the offspring of Dan and thus inherently sinful.
Actuuuuuuuuuualy, originally niggers were completely welcomed, conferred the priesthood, and given roles of responsibility, and Smith was incredibly progressive in regards to them, privately telling his followers that if you raise a negro like a white they'll behave as such. It wasn't until the 1850s when Brigham Young was lobbying for Deseret statehood that racial policies were introduced.

We do. We have missionaries all over the world, and the Church is exploding in Africa. More Mormons globally don't speak English as a first language than do.

Anyone who calls himself a Christian (Protestants, Catholics, Orthodoxy) should reject outright the beliefs of Mormons. Their New Testament II: Blasphemous Boogaloo, is entirely a fabrication of man with no historical evidence to support it. Their heresy has taken root in the heart of some of my family members. For both the heresy of the Book of Mormon, and the fact that a Mormon convinced a man in my family to renounce is Protestant faith and to take up Mormonism to marry her, I can never have a favorable view of their church. I boycott all Mormon businesses I know of (Marriott and the like.) The god of Mormonism is not the God of Catholicism and Protestantism. Mormonism be damned. I hope to see the day the church goes bankrupt and the numbers of their faith dwindle to handful of men. That the American Christian is generally poorly versed in theology, doctrine, and the bible makes me fearful that I won't see this come to pass, and the same can be said for Jehovah's Witnesses.

But let me make one thing clear. Of all members of non-Christian faiths (including Mormons and Witnesses), I do not hate the individuals. I hate the heresy which has corrupted their hearts and pulled them away from God and Salvation.

>t. born Presbyterian but converted to Mormonism after extensive research into the Church's history and doctrine

that's rare

how true that many young Mormons leave their religion?

not high education

weirdly enough, most of poos are still very dumb despite these stats

They are the last bastion of anti-degeneracy, pro white, anti-jew rhetoric in the USA, god bless them

>how true that many young Mormons leave their religion?
Decently true. I served my mission in the D.C. area, where a lot of young, well-educated Mormons move, and a good amount of my work was meeting with members that had distanced themselves from the Church. In my experience, many had issues with the Church because while the Church distanced itself, naturally, from polygamous teachings, since their admission into the union depended on their abandonment of the practice and it was a strong point of contention within the church (basically every Latter-day Saint separatist group separated over the abandonment of polygamy because it was a closely held belief), and less savory parts of Church history, because the Church has limited resources in terms of what they can teach in Sunday School, a few generations down the line, basically late boomers and early Xers, began teaching their children (early millennials) things like "the Church never practiced polygamy, that's a lie" and "Joseph Smith never did anything wrong, those are lies." Keep in mind the Church has a lay clergy, meaning everyone that serves in the church does so on a volunteer basis and only fifteen positions in the Church, our apostles, are actually lifetime commitments. That is to say, educating and training our rank and file teachers and leaders is a royal pain in the ass. In fact, at this point in time, most of our instruction is meta-training on how to train each other to do our jobs. So not only were misguided parents telling their kids, unintentionally, falsehoods about the Church, they were disseminating it to their Sunday School classes, not because the Church was instructing them to do so, but because they had come to believe it, and the Church wasn't spending resources to print corrections in their manuals to falsehoods they probably didn't even know were being spread.

Mixed bag. The cult shut is whack, but it can be a solid community besides that. Orthodox is still better for that -unrest though

So fast forward to when then these millenials came of age, had access to the internet and cheap and easy dissemination of information, and they now felt lied to. Not because the Church, their parents, or their leaders/teachers intentionally attempted to deceive them, but because a change of emphasis, lack of easy information dissemination, and natural tendencies of religious people to rationalize their world view led to them being taught lies, which is devastating when you find out the truth. It doesn't help that when these members sought out truth, the most immediately available sources were enemies of the Church. So a good number of young members are distancing themselves from the Church. But at the same time most aren't, and, according to the statistics I've seen and my personal experience, the 18-30 age group is the most likely to convert right now; most of the activity in my mission outside of immigrants was with young adults. Additionally, the Church is now doing their best to make information as easily accessible as possible, and has a number of essays discussing controversial parts of Church history and doctrine, and publishing every known document regarding Joseph Smith.


how the heck Orthodox christianity better than anything?

Mormonism is no more crazy or ridiculous than any other religion.

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The local manpower modifier, tolerance of the true faith and the negative unrest is crazy strong.

Hate your cult like your harem rules. /thread

orthodox christianity is bro-tier faggot. t. greek orthodox christian

I like the huge some college demographic that blatantly confirms a high number of Mormon women start college, get married, and then drop out.

We don’t view them negatively we just think they’re weirdos. I’ve avoided Utah my whole life I’ve literally only been a thousand yards or so inside the state.


haven't met a single decent orthodox """"christian"""