>F-35 military plane crashes in coastal South Carolina
What a piece of shit, this is sadly proof of the decadence of the US
>F-35 military plane crashes in coastal South Carolina
What a piece of shit, this is sadly proof of the decadence of the US
>Ameritards will defend this POS
Anyone defending this is a retard no matter if you’re American or a Chinese shill
How much did this piece of shit cost, a trillion?
How can someone go from f-22 to this? It must be sabotaged from the Chinks.
Oh shit, that's it. No one's going to be buying this crashing $100M F-22 monkey model anymore. The defense industry is going broke unless there's another war. There has to be a war now. KIM, SORRY BRO BUT YOU'RE GETTING FREEDOMIZED.
At least the ejector seats work though apparently.
>trusting planes with only one engine
>first class A misshap in the airframe's history
Oh no Amerikkka is finished chang. It's not like the f-16 lawn dart had hundreds of class A mishaps in the first few years just like every aircraft. Frankly the F-35 is the least eventful aircraft in history
Educate yourself, retards :^)
Shit like this is why America is going to be a failed empire, you have delusional faggots like this doing damage control instead of aiming for exceptionalism as it used to be
The f35 is a fucking mess and costed a fuxking trillion dollars, it talks a lot about the corruption and the state of america
And before you call me a shill, I wish America would keep being the strongest superpower forever, I hate chinks and commies
We have a word fore traitors like you.
You're called a reformist.
BlackTailDefense and other cringy retards fill your ranks.
You know nothing about aircombat or war in general and your world view is abjectly false and forwarded by your likely never served status in addition to overconsumption of fake news.
If we gonna larp I’ll be a navy seal millionaire
>I'm going to larp
You were already doing that :^)
I'm willing to guess that you don't even know that your 1 trillion dollar claim is based on operation costs until the year 2070 correct and includes part salaries ect. the whole kit and caboodle? Stay BTFO friendo
Can't fly in the rain or sand but is good for killing pilots. Hey we should sell it to Russia, I'm sure they'd love it.
I've asked myself that. It's possible some old White engineers died and they forgot how to make F22s.
How much of the national debt has Lockheed profited off
For a board that constantly proclaims itself redpilled, Jow Forums is incredibly bluepilled on Military matters. It really is surprising how much unreliable and outright fake news you guys will parrot. Especially shocking when many of these myths you are spouting are 4 years old and have between debunked consistently
Hah! This tin can is already absolute.
can you mother fucking underage retard stop using that reddit crap in every god damn post you make do you think it's the internet equivalent of a smug face ? i fucking hate little know it all like you unable to critically analyze anything
you are the very reason we are in this shit to begin with you Zog enabler retarded walking onion
You sound really mad dude :^) wtf?
> first crash just a couple of days after the first use in combat
Oh great look, it's LIDF, Lockheed Internet Defense Force. OUT
aha. You found me out but you can't prove me wrong cockfag.
Suck babydicks fucking kike . Get out.
I'm anglo. small dicked germ*n bloods like yourself wouldn't understand. Your peoples have never won a war. We will lead america to it's military dominant future. You're not needed.
Americans are pathetic.
I don't even know where your country is dude lmoa like wtf???? :^)
Well, a small American state has the gdp of all Russia so
Even Italy has a bigger gdp than Russia, you're noone anymore, just an old glory, China has eaten you
Where the hell do they find crazy fuking faggots such as you a ship them in here . Get the fuck out normie dickwash. Ooga boog I'm anglo . Get the fuck out kike.
Kikes aren't America though...
>Expecting me to defend that billions of dollar waste of money
You sound really booty flustered dudester. whats wrong?
And Spain has better PataNegra than Russia. What is your point?
I also have a bigger dick than you, so which do you think is more important to me, to you and to your wife/gf?
Besides, what good is GDP for you, when you're staring down the barerl of a gun?
i think WW3 will be rather sad in how pathetic the US's rusty 80s and 90s tech actually performs
Back to recockddit you dicksucking normie & kike faggot nigger bananas up your ass worthless shilling bluepilled teeny bopper.
Thats how normiecucks get banished folks, save it in your trollwars folder.
I like how they refer to F-35s first attack in Afghanistan a combat mission. How exactly is dropping bombs on primitive rag heads combat? I guess it is still risky though knowing that this particular aircraft stands a good chance of falling out of the sky at any given moment. Pilot better hope a Blackhawk is nearby ready for some real combat or it's Allah snackbar off with thee head!
>How exactly is dropping bombs on primitive rag heads combat?
afghanistan was and is simply a live-fire training and testing ground for the US military with the hajis unwittingly playing opfor. once you understand this it all falls into place
this shit is named flying toilet for a reason literal shitbox hahahah
You ok my dude?