Arabs kill white in France

New national sport.

Attached: arabskillwhite2.webm (384x480, 1.52M)

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Full video here

say it with me

it's because of colonialism

Oh and Fraternité

>let's be tolerant towards them
>surely they'll do the same towards us

What the fuck?

>>let's be tolerant towards them
one less

they just need to be more tolerant, jeeez

sweden plz

Lol they brought this on themselves XD


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This time it was caught on video, but this kind of shit happens everyday.

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>Multicultural teens in france have invented a badass new sport, and it's EPIC

keked and checked

Lol a no gun faggot died. Good job sand people.


That's fucking gruesome. What was the official reason?

Murder and mockery of said murder is just part and parcel of living in a multikulti society

that's what poverty and non inclusiveness does to these immigrants. It forces their hand to kill the people of the host nation.

Stop posting fake news you fucking Nazis.

you deserve it because you don't fight back.

>Multicultural teens
That's gives away too much info, 'round here we like to call them"youths"

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What are you going to do about it? NOTHING

Nice editing you got there. The guy is obviously faking it lmao


Its ok hanz, make sure to prep the bull on your way to the cuck shed love!

I lived in the US, so I can compare the two countries. America sucks but at least YOU OWN YOUR LIFE and no matter how shitty the US gets, it will be 1000000000000x better than any shithole just because of this fact. You can defend yourself. We are not allowed to use a gun to defend ourselves in France.

A 5' woman being attacked by a bare handed 6'5 muscular guy ? she must defend herself with her bare hands. no knife, no pepper spray, no gun.

It used to be a non-problem until we imported the most violent and retarded parts of africa into our neighborhood.

I. Wish. I. Was. Kidding.




30,000 white American women raped and scores murdered by nig-nogs, how are YOU fighting back against that D&C kike?

Maybe it's time you guys started pushing for guns in Europe. Yeah it might seem like a battle you'll never win but you hardly meet any Euros willing to even try.

Nothing new

>30,000 white American women raped and scores murdered by nig-nogs, how are YOU fighting back against that D&C kike?

We imported them so we tolerate them, why do you do the same?



I dunno my Romanian friend I never heard of any Swedish colonies yet they don't get to have a country.

There are shit loads of vigilante killings in the US.

t.former deputy/SWAT

>We are not allowed to use a gun to defend ourselves in France.
we are not allowed to use anything to defend ourselves in britain else it becomes an "offensive weapon"
meanwhile abdulradiq will get away scot free because his culture is not used to being peaceful


Like that doesn't happen in the USA every week
>dat wyt boi leaking we wuz just playing the knockout game occifer

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We have guns in France, the problem is self defense laws.

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don't you worry about me little jimmy. if you need inspiration on ways to stick up for yourself, you deserve it.


Im gonna be that guy and say that they actually had a colony in Ghana even though its irrelevant

france is majority nonwhite at this point. its why the government stopped reporting demographic stats.

What im going to do to the middle east will make the most hardened veteran weep.

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He relaxed

This is what France looks like. Go to Paris user I dared you. Even 15 years ago Paris was a shithole full of uppity rapey mudshits. It was called "the foreign quarter". I guess quarter means something different in frog speak because they were everywhere. Friendly reminder cars were getting burnt 15 years ago nobody cared.

We are extra brainwashed here

they should make a concert against nazis

same im australia if you defend yourself against an attack you are the bad guy.

hard to swallow redpills

Feel bad for you, i think you should start arming yourselves. How are the gun laws here?^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1045588712300711937&ref_url=

where is the video coming from? i didnt hear about that

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Brought this upon yourself Frenchie

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why are the higher numbers red? almost as if they're trying to say gun ownership is bad. i cannot imagine why...

> Admitting

why the fuck does whites keep doing this shit

fuck laws.

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The difference is we shoot them for doing that shit.


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Maybe it's that case

Any non-state organized response gets derided and called racist, see Soldiers of Odin, Tommy Robinson, any anti-immigration party. Best part is that some people who only want to keep their streets safe get thrown in jail.

Absolutely false. We've had a MASSIVE influx of migrants since 2012, but even now we have less non-whites than the US retard. I'm not trying to downplay the immigration problem but you are just talking out of your ass.

France banned demographic stats long before we had any problem with immigration

>French teens
Wouldn't want to otherize them now would we?

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It really was like this even 15 years ago.
>watched my Mom get sexually harassed by horny ugly mudshits
>constantly mad dogging me in the subway
>begging from us trying to sell us shit we don't want
All so they can virtue signal how much better they are then America because we oppress our PoC and they've decided to give their entire country to theirs. You shouldn't feel bad for France us burgers are not Europeans. France helped us to spite the UK not because they love us in any way talk to a Frenchy and you'll see their condescension. They pretend to not understand unaccented French and then speak worse English then street shitters.

Attached: 16 year old beaten by gang of youths - Garges-lès-Gonesse, Paris [C9M2V_1538082988].webm (204x360, 2.94M)

Lucky man
Id rather be dead than French tbqh

wtf is going on seriously, the comments on twitter lol, i feel like i've been living in a cave for 100 years, are those paid shills or is this shit real? honnestly i can't tell.

The only decent middle easterners are Lebanese, especially the Christians. They love and emulate France, speak French, and mostly live as diaspora in South America and Europe. They’re basically honorary whites being held back by Arabs. Look up Lebanon in the 1960s under Christian rule with French influence. Then look at today’s Iran-occupied shithole Lebanon. Arabs ruin everything.
We have Lebanese family friends, and they look indistinguishable from actual Frenchmen sometimes, other times they look more Greek but they’re not Arabs. Their French is better than my own, and they drink good wine and like European history.
> t Baguette diaspora

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You should not tolerate it, you retard, and neither should we. These problem could be solved but aren't because of leftie fucks who weep and cry for non-Whites no matter what they do.

All the americans itt who act like we deserve it


I lived in fucking MEMPHIS, TN and you guys have a lot more problems than us. You have a lot more non whites than us. Do you think you deserve it? Backstabbing deceitful anglos. Disgusting. Worse than jews. They'd sell their grandma just to prove a point.

I love the french woman just sitting in the chair nonchalantly hahahaha, I love the complacency hahahhaha

oh shit, thats really fucked up

Not enough though unfortunately.

>Iran-occupied shithole Lebanon.

Please France wake up we've already had migrants try to smuggle or raft their way here from France. If you go down we're next.

What do they say?

What do they say?

As his last few neurons desperately fired in the final moments of his life, they managed to chain together a single wimpering thought.

"At least I wasn't racist."

Sure that is not another shitskin?

I was in France recently. You guys fucked up colossally. It's sad to see your culture and history go down the toilet.

This is fake news
This is a video from Algiers in 1959. It was a retaliation to Pied Noir violence against Moslem communities, and was well deserved. Muslims in France are not barbarians, unlike the Pied Noir French when they were the minority in Algeria.

When French were the minority in Algeria they

>formed a terrorist group the OAS to murder and kill muslims because they were butthurt about losing the independence referendum
>repressed muslims communities and killed and murdered them
>stole muslim farms to make wine which was haram to muslim communities
>paid albert camus to write anti muslim pieces to turn popular opinion against him
>raped muslim women, over 10,000 muslim women were raped by french whites every year and this is why muslim women sometimes find ugly whites attractive, it is learned helplessness

Muslims are very well behaved compared to this in the west. We do not seek to dominate and just want a fair society. Like I said the webm is not in modern france but if it was it is still deserved as this man was likely raping and killing muslim women back in Algeria. This is deserved. whites cannot behave.

watching your people fade brings me pleasure
I wish the same fate reach all europeans..
I literally salivate thinking about it ugh

T. Abdul

>Laws banning demographic reports
>Laws protecting integrity of national language
How does it feel knowing your language might endure when your ethnicity is consumed by foreign hordes?
It's been a downhill ride for you lot since Waterloo.

once a western country finally collapses all of east europe will build a western wall

I live in TN, rural area fucking way I'd live in Memphis.

I don't feel people deserve this menace, but we damn sure need to fix it. All of us.

>we wuz persians
Iranians are Arabic

Yeah. Like when a DNC staffer leaks emails to WikiLeaks and they call him out of his appartment at 2am then put a bullet in his brain.

Don’t word play. My point still stands. And Shiite Lebanese call themselves Arab. There aren’t any actual Persians in Lebanon. Not that it matters, Persians aren’t enormously better than most Arabs. My point is that Arabism and Arab disgusting culture destroyed a western secular civilization

America sucks? I'm not one for the American grandstanding but the 3 years I lived in America I loved it. I lived in a small town close to the Sierra Nevada so that helped. And I must say their bigger cities their is way more debauchery than ours but I loved it. Would move back if I could.