India general

Why are South Asian Aryans so good looking?

Attached: images (16).jpg (384x383, 18K)

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I'd say it's because they look like asians but have the eyes of white people.
best mix imo

dude post more injun sluts

Beige is the best skin color

Not anglo pink
Not brown
Not black


It's why Castizas are considered the most attractive race despite being race mixed mutts

Their skin looks like shit. They smell like shit. They have hair all over their body. They have no muscle tone. They suck at sports. Only the top 1% of their women would even pass as an 8/10 in the West. Some of the worst genes of all Caucasoids, desu.

I thought South Asians were as dark as a black steer's tuckus on a moonless prairie night.

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Even this board uses beige.
Jow Forums approved.

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>why is this cherrypicked model so good looking?

Its all so tiresome

Kaha se ho?

How come Pajeets are so autistic and creepy?

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>only their top 1% of women could pass as 8/10 in the West

Attached: kek.gif (250x223, 1.69M)

They are more black than niggers, the hot light ones in pics are cherry picked

You're the the guy from Kashmir right?

Attached: 19shivaji.jpg (450x554, 51K)

Those are the Indians with heavy Australoid admixture. True Indo-Aryans will slay the fuck out your women.

Attached: images (17).jpg (384x384, 15K)

Yes. Hindu Kashmiri.

anyone else get their DNA haplogroup checked??

R1a reporting in

>nord calling anyone autistic and creepy

>cherry picked
cope. pic related is the most common phenotype across India.

Attached: g_indid.png (969x609, 346K)

Compare and contrast

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nicely done cherry picking right there, did they pick the 100 most lightest people there.Anyone who ever walked down an Indian street knows that's bs

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>implying I implied white = good


Attached: 40 - aSytmww.png (1019x707, 294K)

It literally states the most common phenotype across the Indian subcontinent.

I live here, and I can confirm that Cancuck.

Attached: RuejUQT.png (1500x586, 286K)

why do you get colonized so easily?


idk but I want one desu, I am an initiated gurjar kshatriya after my finish my assignment in the west and we finish off the kikes I will be coming to get mine

Attached: Aryan_Awakening.jpg (1600x1400, 2.14M)

>South Asian Aryans
>South Asian

Pajeet stop
Poo in loo pls.

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You can clearly see her pooskin in this less photoshoped pic

We're a mix between Aryans and Dravidians.

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They’re not. Indians are some of the ugliness people in the world. I swear there are more attractive niggers in the world than Indians

>britisher tries to cope with the fact that he doesn't get to own India anymore

>proves his point by posting a 7/10 at best

They look like TV presenters.

>taco nigger has no idea what an aryan is go figure

you should watch this also pajeet

daily reminder for our indian brothers lurking

Attached: mauryan_meme.png (1252x1572, 1.48M)

looks like sunny leone

If you're so proud of India, why are you namefagging as Mohammed in an arabic-derivative script?

we must restore those times

Attached: Madhurai-1.jpg (1400x737, 148K)

>American education
nigger, Urdu, Kashmiri, and many other Indic languages use Perso-Arabic script

The Age Of Aquarius desu, the break in the kali yuga

back to masturbating about indian history
pic related is the Kailasa Temple located at Ellora, built in the post-Gupta period by the Rashtrarukta state

Attached: Kailasa_Temple.jpg (640x426, 126K)

Not politics Sage

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they found dwarka the vedas are right about everything

I don't find them necessarily more attractive than any other ethnicity but their light skin and brown eyes - and the dark, silky hair - does get me very interested.

The "true Indo-Aryans" were people who were more or less indistinguishable from eastern-European populations. The mongrelized third-world street-shitters you know as "Indo-Aryans," are nothing more than the faint echoes of the actual Indo-Aryans.

>True Indo-Aryans will slay the fuck out your women.
Yes, them bitches love brown manlets who smell like a mixture of feces and curry and have rapey stares in their eyes. When they see those comments on their facebook that read "show bobs and vagene," they get dripping wet.

Is that a stereotype you made up just now?

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because they use a lot of makeup and get a lot of surgery.

I agree about Indians, but keep in mind the top most “attractive” of nigs are shoved in our faces by the media 24/7 which helps to shape much of our perception.


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why do all poos look like this

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That chick looks like a long haired jewish boy. OP has fucked up aesthetics. Probably result of being the product of several generations of inbreeding.

>Their skin looks like shit. They smell like shit. They have hair all over their body. They have no muscle tone. They suck at sports. Only the top 1% of their women would even pass as an 8/10 in the West.
Confirmed for sad and true.
t. someone who studied in Chennai for 1 Semester.

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>Chennai represents the whole of India
You're pretty retarded, that's like saying South Italy represents Europe.