Weebs must die

we must protect our white race from this filthy jap propaganda we must educate our white people of the dangers of hentai and to prevent race mixing with those filthy gooks once and for all.

Attached: 2018090.jpg (615x800, 157K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop posting this.

Attached: 1526356860728.jpg (498x550, 79K)

I'm bored so I'm going to ruin your thread.

If you want a monitor of current trends that they're trying to push, the ones I've noticed are:

>hot topics
- Kavanaugh vote in committee (seems confirmed)
- Kavanaugh SCOTUS vote later
- Jews in Congress SEETHING

>upward trending
- anal rimming/eating ass
- oildrilling as viable relationship
- (seasonal) increase in 9/11 and falseflag threads
- censorship of conservative outlets
- incels as degenerate perverts

>downward trending:
- incels as worthless virgins
- bf/wf anal rimming
- oildrilling for casual sex

Everything else seems business as usual.

Changes in trends occur about every two weeks, with about a day or two to change strategies. It appears to be automated or with lots of manpower. This post is only good for maybe a week before something changes up.

My cummies for asian qts and noone else.

Attached: tumblr_per81985Ge1ss09k4o1_1280.jpg (1280x1920, 817K)

>white women
go away, filth.

Attached: 1535852807669.gif (200x200, 3.89M)

You will not take away the minotaur cow bitches with the leaky tittty!

Attached: LeakyTitty.png (633x573, 313K)

>user posts a hate weeb thread to produce a large amount of anime girls for his collection
All you had to do was ask user, don't be such a tsundere all the time

Attached: 1538085023737.jpg (1920x1200, 524K)

>unmarried 'Aryan' thots league
>"stop liking unpozzed media full of cute white girls!"

Attached: 4d68259101df97bde517a10e073ce53510c9d09bdeb66fe5ad62ed7d966fb709.jpg (600x337, 23K)


Stop bullying Sanae!