Gaming caused the tans-generation. Ever since little kids could play video-games as a female characters...

Gaming caused the tans-generation. Ever since little kids could play video-games as a female characters, it introduced gender-roleplaying and forever disrupted mental health.

Fucking gaymers.

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Fuck off nazi scum :(

there is nothing wrong with playing video games or being trans!

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video games are the sign of degenerated country

Wow... deep.

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MM7 & MM8 were so damn good

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I played RE3 when I was a kid and I turned out fine.
Also Oni from rockstargames

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I pick female characters because I'm a sad and lonely fapper who wants to fuck them. I can't identify with people who imagine they are their character.

you are on Jow Forums on friday evening
no, you havent turned out fine

>making a waifu for yourself and dressing her up the way you like is gay

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Playing as a girl when you're actually a man is based and red-pilled

The real problem is actually lesbian porn where male viewers get their own pleasure from the supposed pleasure that the woman feels in the pornography

You think that, but you're still role-playing as a girl. It slowly alters your brain without you knowing.

Did playing nazis in ww2 shooters cause Jow Forums?
Yes, actually, it did.
Oh well :^) Enjoy your gay nazis

what does that have to do with playing female characters in games?

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Warping society so it was hellish to be a man but women are godmode is what caused this. That being said only insane people think massacring their crotch is a good thing.

a fucking tragedy they rushed that out essentially unfinished,. there was such potential there. still beat the game tho.

I wouldn't call sitting on a giant dildo turning out fine.

>you will never save robot waifu

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I only ever picked the female character bc i was horny as fuck and wanted to look at her animated ass running around for hours.

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Most games you only see the character from the back as it runs around. I prefer to watch a womans animated buttocks jiggling around but if you prefer the sight of a sweaty barbarians loin-clothed ass, that's on you lol.

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FUCKING miss this game, I played it when I was a kid and never beat it. I got the dragon to join but never realized until years later that pg up and pg down were how you flew. Fuck

Day of the Destroyer is underrated.

Not if it's first-person.

abusive futa in bed
abusive chetnik on street

>Playing as a girl when you're actually a man is based and red-pilled
Pretty much, it's also handy in some FPS games where the hitboxes are tied to the bones e.g Quake Champions. Nyx is harder to hit at higher FOV and so is Galena but to a lesser extent because of her bulky armor and pose.

It's funny because in Quake 3 Hitboxes were the same for everybody.

I'm not sure if playing a female character has any benefits in MMOs anymore since people think twice before assuming it's a girl behind it now.

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in mmorpg all the neckbeards play female characters. they're fucking trans faggots i never understood

I think it would have already happened if it was to happen.

Gaming is a transgender simulator.

Porn is a cuckold simulator.

i am pretty sure the thing caused an increase in trannies is the anti-bullying initiative.

Actually it's plastics. Social factors of course don't help.

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Are you sure it's not speedrunning?

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t. angry little faggot having a mental breakdown because his mom won't let him play overwatch

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>gaming caused gender roleplaying
nope, you got the ancient greek buttlovers to blame for that.

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The older I've gotten the more the realization of how stupid the majority of people are and how much of a mistake free will is. The person could be very educated and skilled in their profession or expertise but then a gullible retard in all other aspects of life. It seems like well rounded individuals either don't exist anymore or were a myth to begin with, which I don't to believe because that leaves a chance that I've been gaslighted to believe that sanity and balance are impossible.

Fuck it all at this point.

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Yeah, super gay.

Free will isn't real tho. There's only cyclical causality. But that's assuming you're talking about free-will on an all not just psychological level.

yup. this plus porno.

fucking funny mate

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Other way around. The speedrunning community is virtually communist and has been turbo-inclusive long before AGDQ started.
That draws in those who never got any love and resort to degeneracy to try to get some.

trans people don't exist. they're lizardmen.

An NPC will never be aware they're part of a system. This is why existing code within a game will never spontaneously become self aware of itself and you. Even though the world games aim to project via hardware is to put it simply "fake" it actually exists somewhere in a parallel dimension first as a game interface which is basically the experience of playing the through the code that's replicated on your specific hardware from your specific input and second in the form of ideas, concepts, sounds and so forth.

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I was talking psychological level. It seems to me that the subject of what motivated entire philosophies is over the top commercialized.
I want to be a dumb kid again. This is not at all how I imagined the world would be and at some point I must have misstepped somewhere because I cannot tune back into the 'game' or whatever society is while still maintaining my sanity.

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Been gaming since 1993 (Doom, Skifree, Chip’s Adventure, Prince of Persia) when I was 3 years old.

Never once played as a female character in my life. Only fags did that.

And nuh uh, getting to stare at your characters ass does not justify the subliminally subversive idea that the female can do all the things I am making my character do and ultimately becomes a hero. No.

>any form of gaming being less degenerate than any other
Lol what a fucking homo. First step, OP, get a hobby that might actually impress someone. Shit even playing guitar is notably less degenerate than video games.

It's called growing up. We're all going through it one way or the other. Reality wins in the end that's why we want a return to nothingness or in a less extreme case, juvenile outlook and justification for our lives. It's also why escapism is a thing, be it via drugs or mysticism or whatever. In the end you can't reach perfection only chase after it.

>Never once played as a female character in my life. Only fags did that.

exactly. your character is supposed to be your avatar, an ideal representation of yourself within the game's universe.

>liking girls is gay

Really made me think user

Sweden YES

>In the end you can't reach perfection only chase after it.
All this lying and acting and pretending while in the chase will lead me to insanity and I will lose whatever semblance of self I had in the first place. I can't even imagine still playing this shit while 50+ age, especially with the cards that you get dealt with today.
Will definitely off myself at 40 if I haven't achieved near perfection by then.

Well it depends on what "perfection" is to you. A jack of all trades is a master of none. A master of everything is a master of nothing. So... what do you want to be? Really?

Daily reminder that trannies are natural conclusion of civic nationalism.
If you reject biology mattering in your nationality, why should you let it decide your gender?

I don't want to be a fool, especially a fool of something like a person. Raising my head above the mud would at least give me a clearer view of truth.

imagine playing Metroid and not being able to resist cutting your dick off

Anons can't understand the subtle effects that cascade into mental illness.

Make no mistake, everyone is born a fool. The question is will a human become even more foolish or less foolish before their end? Much like the physical body if you don't train yourself you'll lose focus and be snatched by the currents, but if you over-train or go beyond your limitations you risk burning out.

If someone is so mentaly fragile that playing tomb raider will make him want to cut his dick off he SHOULD cut his dick off. Last thing we need is for him to breed.

Have you not seen the gaming market in your own country lately, retard?

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You shouldn't really worry about it. Try to conserve your energy for Thursday.

What about the suicide rates?

>tfw would rather look at a girl's butt than a guy's when I play 3rd person vidya

no compelling urge to chop off own dick


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I can play this game.

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>implying you have to be pure or any ideal of right wing to promote their cause

Nice D&C jew, just think like them and world is easier to shape the way it should be, even if you won't belong in it.

Nobody was picking the chick in Golden Axe because they liked her shitty thin sword or wanted to be a girl themselves. They picked her because she had a body straight from Baywatch except with even less clothes.

Theres no correlation between gaming and transgenderism stop shilling

I'm a woman, and usually pick a male character in RPGs. A man's voice is a lot more badass/intimidating than a female's.
I still think that a man playing as a female seems faggy and weak, though.

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>T. Retard

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>This is not at all how I imagined the world would be

Just woke.

that's because you're a retard

bobs r frigoff lucy

no it was anime

>What about the suicide rates?
That's a self correcting problem.

>can't keep his eyes off man ass if present and play the game

Are you dumb? Its Eugenics through (((education))) that brought this disease into the public. Just like Weimar Germany

Shame, Metroid Prime is a masterpiece.