>White Man BTFO

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How many out of these 30k likes do you think are married white women?

you can see the likes it’s all basedboys and cat ladies

This is the third fucking time this has been posted

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tfw when you mix politics into your fucking marriage oh man this county sucks holy shit

What is they help their husbands do this instead: youtube.com/watch?v=2502-lIw20Y

>30k cat ladies with purple hair

take my wife , Please !

Any woman who would leave her husband over politics is worthless. The men would all be dodging a bullet.

Oh look. It’s a feminist wanting to destroy families. Nothing new.

LOL Zoomers and Millenial SJW's are going to create the most depressed generation of old people in the next 20-30 years. Watching them die of ill health and suicide is going to be worth the wait.

>not one is married

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30k bots. OP btfo.

This woman definitely fucks black guys

Never trust the slavs

>if i had republican husband i would divorce him!

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Live long and prosper. Soak it all in as long as possible.

Someone please inform that stupid cunt that the majority of women voted for Trump.

>Hey you married people you need to wreck your marriage to be like us reeeeee

>White Man BTFO

Attached: Why are white boys so weak.webm (640x640, 1.23M)

30k virgin soiboys and bitter single wine aunts

its mostly bots you retard, leftists use almost exclusively bots with women avatar cause it fools idiots.

Mirko needs to give her the ol’ left highkick straight back into the kitchen

>marrying a leftist
They'd deserve it desu.

>30000 unmarried roasties and basedboys liked this
wow, they sure showed us

I'd pay to watch that and jerk off in the corner.

>current year
>getting (((married)))

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time to go outside, Pablo


All those likes are from single Democrat women that want to marry those Republican men. How else are they going to find a man to marry if they don't take one from the women that have them?

Artificial wombs will soon make it possible to have families without the need for women at all.

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daily reminder that Physiognomy Is Real.

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Not if they lose half their shit.
Never marry a liberal, don't live in a city.

None of those lonely wine catladeys are married anyway so who cares?

If you would divorce someone for something so trivial you're doing them a favor.

>implying that if you dick your wife down hard enough that your politics become her politics
My wife has slowly become red pilled over the years. She's not aware of (((them))) yet but she sees their actions.

>he didn't marry someone who was born richer and continues to make more money than him
Step up your game, son.

Tfw my wife spends tons of time on jewbook btfo of feminists and male apologists, guilty white people, nogs, and for some reason anti-circumcision loonies.

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>anti-circumcision loonies.
So people who don't want to cut off the tops of babies dicks are the loonies? kek.

>anti-circumcision loonies.
>evolution got it wrong, read my blog

I'm not speaking to any white male coworkers today. Not after the shit they pulled yesterday. Not until they apologize and pledge to NEVER question a sexual assault allegation again

Oh they are so lucky! Your such a tease!!!

I also plan on acting like a deranged moron for no reason. Maybe we should hang out and go pick up some dudes on the south side of Chicago.
Yaaassss gurl



Dude, dont ask me. Some of them are pretty kooky, but whatever. Her friend got in an argument with the leader dude that runs around with fake blood on his pants. Since then, she's added that group to the list of people she berates on jewbook. Whatev. She's a woman, thinks feminists suck, beta males are laughably pathetic, despises guilty whites, doesn't like nogs or jews, 100% faithful, makes me sandwiches everyday, sucks dick like a champ, and does anal. I'm not gonna complain.

Why the fuck are lefty democrat have the complete monopoly of retarded quotes on Twitter? They keep degrading Republicans as being dumb, but somehow, they seems to be the one taking the high road.

Guess this is what happens when you have a lot of free time without a real job.

all bots and foreigners.

whites weak yes, but to be fair she was throwing him off before he could establish his center of balance


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Just because they're holding all the microphones doesn't mean everyone is listening. Doesn't mean all the ones listening are agreeing with them, either.

Finland, pls.

Yeah but how many non republican women are dating republican men?
Usually the based is with the based and degenerates with the degenerates.
All I’m saying is I don’t think this would even slightly affect the divorce statistics. At all.

Oh yeah
>Guess this is what happens when you have a lot of free time without a real job.
That, too

>divorce husbands
>husbands sue in court; awarded child custody, child support, and alimony
>pussy hat thots say reeeeeeeeee!
>resort to sucking off dindus and sand nigs for pop tarts and Tampico punch.

ok, just don't let her jewsnip your son

divorce us
have fun getting beat and collecting welfare

>tfw when you realise why women Republican voters are more likely to have husbands in the first place

Why did we ever let them vote??

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nigga you gotta let that shit go.

You do realize the West is dying because of it right?

god i wish that was me

>Less than .01% of the US population.

You forgot
>half of twitter is bots anyway

Lol its so funny how the comments in this thread prove her point

I feel like there should be some sort of Pure Romance business card in that starter pack


God bless her for destroying USA.

Lmao yeeeeh what the fuck are you even on about. It's so funny how comments like yours display the complete disconnect with the real world and total lack of understanding about why you keep losing

>Implying getting alcohol out of the house is going to stop aunt Nicole when one of her suitcases is just handles of cheap wine and liquor

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Hahahahahahah what the fuck? How did this happen? That is embarrassing.

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bitch mad no one wants her stank puss or what

aha, found her

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What a fuckin beast, dana better give this ho a contract

shes a literal {(|)} unironically

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>30k unmarried women, including non-white scum
who cares

I went to HS with her. If this thread is still up after i eat dinner, I will post her yearbook pic.

to be fair breh the first thing they DID do when they got the vote was ban alcohol.

30,000 likes from single 30+ year old roasties who will never be married and want more women to join their misery.

This shit is too easy these days.

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>300 purple haired homosexuals, 29,700 bots

To be fair, when women act aggressively towards men, men do not typically square up with them and instinctually let them hit and push them.

.. white men anyways.. niggers knock women the fuck out

that center of gravity

Why not Republican wives? (I already know)

The entire rest of human history and civilization tried to warn you dumb wite bois, but you just KNEW you were smarter...

This, there's no way you're pushing that blob to the floor, she's already almost on it.

They're losing their minds lmao

>marrying a liberal
Never ever

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Oh no all the uneaten roast beef

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They just loved the women in their lives and every poor degenerate leach was getting to vote anyway.

>niggers knock women the fuck out
As they should.
I believe in equal rights AND equal lefts.

Was that Chunky Kong?

>Feminists have husbands

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Precisely. Who is this fucking cunt with her little blue checkmark anyway?! Who are all these crazy people and why aren't they lined up against the wall waiting for their appointment with a loaded bazooka???

Just wondering.

the fox and the grapes

Why would you even date a feminist unless you have a death wish?

If they all actually did this it'd be the end of civility.

look at the black dudes laughing it up in the back lol