Two Doors Edition

PG - Purjury General - Renovations Edition

What we know:
-Permit for Reno was issued in 2008
-Permit expires in 180 days, or if construction stops for 180 days at any point after it begins
-4 year reno is possible but seems unlikely

We absoluetly have to verify how long the renovation lasted and when it ended.

Previous bread

Attached: bldg permit.png (621x597, 134K)

Other urls found in this thread:

nytimes.com/2018/09/18/us/politics/christine-blasey-ford-kavanaugh-senate-hearing.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

from last thread:
House in original state, 2007

Attached: Screen shot 2018-09-28 at 6.04.21 PM.png (1440x900, 1.4M)

Gonna post some of the previous findings

Attached: Capture.png (1378x732, 89K)

House in 2011, showing remodel work definitely finished, and two distinctly separate front doors.

Attached: Screen shot 2018-09-28 at 4.56.51 PM.png (1440x900, 1.71M)

Attached: Capture.png (806x578, 804K)

So basically she had muh 2 doors done before the alleged 2012 outburst to her husband naming Brett Kavanaugh as her assailant.

Attached: Ford1.jpg (1349x1952, 323K)

exactly, shes lying.

Attached: Ford2.jpg (1347x1556, 436K)

Bump for support

Attached: Sen. G.jpg (1016x1012, 100K)

>he thinks evidence will change anything

>Doesn't remember bikelock fiasco

Nice try

Attached: Ford6.png (667x747, 186K)

Lol... they were their own contractor, cheap ass. I’m actually surprised California would allow that option.

What was her claim about the doors exactly, do we have a transcript?

>mfw the FBI demands her medical records, routine in such a case involving memory issues
>mfw she either hands them over, undoubtedly showing years of anti psychotics and thus not a credible witness, or refuses and causes anyone still on the fence to call bullshit
>mfw it becomes clear that the Democrats never cared about her and just used her as a tool

Attached: 1513879798574.jpg (500x491, 32K)

So the door is there in 2011. I’m curious to see how far back in time we can pinpoint the completion of the reno with two seperate doors. I bet the reno was done by 2010.

youtube.com/watch?v=sHZtGV0svUA [Remove]

nytimes.com/2018/09/18/us/politics/christine-blasey-ford-kavanaugh-senate-hearing.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

Attached: Ford3.jpg (634x406, 138K)

Not asking in bad faith, but do you have a source as to that being the safeway in question? I see a water mark on the picture but can't make it out.

Attached: Ford4.jpg (2048x1536, 636K)

it’s unbelievable that a broad would be mad about some shit for four years then bring it up in an argument later. Also, it’s unbelievable that a woman would cry to get sympathy. Literally never happens. #believewammen

No way they don’t know already. They scan your license in my state when drugs are picked up at pharmacy

>got into argument with husband in 2012 about 2 doors
>revealed she was victim of sexual assault
>first names Kavanaugh
>had to go to couples therapy in 2012
>therapy notes from 2012 about sexual assault
>but muh door was built before 2011
>so argument did not happen when she said

Pulled it from the other thread, I'll try and find source

Attached: Ford5.jpg (2048x1536, 785K)

bump for extreme autismo


But not this. That picture was taken on snow with a flash. Any photographer can see that easily.

This is getting good. Do we have a chance of showing the senate that she commited purjury?

Oh, yea I remember that. You know what happened? They downgraded the crime to nothing and he got away with attempted murder with like a week of community service.

Well they got their FBI investigation. If we shill this to tucker/hannity/ingrahm and they pick it up / pass it on to republicans.


This is what I found user, it has to be, only safeway that would make sense with her story.

Are you changing photo sets in search.. google earth pro lets you pick year of photo set.

Also the county gis should have sequence of changes... local tax jews are thirsty for money.

This is the home of a woman with a Phd?

California is a shithole

Look at her address on google maps with 2008 photos and 2012 photos.

Attached: 1538165904196.png (587x721, 948K)

If you want to live in San Francisco/Bay Area, yes.

One of my first thoughts, some people like to stay frugal when they become doctors though

Do we know for certain shes a Doctor? can we find her participating in Alumni online?

Nevermind. You've already done that.

>House in 2011, showing remodel work definitely finished, and two distinctly separate front doors.

So what house is this?

we have exif data proving her address on durban. That is random house.

There are 2 doors because she uses the house and a income property with a second unit. do you want your renters walking through your living room to get to their studio.