Women cant be allowed in politics or political discourse

women cant be allowed in politics or political discourse.
I have come up with an idea.

everytime a roastie speaks (they are easily identifiable, if they say mysognist or sexist, or if they shill for feminism or womens "rights" they are a woman) we will give her this symbol
to signify we know its a female.

Attached: Screenshot_20180928-180517.png (720x1280, 185K)

I like this

hello brother.

needs more roast

and if she's fat

and if shes jewish [(((((|)))))]

Stop complicating an effective idea, leaves.

and if she has a penis

Bump!! Kek haha

Attached: 1538080577950.png (240x304, 15K)


If it's a tranny then 8=D

i like it, we already have shill for everyone that dissagrees with us. (((jew))) for everyone that dissagree and what was the other one? oh yeah liberal for everyone that disagree with us.
Good job OP, the more the better. there can never be enough groups to disregard without even trying to engage in any type of communication. fuck them all and fuck the police.

This is why I come here.

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Should be:
(Y) or (y)
as it looks like legs crossed and a V. draw it out. 6th grade math teacher taught me this.

So this (|) I know needs to stop listening to her {|} sister that has been indoctrinated by (((|))).

Truthfully what needs to happen is companies need to stop hiring women, all together.

( {|} )


>retard doesn't know about (((women)))
fek off

>t. {|}

(|) = cunt
{|} = roastie cunt
(((|))) = jewish cunt
{{{|}}} = BBC loving jewish cunt

If she's a carpet munching bulldyke

Its working! i'm male but you disagree with my (((sarcasm) and then you just say i am a an femanon! /discussion!
this shit is golden guys, top notch!

a roastie in tech
:(){ :|: & };:

enjoy your special privileges while you can, cunt


This crashed my iPhone

Attached: KeK.jpg (939x619, 372K)

(.) if she is underage.

({ }) - MILF

Attached: letsdothis.gif (493x200, 206K)

You guys will try to subvert everything won't you?

(:) if she has 2 assholes

>women cant be allowed in politics or political discourse.
Ban kikes first.

Attached: JEWS JEWS JEWS.jpg (3600x6044, 3.66M)


how else can they stay in their bubble?

( . )Y( . )

If she got dem tiddies

Lmao, this will fail when they notice that all the "roasties" are in fact just other men who disagree with them. LOL

Yo dawg

I cringed

(!) npc

stfu nigger this thread is gold

Incel thread yet again.

niglet :D

Precog proper usage.

oh no's anons are shitposting in our safe-area.

New meme? Let's do it.


Did you change IP or is there seriously more than one annoying Dutch faggot in a single thread?

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We just get pussy brah... Sorry...

>Mfw we ruin their emoticons

Attached: 12-ny-post-trump-best-sex-i-ever-had.nocrop.w710.h2147483647.jpg (674x844, 161K)

FFFFF {I} = white pussy

an user came up with this very idea months ago and the proposed symbol was


its just past midnight here user

F{{ }} - feminist cunt

(O) for female with unusually wide anus

fuck off dike niggers

Agreed this will be a good new meme

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Women sufferage was the greatest mistake ever made

Attached: 596DD03E-890B-4EAC-9996-C26551B1E59B.jpg (1384x855, 257K)

>give womyn the right to vote
>they vote to ban alcohol, a thousand year old substance, culturally ingrained (no pun intended)
>it leads to the rise of bootlegging and the mafia makes a killing (again, no pun intended)
>Roe V Wade
>unconstitutionally legalizes the sacrifice of unborn babies to Moloch

Another witch hunt is in order, my friends.

we're sorry mr. jewdick

your attitude will make a good meme example. thanks for the content

that graph is way to complicated for me brah

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youre welcome americano


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If she's a nip roastie >|

because? do you understand it?

(X) for when you /thread an womins


no that would be (—)
everybody knows chinks have sideways pussies

t. {(|)}

Nah it should be something like
8493tfgq#(|)#8q73tfeg4 cuase of the censorship and shit

The freer the women the lower the birthrate


Women’s rights mean the birth rate goes below replacement levels no matter the race or religion you fucking brainlet

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At this rate half the keyboard will be banned in the EU :D MAKE IT SO!!!

Tiananmen Square 1989

Why have multiple /kavemkneln/ threads been pruned but this one hasn't?

really, you're actually trying to explain it to me you fucking retard?

so let it be memed, so let it be done.

Attached: Roast identification.png (720x1280, 486K)

i don't understand user, replacement levels of what

replacement levels of cum in ur'e mom's pussy

holy shit that is edgy

feel free to improve by the way. i feel like the pictures dont fit right, im on a phone and cant edit well

Based and redpilled. There are two types of nation-wreckers: the Jew, and the vaginal Jew.

unlike your bait posts, which are so banal and infuriatingly inoffensive that I can't even enjoy them

that middle pic, here knee is fucking weird

well as long as i do i'm fine user.

The birth of a new meme. this is great

well i'm off to be now, it was fun guise. can;t wait to wake up tomorrow and find out what the great minds of Jow Forums have decided uppon. i'm sure the world will never be the same.

({|}) confirmed



Jow Forums accepting a meme request, thought I'd never see the day

trip of truth

we should use (:O) for s*yboys

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