Why not cooperate Jow Forums?

We have a common enemy called crony capitalists, the establishment, and the bourgeois.
Why not merge and fight against them as brother-in-arms instead of being hostile towards each other?

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Tell me one time communists didn't backstab their allied groups after winning a revolution

Yes, operation Barbarossa,
oh wait, that was Hitler backstabbing the USSR

A National Syndicalist economic system would pair pretty well with a fascist government and society.

Same reason Russians and Americans can't be friends. It's just our nature.

Because starving to death just isn't how I want to go out and because I'm not a low IQ peasant with pent up class anger.

Why would I want to unite with limp wristed faggots who love diversity and destroying tradition and culture?

Plus I don't want to starve

>Why would I want to unite with limp wristed faggots

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>needs commissar pointing a ppsh at him to make sure he doesn't retreat

>memeflags numping their own shitty bait thread

Holy fuck you are so pathetic.

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Yeah sorry bro but commies are the infection and Nazis are the antibody .

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Jow Forums basics

>Who we are against.
>What we do. What we want.

White supremacist, Nazi,Alt-right among others are just labels given to those who speaks for white people and to those whites who want to preserve their culture,heritage & identity. So situation is like -Die or be the "bad guy"


...kike meme flag bot thread /sage

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You don't seem to understand Strasserism/National Bolshevism huh
I am saying so we should unite, to preserve our nation's culture, race and tradition while sharing capital/means of production with the community/proletariat

Because even White commies, like christians, always stab you in the back. They serve their capitalist (((masters))) first and their ideals second.

Better a commie dog, than a capitalist pig.

I say let us kill the shekel grabbing kikes together before we deal with each other.

Just a passing bye, I wanted to say if you are either an ironic nazi or communist, you should literally kill yourself. You understand nothing about the real world you 350lb downy. Retarded tread

YOU are the bourgeois. You're just to privileged to know what a worthless piece of shit you are. Stalin would have worked you to death- and rightfully so.

Lenin referred to you as "useful idiots". People like you are always purged not long after the revolution. This time, it will be the Muslims who will do it. They are just biding their time until they can behead all you degenerates and get away with it.

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This. Now if you would both kill each other that'd be great.

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>ideology to bring down the bourgeois
>you are the bourgeois

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>limp wristed faggots

Homosexuality has, historically, been banned in most communist countries.

>destroying tradition and culture

That sort of communism (Leninism, Trotskyism, Frankfurt School, ect.) is more common in the West nowadays. Most modern communism follows the Stalinist model, which is nationalistic as Hell.

Look at the history of North Korea. The country started out communist, but now their government has abandoned Marxism entirely in favor of extreme patriotism … though the controlled economy is still present.

In practice, every drafted military is like this.

Your boy Hitler was a colossal hypocrite. He privatized the four major banks in Germany. He wasn't an opponent of the banking elite. He was a puppet of it. He also killed Strasser because Strasser was brave enough to call Hitler out on his bullshit.

Sounds good.. a party that brutally murders anyone with privilege... impoverish and starve those that aren't... and the elite will consist of the most gender fluid, virtue signal underrepresented... who also have to be at least 99 percent white.. I wish anons would almost try to think before they type their ideas.

I think we can say this about the PC Left in general, and Antifa in particular:

-Usually not working class. Either welfare class, pampered white college kids, or Jews.

-Useless, parasitic, hedonistic, virtue signalling, socially destructive

-Supports the real goals of the establishment (i.e. breeding the perfect slave race).

-Tech companies do their censorship for them, globalist billionaires like George Soros finance them, but they say they are anti-establishment... sure.

-The legal system bends over backwards for them. If you think this isn't true, try being a white male redneck.

-Maybe doesn't own the means of production, but certainly controls the means of production, through various legal fuckery.

-Doesn't give a shit about the working class. The left is all about supporting the parasite classes, both at the top and the bottom. They have thrown the working class under the bus because they would rather ally with globalists to fuck over white people.

When is the last time the left regularly protested globalization? When is the last time they protested some Muslim country stoning a woman to death because she was raped? When is the last time they really stood up for the American worker? It was decades ago. Occupy Wall Street might have been the dying gasp of the Old Left. After that, it was all about gibs and trannies and gangbangers and muslims. After the revolution, we will deport all you commie motherfuckers to Somalia.

>why not cooperate
I would. The left is a lot more averse to this than the right is.

>why not merge

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>heh the problem is those darn nazis and commies, not the 100 million+ nonwhites that we have.


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>White supremacist, Nazi,Alt-right among others are just labels given to those who speaks for white people

Actually, "alt-right" was invented by white separatists as a code word.

Also, what makes you think that you speak for white people? Most whites don't even agree with you.

Hell … most people in general don't want what you want.

The amount of corruption leftist governments is something even the most crony capitalism couldn't match. Just look at china south america or soviet Russia for examples.
You fucks can't be trusted with being honest, all you would manege is corrupt the honest with your filth.

You seem to be forgetting about all the anti-Semitism that occurred in Russia under Stalin.

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>hey fren, why dont you join with the right hand here to fight off that evil left arm.
see the problem here. We already saw how Hitler said the capitalist and communist ideologies were 2 sides of the same coin and these "sworn enemies" allied together to capitalize on the wartorn European Nations.
But stay a while, maybe you will see why people here were all hardcore something else, but everyone got questions that didnt get answered by the former ideology.

True. Ill work with the commies they are really good at killing Jews, gays, minorities. We are perfect allies!

>I watch TV and get my zucker-verified news on facebook; the post
are you lost here faggot? click the x next to the tab and go back to plebbit and stay there.

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>Sounds good.. a party that brutally murders anyone with privilege

like Jews?

>and the elite will consist of the most gender fluid, virtue signal underrepresented

When have Stalinist dictators ever been like this?

You don't seem to realize just how much communist thought has changed over the years. You can't just learn all of communist history from a modern "Marxist" university club.

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that the modern PC left is identical to historical communism.

>When is the last time the left regularly protested globalization?

Every communist country currently in existence is opposed to globalisation.

>When is the last time they protested some Muslim country stoning a woman to death because she was raped?

Communist organisations in the Middle East do this all the time.

Your tears are delicious dude.

Also, why are you using a drug addict like Mel Gibson as a source?

The Night of Long Knives,
oh wait, that was Hitler backstabbing the workers' branch of his own party.

Because your gay

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Or else a bunch of unwilling enlistees smoking weed and fellating each other to try to get out of Vietnam until they get killed.

No, kill yourself.

You don't believe in races, even though the motherfucking leading geneticist at Harvard who's a liberal agrees the anthropological orthodox old consensus has been cracked by modern genetics

You don't believe in the Jewish question, even though they're overrepresented everywhere by ratios of 2000-4000%

You're casting your net a little wide. 'Liberal' college-culture SJWs, Antifa, and statist socialists have little in common. The fact that the USA has two enormous big-tent parties is confusing but characterizing all those groups as the same is like saying that the Tea Party, The IDW failsons, and the Evangelicals are all the same group.

The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy

because you're both socialists.

nazi = national socialist
ussr = union of soviet socialist republics

fuck you both


>hurr both same because name hurr!
How about you look past the title of NatSoc you jackass and see the content? NatSoc brought Germany out of an economic slump induced by the international jew putting unfair sanctions on them and then became so economically powerful on their own, that they deliberately baited Hitler into war using his compassion against him, by attacking and abusing Germanic people in a neighboring country.

Yes, I know there is a difference. I was explaining to OP why he is a faggot.

The current Western bunch is much closer to Trotsky than to Stalin. Stalin is the lesser evil. Today's commies should all be gassed, or fed to their pet niggers. I'm not going to embrace Stalin to do it though. I think history shows not to trust a Commie of either type. Whatever they say or do, it is only for power, and once they have power, they betray the little guy.

I would have no problem with cooperating with USSR style communists, even if I don't totally agree with them.

But try finding "communists" who aren't total fags these days

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because you work for them

I am willing to accept a socialist state if you remove all the non-whites and jews

But some Ashkenazim jews, such as Einstein and Freud, are white tho

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Got to remove all the jews. That's the deal.

are you claiming freud as someone the khazarian ashkenazi jews should be proud of? proud of the founder of a pernicious pseudoscience, that takes rrghhhchhutxpah!

See the person I'm responding to. We can work together if you drop your anarchism and adopt nationalism.

COZ all memeflags are gay as fuck. but yes, the far leftist white bernie bros should most definitely unite with the far rightist white neons.
no more brother wars over juden politics.
Just let the white man's political spectrum be a circle, not a line, and merge at the polar opposite of the neolibneocon center.

>backstabbing the ussr

You can’t backstab vermin that will backstab you every chance they get because they believe in a global ideology that will destroy the world

just call them jews

The establishment is on your side but you’re just too dumb to know it. At best you’re a mild annoyance to them. Your ideology is retarded and only destroys nations

go away kike

Take this deal, and throw in a welfare-dependent eugenics program, and I can at least say that I won't chimp out under socialism. Not saying I will work hard. Just saying I won't chimp out.

Any would-be socialist needs to understand that a welfare state becomes a selective breeding program for useless idiots, which then ensures that the nation is unable to resist globalists and Jews. Of course, this was the entire point from the beginning.

That's actually pretty good, jews are indeed all of the above except retards. and mexicans indeed not niggers, but often retards. kekistani are all of the above but nigger lol. fagots are fagots. this must have been made by a severe jap on the jap spectrum.

hahahaha thats fucking gay you stupid nigger. lazy communist bums didnt do shit but sit around like lazy niggers brainwashed by a kike ideology. you arent based you arent strong you are pathetic subhumans

this guy gets it. subhuman communist filth need to be eradicated

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Thanks. Actually, it was made by me. And I am merely a sperg, without the full autistic superpowers.

Most normal people already see you lunatics as the same shit anyway

We're already socialists. Anyhow do some research and you'll find that most of the capitalists are Jews and constitute a great Zionist agenda. Join the anti-thesis brother.

The all identity politics started right after Occupy Wall Street and the 99%

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Never. National Socialism and Bolshevism is like water and oil. I dont ever want to get persecuted for owning things like food.

How deranged do you have to be to voluntarily want to support bolshevik ideology.

Oh yeah, and you will also have to roll back feminism (because women are natural-born nation wreckers), and you will have to allow me to run a small business / farm without micromanaging me to death or robbing me blind. At least allow me to undercut the big guys instead of letting them regulatory-capture you.

I am pretty sure all these conditions are too much to ask of a commie, and even if you agreed to them, I wouldn't trust you to keep your end of the bargain. Looks like you will get a chimpout sooner or later.

Last 2 posts meant for OP

>including cryptojews alongside fascism
Neoreactionary fascism is the only third position.

>Everyone in an upper position is a crony

Here we go.

There was a march where anarchistcommunists and National Socialists marched together against capitalism. I forgot what city or when it was I think it might have been in the 90's or something maybe early 00's, forgot the city, but it was an interesting and rare but understandable event.

Noice. I like it either way dezu

>all the statists here admitting they have zero principles and just want to get fucked in the ass by the (((government)))

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We need a centrally planned economy built around eugenics. No equality and no niggers, though.

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then why would you want to work with backstabbers?

>Operation Thunderstorm
>meticulously plan to invade eastern europe
>shit pants when Germans decide to go on the offensive 2 weeks early

Gun rights?

Jow Forums already had an ally and doesn't need to team up with communist trash, darling.

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nazbol is a meme but fuck it, i like memes

thats because normal people have been mislead by the left
strange how once people started getting upset about class all this identity politics stuff was pushed, isnt it