Any american can buy one of these in under 5 minutes at a gunstore.
Give me one reason why we should tolerate this, letting white men buy the tools used to oppress us
Any american can buy one of these in under 5 minutes at a gunstore.
Give me one reason why we should tolerate this, letting white men buy the tools used to oppress us
not true
Oh shut up, 5 minuets my ass... it takes the tards in big box store 20 min to type it in the system, then you wait.
If only that were remotely true... would be so happy!
it takes like 20 minutes actually for all the paperwork/background check, for them to bring a nib gun from the back, and to check out
also people in cuck states can't buy a gun like that
>Give me one reason
Don't need to
Didnt the white people use these tools to defeat the oppressive government that allowed slave-ownership?
Because commie fucks like you want me gulag'd.
Strangely it i really satisfying to read gun control arguments online written by libtards who have never set foot in a gun store.
You’re one of those special folk, aren’t you?
God I love AKs
If you dont like it go find 20 good men and go invade them
More like 20 minutes.
5 mins?
>hold my beer
>white men
there's the big bad boogie man
dont forget 30+ states have legal private party sales. no background check, no registration, completely off the ATF radar.
I'll give you 2 good reasons:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed
20 mins minimum
Are you Fucking tarded, or just a shill?
>the tools used to oppress us
ignant cracka
because if you don't tolerate it you'll get shot LOL
The shortest time I spent purchasing a firearm was 40 min
Not true in the slightest
suck my dick no guns commie.
>based aussie
Please share details of your oppression and how you were able to free yourself long enough to make this post.
>white men
Yea no one else can buy them except white men you fucking retard kys.
Meanwhile you can make a few fertilizer/diesel bombs in 55 gallon barrels, drive to a densely populated area, and probably kill thousands if you figured out a good way to space them out. Also you could do this in any country regardless of their laws.
But yeah go ahead and worry about some crazy people shooting a couple dozen people in a gun free zone, as that should be the least of your worries
I got mine for my 16th birthday.
actually it takes the retarded online background check atleast 20 minutes
Fuck you and your slide thread you lying memeflag faggot.
Fuck off slide cunt.
because every citizen had the God given right to possess a firearm, unless said individual has their right denied by a court of law
Not only are you misinformed but you’re also a retarded faggot. Congratulations!
yeah, its more like 30 minutes. I bought one on wednesday.
> Any american can buy one of these in under 5 minutes at a gunstore.
I live in New Jersey. I couldn't buy that gun at all, and even if we include neutered versions it would take me much longer than 5 minutes.
> letting white men buy the tools used to oppress us
Niggers are the largest population of gun owners in my state
Show your flag Hebrew.
>tools to oppress us
You came equipped for that at birth, no tools needed. Anyone being oppressed deserves to be for not stopping it themselves.
If we couldn't, commies would come and steal our land and then put us in cages.
Please stop coming to Jow Forums, dad. You need to be more active.
What's this "we" shit, Toby?
>Any american can buy one of these in under 5 minutes at a gunstore.
takes less time to buy on gun broker!!
>all states
here's you (you) b8boi
No, we should not tolerate it. I don't believe we should settle for anything less than 4 minutes.
God Bless America
Hmmmm..... no commie revolutions over here. Not from lack of trying of course.
I wonder why that is?
You're just mad because you know we'd murder all of your commie asses the moment the next Civil War starts.
>shilling faggotry
you will die alone, by your own hands
>5 minutes
You for real dude?
commie afraid commie die by commie gun
The weak should fear the strong. The natural order has placed OP on the bottom.
Go be a nigger somewhere else
Because you too can buy one in under 5 minutes and you can use it to oppress whitey. Go on now, buy one and break into the nearest NRA member's house.
Usually the background check takes around ten minutes, for me. Oh yeah SAGE
Requires background check throug NCIS and form 4470 (iirc). As well as id and in some states "assault rifles" required 2 ids one that proves U.S. citizenship.
>1 post by this id
Why do you niggers always fall for the bait?
About a week of waiting for the pistol purchase permit then about a half hour of filling out paperwork at the store.
24-48 hours. Green card carrier here. Also have concealed carry permit.
>why we should tolerate this
Because you have no say in the matter or the balls to come and take them.
When seeing tasty pasta like this remember kids...
>It is perfectly LEGAL to build your own AR15 at home without serial numbers
>You can LEGALLY own a handgun at 18 just cant buy from a FFL
>Silencers are LEGAL and easy to get if you pay a $200 tax
>A gift is NOT a straw purchase
>AR15 pistols can be concealed carried unlike short barrel rifles
>You can own as many guns and as much ammunition as you can afford
Because choke on my dick, kike faggot.