Does this tweet piss you off, user?

Ridiculing a guy over his son's suicide. Ouch. Would be a shame if this guy was such a fuckhead that he doxxed himself with his own twitter profile. Following pics not related..

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Other urls found in this thread:

hey shill, stop trying to spark a civil war it's never gonna happen.

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yeah all thats going to happen is a bunch of extreme-leftist are going to be executed for child trafficking.

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who cares maybe he is a dickhead that caused his son's suicide maybe not
but a stranger on twitter having any affect over my day is pointless

We will get him on dotr dont worry


why not :(


Honestly, other than chucking out the occasional racist thing here & there, how come you never see right-wingers going to such lows with their insults? Like, have any twitter handles with names like, "1ProudStrongRepub" ever commented to a rape accuser or something and been like, "You were probably begging for it and therefore deserved it, you dumb, feeble-brained slutbag"

Right-wingers are all about using rationality whereas lefties only go with impulse and feelings. What a bunch of fags, lol.

Because (((you))) and all your fucking subversive friends are gonna be locked up.

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facebook dot com a.samirperez?lst=802545367%3A39300057%3A1538175128

No I don't get pissed off at these people anymore.

My anger was bright hot, but has cooled into a solid chunk of razor sharp steel.

The pendulum swings.

That's 1DirtyLib

I'm honestly not a kike, lol.

30 year old boomer with a good job and overall pretty bored.

There are ugly monsters in the world. Conservatives understand this, Democrats deny it, and claim Utopia could "fix em". Hence why only Lefties can control the culture of outrage.

>im not a kike
You are a kike. Also I wanna let you know that (((You)) are the true NPCs. Thousands of years and hundreds of expulsions you never learn. You guys use your stupid forced memes and buzzwords like boomer because you're a kike.


You're dreaming if you think that will happen. They'll kill Trump before there are mass arrests of people that deserve such.

I'm one fucking smart NPC if that's the case.

30 year old boomer
good job
9 second audi
3 million brokerage

Hahah. They've tried and failed. We're going to win and (((you))) are gonna watch your world collapse.

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You honestly think the country can turn itself back to where it was 10-20 years ago without violence?

Here's a random facebook profile if that's interesting

facebook dot com slash a.samirperez?lst=802545367%3A39300057%3A1538175128

Trust me, I'd like nothing more than us to actually win and not some the_donald style of win. To see actual justice served to these fuckers.

>I'd love it, but (Blackpill)

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>30 year old boomer

Boomer gen is gen w & x in reference to the population "boom" after the war.
30 is not boomer its early millennial (gen y & z)

...but I'll tell you what you def a kike shill

Okay, say these arrests take place. How does that undo what has been done to American society?

Again, I hope to God you're right, but I doubt it.

Because the TRUTH about EVERYTHING will follow these arrests. Also Israel is getting wiped off the fucking map before Christmas.

You people are paranoid. I am not a kike. Not a shill.

Again, explain how the damage that has been done gets reversed. Even if these people are arrested.

The freak in the OP tweet is some kind of Young Turks fanboy. Fucker must have a dozen pics trying to get noticed by Chunk Oyger and his clown friends.

Oye vey!

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More proof that TYT turns your brain and soul to fucking mush

leaf nigger

right, the guy saying israel will be gone by christmas is right...

I think you're the paranoid one...
..definately acting it.

I'll tell you what, how about we compromise to milleni-kike?

Why would it? I'm not him and I don't know him, if your relatives do stuff like that of course some asshole might try to use it as a weapon. If you get pissed off over people being assholes you're going to die early death from stress.

The tweet's been reported a million times and twitter won't take it down. Those fuckers eat this shit up.

I don't qualify as a millennial by all birth ranges for them tho.

So they arrest the niggers. That changes the feminist bullshit how? That changes the war against white people how? That changes the tranny loving how?

This shit has all been engrained in society already whether they're still in power or not.

How does that get changed? I don't get how you can not see those things as at least as big of a threat.

You're missing the point aren't you? These people hate you and want you dead. They love it when your children die and they're laughing at you for having humanity and decency and not being a degenerate piece of shit like them

who the fuck is samir?
whats the point of this thread?

He doxxed himself dipshit.

This is the wrong site for him to be ripped apart, reposting it to the right people for you brah, I do think get wi5h those deeply personal attacks.cant mention the site here or the thread will be deleted but I'm sure some here know where it's going.

>I'm honestly not a kike

>, lol.

Sorry I'm a phone posting faggot, I ment I don't get with those kind of attacks, anyways it's being posted where it needs to be now

If he was gonna say the most inflammatory, degenerate thing imaginable, he probably shouldn't have made it so easy to get to him a retard could do it.

ok, what do? i'm so fucking bored

How about a hint?

The devil on the another chan, they generally enjoy a good raid, dox, etc

I'd just post it but I'd rather your thread stay up too, the more the better

Yikes, and lefties think they're the empathetic ones.

C'mon goy....
just a little hint. Promise I won't grass you up

Maybe just let him know that motherfuckers who say shit like that shouldn't make themselves so easy to find. I'm sure he'll appreciate the helpful advice. Or I don't know maybe do something else.

Got it thanks

Fucking knob

why do you post a tweet without a link you useless faggot?

Suicide should be ridiculed.

>you're unbearable

consolidate the pertinent info and post to infinity, you may get some traction.

find out where he works and send it to his boss

The Right is full of mamby pamby pussies, momma’s bois, and Flakes. It is a sad myth that they have the will to use force at a moment’s notice. The average Rightwinger would rather submit to any humiliation than fight against a Democrat.


Do you guys understand that if a non-cucked government ever came into power, there would be no justification to not simply exile all of you under threat of death.
You're the shittiest, most subversive, fucking intractable batch of children to ever LARP as a political movement. You think the family is a tool of oppression but we're all going to become an equal commune of peasants after the dictatorship of the proletariat takes power, bY wHaTeVe.R mEaNs NeCeSsArY.
Suck a Jew's cock, get AIDS, and die.

My VPN got me banned there, so I couldn't post it, they've come through for me before, their pol board might take it up more too if you wanna post there but I cant. I'm a pussy and only post with a VPN

Why did his son kill himself, though?

Kek. We would never let them leave and destroy someplace else

Is it possible to swat someone from a number outside usa? Asking for a friend

>that 70 year old boomer that gets upset at 30 year old boomers

sorry, eric. forgot you're a boomer. thanks for stopping by

If anybody here can figure out the guy's employer from what we know, post em. Or else just troll the living shit out of his DMs

its pretty easy user
pipl search the twitter handle, game on

>There are ugly monsters in the world. Conservatives understand this, Democrats deny it, and claim Utopia could "fix em".
The monsters *are* the Democrats and all of their power-hungry, civilization-wrecking ilk. They are not simply misguided idealists; their sole motivation is power for its own sake--and specifically, power over others.
They are not like a man who seeks mastery over himself in order to create value--and trade value for value on honest terms with his fellow men. They lack this ability, and it is actually such men of integrity that they seek to either enslave or destroy.
There is no reasoning with them; if you hold them to standards of logic and evidence, they will evade, shout you down, smear, and otherwise shyster away from such standards. Their standard is not objectivity, but emotional whim, and they will use all manners of power and influence and manipulation at their disposal to force others to abide by their whims.
When you understand this about Leftists, you understand that there can be no compromise or peaceful resolution with them. They will not back down--they do not know any other way to exist than to constantly weasel their way into any chink they can find in a social structure and erode it from within.
And when a group's entire motivation is to violate your rights and refuse to listen to reason, there is only one rational way to deal with them.

You wipe them out to the last fucking man.

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Speak for yourself cuck faggot. I want leftist blood to flow through the streets you nigger lover.

It's a Russian shill account dumbass

A Russian shill account with 10 years of posts jacking off to the Young Turks?? Neck yourself

>This is what Q-fags actually believe

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>They are not simply misguided idealists; their sole motivation is power for its own sake--and specifically, power over others.
this is what people need to realize and I think they are slowly starting to see it. nothing the left says is ever their true motivation, they just want YOU destroyed

>When you understand this about Leftists, you understand that there can be no compromise or peaceful resolution with them.
Compromise has only ever pushed the nation further and further to the left, they never stop
>Speak for yourself cuck faggot. I want leftist blood to flow through the streets you nigger lover.

ha ha


>if you hold them to standards of logic and evidence, they will evade, shout you down, smear, and otherwise shyster away from such standards
this is why it is stupid to debate leftists. the only valid reason to even try this is to illustrate to fence-sitting non leftists how truly vicious the leftist mindset really is. I mean it is truly and despicably evil.

He's a Crisis Clinician Supervisor at UPMC. It's on linkedin.

You say this as if you and all of Jow Forums included, wouldn't also jump on the possibility of taunting someone for their dead kid

you have to go back.

Rhymes with "A Comet"

Well done user

The motherfucker works in a mental health clinic. You can't make this shit up

Here's the employer, lads

Remember, "shocked" "offended""outraged" blah blah fucking blah


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yup yup yup
this fucker has no idea how bad he is at interwebz

Projection. If your faggot ass, coward self would confront the "keep the people ignorant" in your family Q wouldn't exist. Q exist because you are a bitch. Thank god too.

Just messaged UPMC. Blow em up lads

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Cold anger user, cold anger

I got this faggot antifa the other day. Someone fuck him up.

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not as easy, but i'm in

archive of last mention
-also fuck captcha

>Samir Perez
Latino or Arab?

erm... i mean we spent a whole heck of a while raggin on patton oswalt for similar shit. so uhh. cant complain.

Shit's never going to get any better until you stop worrying about what might be "hypocritical" and just start making these motherfuckers feel it.

>making this post
>on Jow Forums

wew lad

Thanks I'm too retarded to think of good hints

>petty politic thread number 6398

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