Believes having two front doors is best defense against rape

>believes having two front doors is best defense against rape
>talks like a valley girl
>starts ranting about her hippocampus

gee wonder why it didn't work

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Don't forget about beach friends

bitch is entitled af


>gee wonder why it didn't work
But it did work. Investigations into "NEW" accusations will keep happening forever if need be, until Kavanaugh is out of the running.

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I was replaying her saying this again as I read this. I don't even know what to say about it, its so fucked up.

And yet the spineless GOP and the Right in general allow the obvious shill Dems, media, and leftist activist to run the show.

Someone who is arguing to install two goddamn front doors on her house because of claims that not even her close friend who was there can backup. This goddamn shit is so fucking obviously stupid but the goddamn Left have in unison made it politically incorrect, sexist, misogynistic, and 'you must be a woman hater' to call her out.

What's the implication? Didnt catch that part of her spiel, u got a link ?

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She needs two front doors because Brett Kavanaugh owns the back door

>media calls brett kavanaugh a "gang rapist"

>the real gang rapists are "" (not one consensual feeling scene)

what a poor woman, she has to suffer so greatly, having to live with two doors in her house
truly this is a tragedy, however will she survive?

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it did work though. Kav will be called a rapists forever by the left and if he is put on the court they will try to remove him. There is no way to clear his name since there is no way to prove this did not happen 35 years ago. Its a pretty perfect character assassination.

Her "Beach Friends" were giving her all kinds of advice how to get in touch with the NY Times & Senators. During her testimony, she said "Beach Friends" like 13 year old valley girl telling her parents where she got a joint. I heard the clip on Fash the Nation's last episode its at 21:14 minutes.

she sounded dumb as fuck when she started just shitting words out of her mouth of which she had no idea what she was talking about

>Is afraid to fly

>Flies fucking everywhere

Any woman that age who still speaks with uptalk and vocal fry gets the gas.

The back door is for niggers only? I'm not even that racist.

I really want to know if she was taking any beta blockers (common anxiety meds) during her polygraph. That would certainly mess with the results.

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Creepiest thing about this sociopath was the vocal fry with little girl voice. Fucking hell, man.

she said the door was for google interns

She's the ugliest hag ive ever seen jesus christ

God bless Jazzhands.

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Basically flake said yes but that he wants an fbi investigation before he votes in the senate but the floor hearing is going ahead. Idk what the numbers are like but it’s looking good that he will be confirmed

all the beach friends are prob her different personalities because she crazy

it's already scheduled
now they simply follow protocol and review the background check to make sure nothing was done wrong the first time, and that's it, then they vote him in

Implication being that she said that she only told her therapist and her husband, but now the story got out not due to the dems leaking it for political gain but by her telling some "friends on the beach".